Understanding ENTJ Thinking
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Understanding ENTJ Thinking

“There is no doubt that if you aim high enough, you will meet resistance. But no matter how tough the opposition may seem: Have courage and persevere.” – Madeleine Albright, an ENTJ ENTJs are known for their powerful insights, their determination, and their confidence. These natural-born leaders embody the swift-decisiveness and big-picture vision that many…

The Introverted Mother – How to Survive and Thrive
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The Introverted Mother – How to Survive and Thrive

Today a friend of mine sent me an article called “It’s Seriously Time You Stop Feeling Guilty About Being an Introvert”. At that moment I was on my exercise ball, bouncing my crying infant on my lap (her favorite way of calming down). My 2-year-old was next to me sobbing and screaming “mangoes! mangoes!” because…

7 Things Extroverts Are Sick of Hearing
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7 Things Extroverts Are Sick of Hearing

I don’t know if you’ve noticed lately, but there seems to be a new trend in the personality community towards “introversion unity”. You can find countless introvert comics, introvert memes, and introvert web pages across the internet. As an introvert myself I can relate to a lot of these resources. But some of these comics/articles/memes…