Here’s What Your Core Values Are, Based On Your Personality Type

Have you ever wondered if your personality type has any part to play in your values? What driving forces motivate you and are central to who you are as a person? In this article, I’m going to look at some of the central values and ideals of each personality type. This can be a good way of narrowing down your own type if you feel you’ve been torn between two different options!

Keep in mind, you probably have MORE core values than what is listed here. This doesn’t take into account your family values, religious values, etc,.

Discover the core values of each #Myersbriggs personality type! #personality #personalitytype #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFP #ENTP #ENFJ #ENTJ #ISTJ #ISFJ

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.

Here’s What Matters to You, Based on Your Personality Type

ISTJ Core Values

As an ISTJ you are driven by a sense of responsibility, you aspire to be competent, and you desire consistency. You believe that you have a part to play in improving your community through taking care of details, upholding positive traditions, and, if necessary, fighting to protect the people you care about. You believe that everyone should do their part, be responsible for themselves, and keep their word. Underneath your quiet demeanor you have a steadfast resolve to do what is right, to stand by your beliefs, and to be loyal to the people who depend on you. Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ISFJ Core Values

As an ISFJ you are driven by a sense of responsibility, you aspire to find harmony, and you value relationships. You’re the kind of person who, more often than not, puts other people’s needs first. You have an eye for the desires, as well as the hurts, of the people around you. You combine that with the heart to care for people in useful, practical ways. You follow through on your commitments and respect others who do the same. There’s nothing fickle about the way you walk through life, and your warm, dependable spirit is a strength that should never be overlooked. Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ESTJ Core Values

As an ESTJ you are driven by a sense of justice, you aspire to get results, and you desire efficiency. You’re the kind of person who keeps a steady head no matter what is going on around you. You can look at chaotic situations and quickly find ways to create order. You believe in justice, in doing what is right even if it’s hard or even if you have to be the “bad guy” to do it. You care more than people realize, but you demonstrate it through action, and through making life run more efficiently for the entire community. Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ESFJ Core Values

As an ESFJ you are driven by a sense of generosity, you aspire to create harmony, and you desire security. You’re the kind of person who will put other people’s practical needs ahead of your own desires. You are extremely attentive to the hurts and cares of the people around you, and you have an urge to leave your community a better place than you found it. You are a peacemaker, a no-nonsense caretaker, and a person with plan. Your organizational abilities create security and a warm, inviting atmosphere for not just you, but the people around you.

Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ISTP Core Values

As an ISTP you are driven by a sense of practicality, you aim to be logical, and you desire experience and adventure. You’re the kind of person who keeps a steady head when everyone else is losing theirs. You quietly and effectively look at all your resources and find the most practical solutions for the problem at hand. You don’t let your feelings get in the way of being logical;  to you, the best choice is the one that makes the most sense objectively. You have an inner desire to explore the world, experience new things, and follow your impulses.

Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ISFP Core Values

As an ISFP you are driven by a sense of individuality, you aim to be practical, and you desire freedom. You’re the kind of person who balances an artistic, creative spirit with a down-to-earth, realistic view of life. You are both a realist and a dreamer. Along with your grounded idealism, you have a never-ending wish to be totally free. You hate feeling tied down by traditions and institutions that seek to define you. Instead, you consider yourself an explorer of the world, a wandering, restless soul. You yearn for independence, and you long for equality for all people.

ESTP Core Values

As an ESTP you are driven by a sense of practicality, you aim to be valiant, and you desire adventure. You’re the kind of person who wants to test the limits of what you can do both physically and mentally. While other people run away from danger, you’re the one who steps up and faces it bravely, especially if you are defending your loved ones. You are not only the ultimate realist, you are the fearless adventurer who longs to outwit the world’s deadliest enemies. Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ESFP Core Values

As an ESFP you are driven by a sense of adventure, you aim to be optimistic, and you desire freedom. You’re the kind of person who looks at a chaotic situation and finds something funny to say to completely distract everyone who’s afraid or depressed. You know how to be resourceful, think quickly, and find the adventure in precarious situations. You also have a strong sense of individuality and believe in fighting for freedom, not just for yourself, but for those who are oppressed.

