Get an in-depth look at the causes of INFP anger, as well as how that anger is typically expressed. #MBTI #Personality #INFP
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Understanding INFP Rage

What happens when INFPs get angry? If you look at most descriptions of INFPs, you’ll see adjectives like “empathetic,” “harmonious,” and “accepting.” But what about the darker side of the INFP? What happens when they have had more than they can take? That’s what we’ll be exploring today! Not sure what your personality type is? Take…

Get an in-depth look at how Te-Fi and Fi-Te operate in ESTJs, ENTJs, INFPs, and ISFPs. #MBTI #Personality
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Dominant-Inferior Dynamics in ETJ and IFP Personality Types

When it comes to personality type, we often get stuck believing that people are “Thinkers” or “Feelers” and nothing in between, when in reality we’re all a mixture of both. Everyone looks at logic when they decide, and everyone also considers their own or others’ values and emotional needs. That said, we all tend to…

A look at the dynamics between the dominant and inferior functions of ENFJ, ESFJ, INTP, and ISTP personality types. #MBTI #Personality
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Dominant-Inferior Dynamics in EFJ and ITP Personality Types

Today we’re going to explore the unique relationship between the dominant and inferior functions of four personality types: The ENFJs, ESFJs, INTPs, and ISTPs. These four types both value Extraverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Thinking (Ti). While ExFJ types have dominant Extraverted Feeling and inferior Introverted Thinking, IxTP types have dominant Introverted Thinking and inferior…

Get an in-depth look at the unique relationship between the dominant and inferior function of the ESFP, ESTP, INFJ, and INTJ personality types. #MBTI #Personality
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Dominant-Inferior Dynamics in ESP and INJ Personality Types

Today we’re going to explore the unique interrelationship between the dominant and inferior function in the ESXP and INXJ personality types! ESTPs and ESFPs have dominant Extraverted Sensation with inferior Introverted Intuition, while INFJs and INTJs have dominant Introverted Intuition with inferior Extraverted Sensation. What is the nature of this relationship? How do the two…