Discover the dog breed that best fits your Enneagram type! #Enneagram #personality
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Here’s the Dog Breed That Best Matches Your Enneagram Type

As a golden retriever mom and avid dog lover, I’ve always enjoyed researching dog breeds, their personalities, and quirks. In today’s article we’re taking a look at nine unique dog breeds that (roughly, as much as possible for dogs) fit the 9 Enneagram types. Want to find out which one best fits your type? Read…

Discover what each Enneagram type craved as a child. #Enneagram #Personality
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What You Craved As a Child, Based On Your Enneagram Type

When I was training to become an Enneagram coach I found myself amazed by just how deeply we are all affected by our childhood circumstances. Many innocuous things we experience in our early lives, things that are unintentional even, can create long-lasting patterns of insecurity, anxiety, or anger in us. Each of us has a…

An in-depth guide to the INFP and INTJ relationship #MBTI #INFP
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The INFP and INTJ Relationship

Quiet but intense, the INFP and INTJ relationship is one where loyalty runs deep and ideas branch out in many directions. Both of these personality types share a passion for ideas and non-conformist ideals. Both find that their mind’s come alive in the quiet and peace of their alone time. However, when they’re together they…

The Myers-Briggs® personality types of The Bear characters. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of The Bear Characters

When I first heard about ‘The Bear’ I wasn’t too intrigued. People working in a Chicago restaurant and having lots of drama? It just didn’t seem exciting or thought-provoking enough for me. But after being told repeatedly that we NEEDED to watch it, my husband and I finally curled up and streamed FX’s critically-acclaimed show….

Find out how comfortable the 16 personality types are with giving emotional support to others! #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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How the 16 Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Feel When Giving Emotional Support

How do you feel when someone comes to you for emotional support? Do you feel nervous and uncertain or confident and sure of how to react? I was curious if personality type played a part in how we emotionally supported other people, or how easy it for the 16 types to emotionally support others. With…