ISTJ vs INTJ. Discover the differences between these two ingenious personality types. #MBTI #INTJ #ISTJ
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ISTJ vs INTJ: Which One Are You?

The ISTJ vs INTJ dilemma stumps many people who are trying to discern their personality type.  Many, many ISTJs mistype as INTJs and wind up feeling confused when they read articles that don’t resonate with them. I know how frustrating that can be! I hope this article can make clarifying your type easier. Not sure…

Discover the inner beauty of each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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The Inner Beauty of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Each personality type carries a unique blend of strengths, intricacies, and potential that contribute to their power as individuals. Today I want to explore not just their outer strengths, but the inner drivers and passions that make them unique. In short, I just want to share my love and admiration for each of the types…

An in-depth look at what introverted intuition is, how to identify it, and it's strengths. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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10 Signs That You Use Introverted Intuition

There is a lot of confusion in the personality community about what introverted intuition is and what it isn’t. Some people I’ve met ascribe planning for the future to intuition, when in fact many sensing types also enjoy planning for the future. Other types consider intuition to be almost psychic or empathic. So what in…

Discover what it's like when each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types dates their opposite type. #MBTI #Personality #INFP
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The 16 Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Dating Their Opposite Type

One of the questions I’m asked a lot as an MBTI® practitioner is what the best personality type matches are in relationships. While I think any type can excel in a relationship with any other type, I’m frequently coming across couples made up of opposite personality types. It’s like we’re all looking for a certain…

Not sure whether you have an S or N preference in MBTI®? Discover the real differences between sensors and intuitives! #MBTI #Personality
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Are you a Sensor or an Intuitive? How to Find Out

One thing I’ve noticed over the years of studying Myers-Briggs® personality theory is that a lot of sensors are getting mistyped as intuitives. This is kind of sad because knowing about personality type really can’t help you if you’re looking at the wrong information. Tests ask questions like “Do you focus on all the details…