Looking for a free Enneagram assessment test that can help you discover more nuance about who you are? Find out today with our new enneagram questionnaire! This test consists of questions that will help you understand your core fears, desires, and motivations in life. Keep in mind, questionnaires are just one way to find out your true type. Researching the Enneagram and looking at the various types is also important. This is not the official RHETI test, which you can take over at the Enneagram Institute. However, as a certified Enneagram coach, I’ve tried to make this questionnaire as accurate and informative as I can.

Take Our Free Enneagram Test Now

When you take our free Enneagram personality test, you’ll learn what your core type is. Your questionnaire results will give you an in-depth look at how you can show up based on your maturity level. For example, an unhealthy One can be judgmental and harsh,  while a healthy One is accepting and reasonable.

Find out what your true enneagram type is with our free enneagram test! #enneagram #Personality

The Enneagram can be an excellent tool for personal development and growth. And this questionnaire only takes minutes to complete!

To get the most accurate result, select your answers based on your reactions throughout most of your life – not just your reactions in the heat of the moment.

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram of Personality (from the Greek words แผฮฝฮฝฮญฮฑ [ennรฉa, meaning โ€œnineโ€] and ฮณฯฮฌฮผฮผฮฑ [grรกmma, meaning something โ€œwrittenโ€ or โ€œdrawnโ€]), is a model of the human personality which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. These types are labeled One through Nine, and no number is better than another. The numbers don’t imply a “rank” of better or worse type. A One isn’t better than a Nine or vice versa.

The Enneagram can tell you what your core desires and fears are. It can also help you to explore the childhood struggles you faced and how you’ve learned to cope with them as an adult.

While typology systems like the MBTIยฎ can tell you how your mind is wired and what information you prioritize, the Enneagram can show you more about your traumas, coping mechanisms, and unconscious fears and desires. Understanding your type (and the types of your loved ones) can help you to grasp the underlying reasons why youโ€™ve made very crucial decisions in life.

For example, Fours often felt like they didn’t fit into their families. They didn’t feel understood. Because of this, developing a sense of identity is vital to the Four.

Nines felt that they served their families better when they didn’t assert themselves. They tended to “numb” their pains so that they wouldn’t bother anyone. For this reason, their core fear is complete fragmentation.

While this can all sound kind of scary, it’s important to know. The more we understand our backgrounds, our pain, and our coping mechanisms, the better we can grow and move past trauma responses.

The Three Triads of the Enneagram:

If you tested as 8, 9, or 1, you’re in the Instictive triad of the Enneagram. You are concerned with resistance and control of your environment. You may confront your environment and try to control it (8), hold a boundary against it (1), or resist it (9). You seek autonomy and struggle with underlying feelings of rage. You may repress these feelings (9 and 1) or express them directly (8). You are often concerned with life functioning, survival, and not being affected by the world while still being a part of it.

If you tested as 2,3, or 4, you’re in the Feeling triad of the Enneagram. You are concerned with love and self-image. You may try to gain love or identity through selflessness (2), success (3), or a quest for self (4). You want to gain a sense of true love, affection, approval, and value with others. You struggle with underlying feelings of shame.  You may repress these feelings (2 and 3) or express them directly (4).

If you tested as 5,6, or 7, you’re in the Thinking triad of the Enneagram. You are concerned with strategies, planning, and beliefs. You struggle with a mind that can never be quiet. You can’t seem to get your mind to simmer down or shut up long enough for you to rest in yourself. You seek security through knowledge, and you have underlying struggles with fear.  You may try to address your fear through hoarding knowledge (5), looking at every worst-case scenario (6), or escaping your fear through activity (7).

Want to Know More About Your Enneagram Personality Type? Check Out These Articles:

The Unique Strengths of Every Enneagram Type

How Every Enneagram Type Reacts to Stress, and How to Help

The Childhood Wounds of Every Enneagram Type

The Best and Worst Versions of Every Enneagram Type

Here’s the Lifelong Struggle You’ve Faced, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Find out more at the Official Enneagram Institute.

Find out what your true enneagram type is with our free enneagram test!