Find out whether INFJ or ENFJ fits you best when it comes to your personality type.
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INFJ vs. ENFJ – What’s the Difference?

INFJ vs ENFJ: Which one do you relate to the most? Maybe you’ve taken several personality tests online and you’ve received both ENFJ and INFJ results, or maybe you’re just curious about how to tell the difference between the two types. If you’re just looking at the names of these two types, you might think…

A look at why INTPs absolutely detest narrow-mindedness, and how they challenge pre-conceived notions.
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The INTP Struggle Against Narrow-Mindedness

Have you ever found yourself sitting in a conversation, listening as people nod in agreement to a statement that doesn’t quite add up? Maybe it’s a sweeping generalization, a contradiction, or just plain nonsense masquerading as truth. You resist the urge to let it slide. The gears in your mind whir. Questions form. Is it…

An in-dept look at the unhealthy ESFP personality type.
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The Unhealthy ESFP Personality Type

Are you worried that you—or someone you know—might be going through an unhealthy phase as an ESFP? First, take a deep breath. It’s important to remember that nobody operates at their best 100% of the time. The fact that you’re reading this shows that you care about personal growth, which is the first step toward…

Get an in-depth look at the unhealthy ESTJ personality type
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The Unhealthy ESTJ

Ever wonder what an unhealthy ESTJ looks like? Today we’re going to dive deep into the characteristics and weaknesses of an ESTJ who is immature, imbalanced, or stressed. As always, keep in mind I have nothing against ESTJs. All types can be either wonderful or awful depending on how they use what they’ve got. There…