How You Use Introverted Thinking Based On Its Location in Your Function Stack
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How You Use Introverted Thinking Based On Its Location in Your Function Stack

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein, an INTP Introverted Thinking is the dominant function of some of the leading physicists, philosophers, leaders, and technological wizards in the world. It is focused on intensely expanding one’s own knowledge of a subject and finding how…

How You Use Extraverted Thinking – Based On Its Location in Your Function Stack
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How You Use Extraverted Thinking – Based On Its Location in Your Function Stack

“We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.” – Carl Sagan, an ENTJ Extraverted Thinking (Te) is the function that has been used by some of the most thought-provoking inventors, scientists, politicians, and businessmen…

How You Use Introverted Feeling Based on Its Location in Your Function Stack
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How You Use Introverted Feeling Based on Its Location in Your Function Stack

“No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.”– J.R.R. Tolkien, an INFP Introverted Feeling, Extraverted Feeling, Fi-dominant, Fi-inferior. It can all be a little confusing, right? When I first learned about Myers-Briggs® types, I thought that people were just feelers or just thinkers, I didn’t understand all this…

ENTP Spotlight on Walt Disney – How to Never Stop Believing in Your Dreams
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ENTP Spotlight on Walt Disney – How to Never Stop Believing in Your Dreams

Anyone who knows me very well is aware that I’m a major Disney nerd. I love watching Disney movies with my kids, singing the songs to them, or obsessing over trips to Disney theme parks. I find the magic and inspiration that Walt Disney gave the world to be monumental. Walt Disney belongs to the…

What Your Child Needs, Based on Their Myers-Briggs® Type
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What Your Child Needs, Based on Their Myers-Briggs® Type

Do you ever wonder how your child’s Myers-Briggs personality type impacts them? Parenting is a tough job. I think we can all admit that. It’s also incredibly rewarding. Children are so varied and unique, that just when you think you’ve got one of them figured out they throw you for a loop! I have four…