A look at life as a #sensing personality type! #sensor #personalitytype #myersbriggs #MBTI #ESTP #ISTP #ESFP #ISFP #ESTJ #ISTJ #ESFJ
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What Life is Like as a Sensor, Written by a Sensor

Guest Post by Daniel Storm A sensor is a sensor is a sensor, right?  Well, not exactly.  They may have some strong similarities, but there are some important differences as well. A lot of descriptions of sensors seem kind of one-dimensional because most people writing about type are intuitives. As an ESTP, I thought I’d…

7 Reasons Why You Need an #INTJ Friend in Your Life! #MBTI #myersbriggs #personality #INTJs
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7 Reasons Why You Need an INTJ Friend in Your Life

Each personality type has unique strengths and gifts to bring to a friendship. While many articles talk about the dating relationships between types, very few discuss more platonic relationships. What can you expect in a friendship with an INTJ? Let’s find out! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here….

Here's who gets on your nerves, based on your #personality type! #MBTI #myersbriggs #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFP #ISTJ #ISFJ
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Here’s Who Drives You Crazy, Based On Your Personality Type

Did you know that everyone has a “type” that drives them absolutely crazy (and NOT in a good way)? We tend to have conflicts or disagreements with some types more than others, but usually we can find good things to appreciate too. What if that same type that drives you crazy is also unhealthy or…

5 Signs That You Might NOT Be an #INFJ #personality type - and what you might be instead! #myersbriggs #MBTI #INFJs #personalitytype
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5 Signs You Might Not Be an INFJ – And What You Might Be Instead!

Guest Post by Marissa Baker at LikeAnAnchor.com INFJs are only supposed to be 1-3% of the population, but sometimes it seems like half the people who take online tests end up as INFJs. One reason for all the mistypes has to do with a problem in online tests. Copycat Myers-Briggs tests are notoriously inaccurate because…

Discover the scientific evidence that explains how YOUR #personality type operates! #MBTI #myersbriggs #INFJ #INTJ #INTP #INFP #ENFP #ENFJ #ISTJ #ISFJ
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Here’s the Science Behind Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

I’ve been asked over and over again if there is any scientific evidence for the MBTI® or psychological type. I usually direct people towards the work of neuroscience expert Dario Nardi or the numerous scientific studies done on extroversion and introversion. But today I thought I’d put together a quick-and-easy read to show you some…