Find out how each #personality type handles change. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Here’s How You Feel About Change, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Does the idea of change excite you and give you a rush of stimulation? Does the notion of change make you feel like locking yourself in your room, never to open the door? Different personality types respond to change in different ways. Some live for it while others see it as a kind of slow…

Find out what really matters to each of the Myers-Briggs #personality types. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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The Most Important Values of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what truly matters to the people around you? Do you ever feel like there’s a widening gap between your values and the values of others? Today we’re going to take a look at the most important values of each Myers-Briggs® personality type. It’s important to remember when you’re reading this that…

Find out a little-known secret of each Myers-Briggs personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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The Secret You Didn’t Know About Each Introverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Today we’re going to explore some of the inner motivations, desires, and emotions of the eight introverted Myers-Briggs® personality types. What’s really going on under the surface for them? Many people think they know them, but few often do. Let’s begin! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire! The Secret…

Find out what attracts other people to you, based on your #personality type. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP
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Here’s Why They Fell in Love With You, Based on Your Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what your specific brand of attraction is? While no two individuals are alike, certain personality types have a unique energy that draws specific other people to them. What gives you that “special something” that makes you stand out from the rest? Let’s find out! Not sure what your personality type is?…

Find out the real differences between #socionics and #MBTI typology systems. #INFJ #INTJ #ENTJ
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The Five Differences Between Socionics and Myers-Briggs

This article is a guest post written by Johannes Karlsson, founder of Have you ever heard the name “socionics” pop up in a conversation about MBTI, as a comparison or complement? Have you heard about quadras, the demonstrative function, or the aristocratic types, but don’t have a clue what these things mean? Fear not…