What Your Child Needs, Based on Their Myers-Briggs® Type
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What Your Child Needs, Based on Their Myers-Briggs® Type

Do you ever wonder how your child’s Myers-Briggs personality type impacts them? Parenting is a tough job. I think we can all admit that. It’s also incredibly rewarding. Children are so varied and unique, that just when you think you’ve got one of them figured out they throw you for a loop! I have four…

Are You a Ne User or a Se User? The Difference Between Extraverted Sensing and Extraverted Intuition
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Are You a Ne User or a Se User? The Difference Between Extraverted Sensing and Extraverted Intuition

With the advent of free online “personality” tests, there are thousands of people who are being mistyped or who are confused by their type results. Numerous ESFPs are mistyped as ENFPs and many ESTPs are mistyped as ENTPs. A lot of the free online tests have an intuitive bias which makes it much more unlikely…

ISFP Stress post
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New Infographic! What Really Happens When An ISFP Is Stressed!

Do you ever “flip a switch” when you’re stressed and start acting completely unlike your normal self? This confusing situation can happen to many of us when we’re experiencing chronic or extreme stress. This infographic gives you a visual representation of how your cognitive functions; Introverted Feeling, Extraverted Sensing, Introverted Intuition, and Extraverted Thinking, all…