Get the inspiration and motivation you need for the coming year, based on your #personality type. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Inspiration for 2020, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

ENFPs You’re someone of imagination and passion. This year, bring your ideas into reality by taking consistent action and getting help from people with different strengths. Explore your ideas, venture into the unknown, discuss theories and possibilities. But don’t do this at the expense of your health and forward action. Take time to tune into…

Explore how compatible INTJs are with every single type in the Myers-Briggs® system. #MBTI #INTJ #Personality
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INTJ Compatibility with Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

How compatible are INTJs with the 16 different personality types in the Myers-Briggs system? Today we’re going to look at the strengths and potential weaknesses in each relationship pairing, and I hope that this will give you some insight into your own relationship! Remember, you can find out a lot more in our eBook, Discovering…

Get an in-depth look at how #ISFJs flirt! #ISFJ #MBTI #Personality
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The Flirting Style of the ISFJ Personality Type

Today I’m going to talk about how ISFJs flirt. Am I really going there? Yes, dears. Most of us probably think flirting entails coy touches, smooth words, and general confidence when approaching one’s love interest. I’d agree, as it can. It can also look like a whole lot of other things, which plays out in…

Explore one of the biggest differences between the NP and SJ personality types. #INFP #ISFJ #MBTI #Personality
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The Glaring Difference Between SJ and NP Personality Types

As an ISFJ, “unsettled” is my least favorite word. “Change” also gets me going. But my NP friends love these terms. Where I see a danger in the major life shifts that are, seemingly, forced upon me from the heavens, they see potential in what could come from not being tied down. They can even…