Discover 10 things that are relatable to most ESFP personality types. #MBTI #ESFP
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10 Things You’ll Relate to If You’re an ESFP

ESFPs are one of the most lively and charismatic personality types in the Myers-Briggs® system. Given the titles “Entertainer” and “Performer”, they are often stereotyped as talkative party animals who want to be the center of attention all the time. But is that really what sums up the ESFP? While many other types are given…

Discover ten common traits of the INFP personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFP
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10 Things You’ll Relate to if You’re an INFP

The INFP is one of the rarest and misunderstood personality types in the Myers-Briggs® system. Making up only 4.4% of the US population, you are unlikely to come across many of them in your daily life. They are known for their idealism, passion, authenticity, and commitment to their dreams. Certain other types (ISFPs, INFJs, and…

How each #MBTI type comforts others #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFJ #ENTJ #ENTP #ENFP
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How You Comfort and Nurture Others – Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

A lot of times when we hear the word “nurturing” we think of feeling types. After all, a feeling preference is often associated with empathy and caring for the emotional needs of others. But did you know that everyone has a unique way that they like to nurture and take care of other people? Some…

Discover 10 relatable INFJ characteristics. #INFJ #MBTI
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10 Things You’ll Relate to If You’re an INFJ

INFJs are one of the more misunderstood personality types out there. While there is an abundance of articles written about them, very few are highly accurate. As an MBTI® practitioner I’ve found that the INFJ is one of the most frequent types that other people mistype as, and as a result, there’s a lot of…

Fun facts about the #ISFJ personality type! #MBTI
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10 Things You’ll Relate To If You’re An ISFJ

There are a lot of stereotypes about ISFJs that perpetuate in the type community. Some of them are nice; “ISFJs are super sweet and compassionate”, “ISFJs are amazing bakers!”, “ISFJs make great parents!”…other stereotypes aren’t so nice. I’ve heard people say that ISFJs are pushovers or mindless rule-followers (extremely untrue). Unfortunately, many type descriptions don’t…