Discover the unique ego boundaries of the body triad (Enneagram 8, 9, and 1)
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Building Walls: How Enneagram 8s, 9s, and 1s Protect Their World

If you’re an Enneagram 8, 9, or 1, you’re part of the body or instinct triad. This means you’re focused on either controlling your instincts, repressing them, or giving into them. As a body type, you use your physical energy to deal with the world and the challenges you face. One way you do this…

Discover 40+ fictional characters with the Enneagram 4 personality type!
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40 Iconic Enneagram 4 Characters from Movies and Television

Want to find some iconic characters with your Enneagram type? Movies, books, and television shows can be amazing ways to learn about the depth and nuance of each Enneatype. I had a lot of fun chatting with other Enneagram experts and movie fans to create this list of characters. I hope you find a few…

Discover the signs of an unhealthy INTJ
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10 Signs of an Unhealthy INTJ

INTJs are well-regarded in the typology community for their vision, insight, and strategic prowess. Many times the word INTJ feels synonymous with the words “intelligent”, “prodigious”, and “intellectual”. But what happens when you meet an INTJ who doesn’t seem to possess many of the qualities that INTJs are praised for? Or what happens when you’re…

Here’s Which Dog Breed You Are, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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Here’s Which Dog Breed You Are, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what kind of dog shares your personality type? While dogs may have a more limited range of traits than humans, they’re still a lot of fun to learn about. My husband and I recently adopted an Australian shepherd mix puppy from our humane society. Quickly I noticed some distinctive characteristics that…

The INFJ INFP relationship: How compatible are they? Find out ways to make this unique relationship work
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The INFJ and INFP Relationship: An In-Depth Guide

What happens when INFJs and INFPs fall in love? Do two of the most intense and idealistic personality types in the Myers-Briggs® system make a good match? These two personality types often have loving and devoted relationships. At the same time, there can be some major roadblocks that they face if they’re unwilling to accept…