Get a closer look at the way the #ISFJ, #ISTJ, #ESFJ and #ESTJ personality types think. #MBTI #Personality
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Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ or ESTJ

Sensing-judging personality types have a unique and very personal way of looking at the world. They see the world around them as if filtered through layers of past experiences and impressions. They are in touch with the natural world, in touch with their inner bodies, and are skilled at storing sensory references and facts. Each…

Take a look at each Myers-Briggs #personality type in their most average state. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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The Average Versions of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

When you’re trying to learn about your personality type you might find yourself confused if all the descriptions you read are of extremely healthy or inspiring versions of the type. Let’s face it. We’re not all operating at an ideal version of our type at all times. As an INFJ I’m not always filled to…

Is there any scientific proof for the #MBTI? Find out! #Personality #Typology
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Is the MBTI® Scientific?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is an assessment that aims to sort people into one of 16 different personality types. The indicator is derived from the work of Swiss psychoanalyst C.G. Jung, who first wrote about psychological type in his groundbreaking 1921 work, Psychological Types. The MBTI® assessment is used by 80 percent of the Fortune…

Find out the real differences between #socionics and #MBTI typology systems. #INFJ #INTJ #ENTJ
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The Five Differences Between Socionics and Myers-Briggs

This article is a guest post written by Johannes Karlsson, founder of Have you ever heard the name “socionics” pop up in a conversation about MBTI, as a comparison or complement? Have you heard about quadras, the demonstrative function, or the aristocratic types, but don’t have a clue what these things mean? Fear not…

Find out what freedom means to each #personality type. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFP
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This is What Freedom Means to You, Based on Your Personality Type

In the typology community, there is a lot of talk about freedom and its meaning, particularly in relation to the perceiving personality types. These types are known for liking things open-ended, spontaneous, and exploratory. But each type craves freedom – everyone has a part of their life that they want complete agency over. But what…