What are the biggest childhood insecurities of each #MBTI type? #personality #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTJ #ENFJ #ESFJ #ISFJ #ISFP #ISTJ #ISTP #INTP #ENTP
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The Childhood Insecurities of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Childhood is a beautiful, magical, and overwhelming time for many of us. Everything is new and untarnished by past associations or biases. Anything seems possible. But sometimes, childhood can be a scary time. Sometimes we feel devastatingly misunderstood or forced into a mold that is too confining, too tight, or too stifling. This is especially…

Recognizing the #MBTI types in childhood #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFJ #ENFP #ISTJ #ISFJ
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Recognizing the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types in Childhood

When it comes to type theory, a lot of the descriptions for adult types won’t work as well for children. Children are just starting to develop and as a result, they won’t have steady access to all of their cognitive functions. In early life the dominant function is the most powerful and present in their…

#MBTI and fatherhood. What each personality type is like as a dad
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Myers-Briggs® and Fatherhood – What Each Personality Type is Like as a Dad

A while back I wrote a post called What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Like as a Mom. After writing it I had a lot of requests for an article for dads. I had already had the idea simmering around in my head for a while, but I wondered…is there really much difference between moms…

What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Like as a Mom
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What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Like as a Mom

Have you ever wondered how your personality type impacts your parenting style? A lot of mommy blogs and mom magazines assume a “one size fits all” approach to parenting that may alienate mothers who don’t fit the stereotypical definitions. Introverted moms, for example, may not be thrilled to spend afternoons at playgroups and intuitive moms…