The Board Game You Will Dominate Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Type
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The Board Game You Will Dominate Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Type

Ahhh board games. I don’t care how advanced or interactive gaming systems have become, no competitive experience can match a good old-fashioned board game duel. I’ve been thinking for a while that certain games must appeal to different personality types. For example, I love strategy games but my ESTJ mother-in-law prefers word games. My ENTJ dad…

Inspiring quotes by famous INFJs #MBTI #INFJ
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Understand the INFJ Spirit with 50 Quotes By INFJs

It’s easy to feel alone in the world, to feel that nobody understands you. This is especially true of INFJs as they make up only 2% of the US population (according to the latest surveys in the MBTI® Manual). These types rarely meet others who share their visions, quirks, insights, and passions. Some of us…

Myers-Briggs® and Relationships – Why INFJs and INTPs Fall For Each Other
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Myers-Briggs® and Relationships – Why INFJs and INTPs Fall For Each Other

INFJs and INTPs are one of the most common relationship pairings; so common, in fact, that they are often called “the golden pair.” INTPs and INFJs both share the same energy needs (introversion) and the same way of perceiving the world (through intuition), but there are enough differences to add a spark of interest and…