Discover the country that would best suit each of the nine Enneagram types.
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Here’s the Country You’d Be, Based On Your Enneagram Type

If the Enneagram types were countries, where would you belong? Imagine stepping off a plane and instantly feeling like the entire place just gets you—the values, the vibe, even the way people greet each other. Would you find yourself in the hyper-disciplined efficiency of Japan? The warm, open arms of Senegal? The brooding, poetic solitude…

Find out which of the Hamilton lyrics best represents each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. #MBTI #Personality
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The Hamilton Lyric That Feels Like It Was Written Just for Your Personality Type

I’ve been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack a lot lately (if the past ten years counts as “lately”). With all the chaos in the country right now everything in the musical feels especially resonant. That got me thinking, if each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types were a Hamilton lyric, which one would they be?…

Find out which amazing thing in nature you'd be, based on your Myers-Briggs personality type (MBTI).
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types as Things in Nature

Sometimes, the best way to understand someone is to connect them to the world around us. Nature speaks in metaphors, and honestly, the MBTI® types fit right in with its wild, unpredictable beauty. Are you more of a wildflower or an ocean wave? Let’s find out! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our…