Are you an #extrovert, #introvert, or #ambivert? #MBTI
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Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert – Why So Many Extroverts Identify as Introverts

A lot of us have seen the online comics, right? The ones with the introvert wrapped up in a blanket, cat on her lap, binge-watching Netflix? The comics where the introvert eschews the big, loud holiday party for a quiet night at home with a favorite book and a cup of coffee? There is a…

When #INFJs and #ESTPs fall in love! #INFJ #ESTP relationships
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When INFJs and ESTPs Fall in Love – The Joys and Struggles

Opposites attract, right? That’s a statement many of us can agree on. While a kindred spirit can be a wonderful thing, there’s something exciting and fascinating about someone who’s personality contrasts our own in intriguing ways. At first glance, ESTPs and INFJs would seem like a terrible match. After all, they have completely different letters,…

#ENFJ gift ideas! #MBTI
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The Top 7 Gift Ideas for ENFJs

ENFJs are known in the MBTI® community for being generous, empathetic, and goal-oriented. These individuals tend to enjoy the holidays and giving gifts and spending quality time with their friends and family. Organizing intimate gatherings and special celebrations is something they’re good at and they usually get so much joy out of giving that they…