An in-depth look at the #ISFJ personality type! #MBTI #personality
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The ISFJ Personality Profile – An In-Depth Look At “The Nurturer”

“Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put into that action.”– Mother Teresa, a rumored ISFJ ISFJs are one of the more common Myers-Briggs® personality types, making up roughly 13.8% of the US population. They are known for their empathy, compassion, and sensible, level-headed nature….

Discover what ESFPs value in a romantic relationship. #MBTI #Personality #ESFP
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10 Things ESFPs Look For In a Relationship

ESFPs are known for being fun-loving and affectionate partners. They have a zest for life and a practical, no-nonsense nature that is refreshing and uplifting. Many people are drawn to their charisma, optimism, and sense of humor. But what does the ESFP want in a relationship? What factors are the most important to them when…

What are the biggest childhood insecurities of each #MBTI type? #personality #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTJ #ENFJ #ESFJ #ISFJ #ISFP #ISTJ #ISTP #INTP #ENTP
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The Childhood Insecurities of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Childhood is a beautiful, magical, and overwhelming time for many of us. Everything is new and untarnished by past associations or biases. Anything seems possible. But sometimes, childhood can be a scary time. Sometimes we feel devastatingly misunderstood or forced into a mold that is too confining, too tight, or too stifling. This is especially…

#ENFP fun facts! #MBTI
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3 Weird and Wonderful Secrets About the ENFP Personality Type

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” – Dr. Seuss, a rumored ENFP If you spend a lot of time in the personality community, you will hear ENFPs called a lot of different things. I’ve heard them called unicorns, oddballs, eccentrics,…

Discover what ENTJs look for in a relationship #ENTJ #MBTI
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10 Things ENTJs Look For in a Relationship

ENTJs are known for being determined, visionary, and logical. These tough thinkers tend to appear as the quintessential “Type A” personalities. In relationships, they can either intimidate or attract mates because of their strong, direct personalities. Their confidence is often seen as sexy, but their firm, opinionated nature can also scare away more bashful individuals….