Here’s What You Can Teach the World, Based on Your Personality Type

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ISTJ – How to Be Careful, Yet Confident

ISTJs have a steady, focused determination to do what they believe is important. You don’t flinch when roadblocks get in the way of your plans, instead, you search carefully for ways to circumvent problems. In the words of ISTJ Elizabeth Holmes, “I keep my head down and focus on what I’m doing. Big waves come and go, but I’m there for a reason.” You have a talent for pausing and considering before rushing headlong into ideas that might be a waste of time.  But once you do commit to a plan or idea, your dedication unrivaled. You can teach the world that steady, consistent willpower can help anyone to achieve their goals.

Related: 10 Things You’ll Relate To If You’re an ISTJ

ISFJ – How to Find Joy in Altruism

ISFJs are very attentive to the practical needs and concerns of others. You believe in improving your community and you have a heart for those who are struggling to get by. Being attentive to the hurts and labors of others is a gift, and you are diligent in finding tangible, hands-on ways to provide relief. In the words of ISFJ Mother Teresa, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” You can teach the world that accumulating possessions isn’t what brings joy, instead giving is one of the surest pathways to happiness.

Related: Here’s Your Secret Strength, Based On Your Personality Type

ESTJ – How to Embody Determination

ESTJs like you derive a tremendous amount of joy from reaching your goals and pushing through hardship to achieve something. You’re not afraid of tough times, setbacks, and roadblocks. You anticipate these challenges and create contingency plans and masterful solutions to get through them. When others feel like giving up in the thick of a problem, you encourage them to stay the course and see the joy on the other side of the storm. In the words of Michelle Obama (a rumored ESTJ), “You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages.”

ESFJ – How to Be a Caretaker for Others

ESFJs like you are very capable of seeing the needs and struggles of others and finding ways to provide relief and respite. When the ship is sinking and someone is needed to assess the practical and emotional concerns of the travelers, you are a comforting voice in all the chaos. You encourage people to be strong, and you take care of details and find hands-on ways to aid everyone on board. You are good at assessing the emotional atmosphere of the environment and figuring out what needs aren’t being met and prioritizing them in order from greatest to least.

ISTP – How to Be Creative with Resources

Psychologist David Keirsey calls ISTPs like you “The Tactical Crafters” and it’s not hard to see why. You have a precise, hands-on, analytical intelligence and an ability to be resourceful that is second to none. Like the fictional ISTP MacGyver, you teach the world that nothing is truly hopeless. There is always a resource, a tool, or an unexpected way out of any crisis. You show us that we can do a lot with what we have now and we don’t need to waste time always yearning for newer and better things (even if we might enjoy them).

Related: What’s Your “Hero” Function?

ISFP – How to See Beauty in the Moment

As an ISFP, you see artistry and dimension in everything that surrounds you. You feel a kinship with the plants, animals, sights, sounds, and textures of the world. You believe in honoring nature and the moment for what it is, for people as they are. Instead of wanting to change everything, to impose an idea onto everything, you see how things can be appreciated for what they are inherently. You accept imperfections, see the beauty in them, and try to find joy in the simple pleasures of life and the opportunities to be enjoyed in every moment.

ESTP – How to Be Fearless

As an ESTP you have an optimistic, determined zest for life that is contagious. You teach us that taking smart risks is essential to living fully. You show us that it’s okay to trust our instincts, to respond to adventure, and to immerse ourselves in the moment. Your resourcefulness and tough-mindedness is inspiring and you show us that there’s no better view than the one you get when you’re living life on the edge.

ESFP – How to Lighten Up

Psychologist David Keirsey says of ESFPs, “These expressive Artisans’ primary social interest lies in stimulating those around them, arousing their senses and their pleasurable emotions – charming them, in a sense, to cast off their concerns and lighten up.” ESFPs like you are masters of seeing the humor, the joy, the opportunity in every moment. Your quick wit, clever resourcefulness, and enthusiasm for life is second to none. You teach us how to laugh on our worst days, and how to find the silver lining in the direst situations.

INTJ – How  to Look Ahead

As an INTJ you take time to look deeper into underlying patterns to discern future realities. You masterfully synthesize symbols, hidden meanings, and data to unveil future innovations and plans that change the world. You teach us to consider the future, to respect strategy, and to trust our imagination. As Nikola Tesla, an INTJ, said, “Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surroundings, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.”

Related: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an INTJ

INFJ – How To Look Beyond the Obvious

As an INFJ you are drawn to complexity and understanding the deeper meaning of everything. You teach us how to look beyond the surface, to see hidden motivations, weaknesses, and also potential. You know that very few people are what they seem, but you also believe that people can be greater than they imagine. In the words of rumored INFJ author Fyodor Dostoevsky, “I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy…I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind.”

Related: The Struggles of Being an INFJ Child

ENTJ – How to Achieve Far-Reaching Future Goals

As an ENTJ you believe in breaking constraints and limited thinking to achieve far-reaching future goals. You aren’t afraid of a challenge, in fact, you welcome it. You teach us to believe in our goals, to be direct about what we want, and to look ahead instead of just focusing on the hardships and limits of the present moment. As psychologist David Keirsey states, “They (ENTJs) have a strong natural urge to bring order and efficiency wherever they are – to harness people and resources and to lead them towards their goals with minimum waste of effort and maximum progress.”

ENFJ – How to See Our Potential

As an ENFJ you have a far-reaching insight into the potential of others. You have a keen awareness of hidden gifts, intentions, and motivations and use this awareness to discern future realities. You get true joy out of helping people realize their potential, and you inspire the voiceless to have confidence in their calling in life. As ENFJ author Johann von Goethe said, “If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.”

INTP – How (and Why) to Be Skeptical

INTPs like you are truth seekers. You question tradition, bureaucracy, and “empirical” evidence to find underlying principles that need refining and analyzing. You teach us to question authority, to look beyond the obvious, and to appreciate the importance of second-guessing the facts to find hidden flaws, prejudices, and even truths. As INTP philosopher John Locke said, “There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men.”

Related: The Childhood Struggles of INTPs

INFP – How to Understand Ourselves

As an INFP you have a strong focus on authenticity, moral value, and making peace between the dark and light sides of human nature. You teach us to pause in the busyness of our lives and look inside and understand our true motivations. Where are we being hypocritical? Where are we demanding things of others we don’t do ourselves? In what ways could we transform our lives to be more sincere, ethical, and honorable to others and ourselves? As INFP author Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Related: The Childhood Struggles of INFPs

ENTP – How to Turn Tradition On Its Head

As an ENTP, you look beyond the norm to find new, innovative ways of seeing the world and transforming the future. You see connections, possibilities, and potential everywhere and all you need is the resources to make it happen. You teach us how to ask the right questions, how to brainstorm, and how to think critically about limiting beliefs and practices that get in the way of progress. Psychologist David Keirsey was right when he said, “ENTPs are the most reluctant of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that is the way things have always been done.” And that’s one of the things we love about you.

ENFP – How to Trust Our Imaginations

As an ENFP you not only imagine new possibilities, you analyze and put in the work to make your dreams realities. Most articles written about your type underestimate your intellectual nature and your determination. You teach us that with enough willpower, belief, and creativity we can dream beyond the boundaries of convention. You challenge us to look beyond the “normal” life and the traditional way of doing things. You inspire us to dream AND do. As ENFP author Anais Nin said, “In me there’s always movement, renewal, surprises. I have never known stagnation.”

Related: Understanding ENFP Intuition

What Are Your Thoughts?

What’s something you’ve been able to teach someone? Do you have a gift you’d like to share with the world? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.

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