An in-depth look at the complete 8-functions of the #ISFJ #personality type. #MBTI
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The Shadow Functions of the ISFJ Personality Type

Do you want to get a deeper look at both the strengths and hidden weaknesses of your personality type? Are you tired of hearing all the same old basic things about your type and want a little more depth? Today we’re going to explore the 8-function model of the ISFJ personality type. Most online articles…

Find out what makes each #personality type bored. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Here’s Why You’re Bored, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Boredom…it catches all of us at some point in our lives. Whether you’re a child lazily watching the summer days drift away in the pool or an adult straining to keep your eyes open during an office meeting. The fascinating thing about boredom is that what makes one individual bored could be totally fascinating to…

A quick and easy look at the #MBTI typology system. #Personality #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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A Brief Guide to the MBTI® for Busy People

So you keep hearing about this MBTI® thing. Maybe you’ve even taken a free knock-off Myers-Briggs-ish personality test. But what are all these letters REALLY about? Is the MBTI® just a glorified Buzzfeed test? Why do people take it so seriously? Is it all a bunch of narcissistic mumbo-jumbo aimed at millennials who want to…

Is the #INFJ door slam a real thing or a hyped-up rumor? Find out! #MBTI #Personality #typology
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What is the INFJ “Door Slam”? The Rumors and the Truth

If you’re an INFJ and you’ve been part of the personality community for long, you’ve probably heard of the infamous INFJ “door slam”. According to popular belief, “Door slamming” occurs when an INFJ cuts someone completely out of their life without warning. They “purge” the person from their existence and avoid them at all costs….

Find out what really matters to each of the Myers-Briggs #personality types. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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The Most Important Values of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what truly matters to the people around you? Do you ever feel like there’s a widening gap between your values and the values of others? Today we’re going to take a look at the most important values of each Myers-Briggs® personality type. It’s important to remember when you’re reading this that…