Get an in-depth look at the shadow functions of the #ESTP personality type. #Personality #MBTI
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The Shadow Functions of the ESTP Personality Type

Today we’re going to take an in-depth look at the ESTP shadow functions. Knowing about this 8-function model of type can help you get a much deeper look at who you are. Most online articles about ESTPs will only touch the surface of how ESTPs process information. Most books will only cover how ESTPs use…

Discover the secret pet peeves of every Myers-Briggs #personality type. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Here’s What You Secretly Hate, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire! The ENFP – Nit-Picking You’ve been there a hundred times…you’re gushing about your latest idea, adventure, or possibility and someone grounds your enthusiasm to a halt with pedantic fault finding. “But that’s not possible,” “You need to face reality,” “I think you meant…

Explore the different ways of thinking of each Myers-Briggs personality type! #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Here’s How You Think, Based on Your Personality Type

Have you ever wondered how your personality type impacts your ability to make decisions and process information? When it comes to your reasoning powers, your personality type has a big influence! As you’re going throughout your day you will rely primarily on two or three different patterns of thinking. There might be moments where another…

Discover the unique talents and strengths of the #ENFJ personality type. #Personality #MBTI #Myersbriggs
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7 Ways That ENFJs Make an Impact

Often called “Givers” or “Inspirers,” ENFJs are regularly praised for their people skills, enthusiasm, and empathy. These types seem to innately know what people need to hear and how to navigate sometimes perplexing social situations. But what lesser-known talents do these personality types possess? Today we’re going to take a look at a broad spectrum…

Get an in-depth look at why INFJs tend to struggle with keeping track of details. #INFJ #MBTI #Myersbriggs #Personality
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Why INFJs Struggle with Details

Every personality type has its own unique set of gifts and challenges. The INFJ personality type is insightful, empathetic and future-oriented. These gifts allow them to contribute positively to the world in many ways. But this personality type also experiences many challenges as a result of the lesser developed parts of their personality. One of…