Discover which sea creature has your Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFP
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Here’s the Sea Creature That Best Represents Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

In this article, we’re embarking on a playful and informative “dive” (no pun intended) into the deep blue sea. Using the Myers-Briggs® personality type, also known as MBTI®, we will match each of the 16 distinct personality types to a unique sea creature. Just as the ocean is full of vibrant and diverse life forms,…

Discover powerful habits to strengthen every facet of your Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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Powerful (but Simple) Ways to Reach Your Potential, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

As the year comes to an end many of us are thinking about the goals we want to achieve in 2024. What should we do to amplify our potential? How can we be happier, healthier, or more productive? In today’s article, we’re taking a look at powerful habits. As a huge fan of Atomic Habits…

Find steps to cool down and regain calm when you're about to lose your temper, based on your Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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How to Cool Down When You’re About to Explode, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

We’ve all been there: moments teetering on the edge of an emotional precipice, when stress levels peak and tempers flare. It’s during these times, when we feel like we’re about to explode, that we may say or do things we later regret. The pressure builds up to such a degree that we feel we are…

Get an in-depth look at the unique struggles of the INTJ personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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7 Extremely Annoying Challenges INTJs Face On a Regular Basis

Welcome to the complicated world of being an INTJ, where we often feel like we’re playing life on hard mode! If you’re an INTJ you probably relate to having the mind of a chess master, the social grace of a prickly cactus, and the emotional openness of a maximum-security prison. As an MBTI® practitioner, I’ve…

Discover 7 extremely annoying challenges that INFJs have to deal with on a regular basis. #INFJ #MBTI# Personality
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7 Extremely Annoying Challenges INFJs Face Regularly

Being an INFJ, or ‘The Mystic’, is like being a unicorn in a field of horses – magical, unique but also a bit…confusing…for everyone involved. As an MBTI® practitioner I notice patterns in the people I talk to on a regular basis. People I mentor, people who read my newsletter, or people who need help…