Find out what causes each of the 16 personality types to feel lonely. #MBTI #INFJ #INFP
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The Loneliness of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

ENFP Loneliness “If one’s different, one’s bound to be lonely.” – Alduous Huxley Conformity and societal pressures make ENFPs feel lonely and isolated. Curiosity and imagination are dear to the hearts of these types and they rarely fit a cookie-cutter mold of what’s traditional or “normal.” When ENFPs are pressured to alter themselves for the…

Get an in-depth look at the unique relationship between the dominant and inferior function of the ESFP, ESTP, INFJ, and INTJ personality types. #MBTI #Personality
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Dominant-Inferior Dynamics in ESP and INJ Personality Types

Today we’re going to explore the unique interrelationship between the dominant and inferior function in the ESXP and INXJ personality types! ESTPs and ESFPs have dominant Extraverted Sensation with inferior Introverted Intuition, while INFJs and INTJs have dominant Introverted Intuition with inferior Extraverted Sensation. What is the nature of this relationship? How do the two…

Discover the Myers-Briggs types of the most popular Promised Neverland characters. #MBTI #Personality #PromisedNeverland
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The Myers-Briggs® Types of The Promised Neverland Characters

The Promised Neverland is one of my all-time favorite animes. Filled with complex characters and gorgeous visuals, it seamlessly blends drama, action, and mystery into an edge-of-your-seat series that you want to finish in one sitting! As I watched the show, I enjoyed seeing the personality dynamics of the many different characters. For those who…

Discover the unique style attitudes of the INTJ personality type. #INTJ #Personality
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How an INTJ Uses Intellect to Engineer Their Style

The INTJ approach to style is an intellectual one – autonomous and analytical – always seeking functional improvements and creative solutions and always asking “why?” INTJs are strongly independent, wanting to do things their own way in their own time. INTJs who have discovered the impact and power of image will embrace style as an…

Find out which TV shows are the favorites of each Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality
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Here’s the Show to Binge Watch, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Type

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Netflix or Amazon Prime with no idea which show to select? Narrowing down your options can feel overwhelming when there are so many choices to choose from. You have limited time and you don’t want to waste it on something dull or uninspiring! With that in mind, I…