New Infographic! What Really Happens When an ENTJ is Stressed
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New Infographic! What Really Happens When an ENTJ is Stressed

Have you ever wanted to know what happens to you when you experiencing mild or extreme stress? This infographic gives you a visual representation of how your cognitive functions; Thinking, Intuition, Sensing, and Feeling, all respond to stress. If you want to know more about how you respond to stress and what triggers stress for…

ENFJ Stress Infographic
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How ENFJs React to Stress Infographic

I’ve talked a lot about stress on this blog and how each personality type reacts, but sometimes words aren’t enough! I decided to put together infographics to show what really happens internally when we experience stress. This infographic is for the ENFJs, but I will be posting infographics for each of the personality types over…

ISFP Pet Peeves
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5 Ways to Annoy An ISFP

Today I’m excited to talk about the fascinating ISFP personality type. ISFPs are known for their creativity, sincerity, and love of aesthetic beauty. They are often called The Artists or The Composers because of how determined they are to create things that will affect the senses. ISFPs are often quiet and reserved, with excellent listening…

5 things that REALLY get on an INFPs nerves. #INFP #MBTI #Personality
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5 Ways To Annoy An INFP

Today I’m thrilled to talk about the ultimate Idealist; the INFP. INFPs are gentle, insightful people who care deeply about the human race. They are determined to find their purpose in life, to find meaning, and to make a difference for humanity. INFPs are thoughtful and sincere, and prize authenticity and kindness. A.A. Milne, William…