INTJ Core Values

As an INTJ you are driven by a quest for knowledge, you aim to understand hidden meanings, and you desire truth. You’re the kind of person who tears apart social rules and pointless traditions to find the hidden truths of the universe. You thirst for knowledge, but not just facts. You want the knowledge of life itself, of why we exist, of what will happen in 100,200, or 1000 years. In your quest for understanding, you aim to sort out all the falsehoods and phony rituals that have been around for decades to find the ultimate meaning of everything around you.

Find out more about your strengths and values here.

INFJ Core Values

As an INFJ you are driven by a vision of the future, you aspire to be insightful, and you desire harmony. You’re the kind of person who is always looking forward, always considering what things mean in relation to the big picture. Why are we here? What is our purpose? You are quickly able to sort out what’s insignificant and what’s meaningful because you are always looking ahead. Trivial matters don’t concern you. You have insight into the deeper meaning of things, and you want to bring others into your vision of the future by creating harmony and unity.

Find out more about your strengths and values here.

ENTJ Core Values

As an ENTJ you are driven by goal-achievement, you aim to be resilient, and you desire competence. You’re the kind of person who looks at challenges and smiles because life would be boring if there wasn’t any opposition to face. You’ve got big picture goals and dreams (although you’d probably balk at anyone calling you a dreamer). And while you seem totally cool and logical to the outside world, inside you get true joy when your achievements have positive implications for the people you care about.

ENFJ Core Values

As an ENFJ you are driven by your intuition, you aim to be compassionate, and you desire harmony. You’re the kind of person who sees all the social dynamics going on around you and effortlessly develops a vision of how to bring everyone together with a sense of unity and purpose. You’re warm, empathetic demeanor belies a steely determination to improve the world at large. You want to be a catalyst for change and a voice for those seeking equality and understanding.

Find out more about ENFJs here.

INTP Core Values

As an INTP you are on a quest for truth, you aim to be skeptical, and you desire intellectual achievement. You’re the kind of person who will risk being ostracized so that you can ask (and eventually answer) the tough questions. You want to solve problems that people have been dealing with for ages by turning every piece of data upside down to find hidden truths and possibilities. You may seem reserved and socially awkward sometimes, but your hunger for accuracy and understanding can transform the world.

Find out more about INTPs here.

INFP Core Values

As an INFP you are driven by your imagination, you aim to have integrity, and you desire freedom. You’re gifted with the ability to create a hundred alternate futures in your mind. You create beautiful dreams of an ideal world where people live authentically and freely. Underneath you serene, quiet demeanor, you have a ceaseless thirst to make your dreams a reality. Little do others know that you’d be willing to give up almost anything for the people you care about and the future you know the world needs.

Find out more about INFPs here.

ENTP Core Values

As an ENTP you are driven by innovation, you aspire to be competent, and you desire truth. You’re the kind of person who can flip any situation around and find possibilities and potential within it. You are curious about everything, from technology to philosophy. You want to take apart ideas and find out which ones are most logical and worth following. You want to experiment with data and theories to find the ones with the most potential. You want to test your mind, challenge your thought processes, and create a logical blueprint for how the world works.

ENFP Core Values

As an ENFP you are driven by imagination, you aspire to be compassionate, and you desire variety. You’re the kind of person who can see hundreds of possibilities and exciting avenues for the future, and you naturally inspire others to see these ideas with you. You want to not only be true to yourself but give others the space to be their true selves. You help others by encouraging them to believe in their dreams and capabilities. You value a variety of experiences and ideas, and you prize the ability to see things from many different angles and perspectives.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Let us know in the comments! Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.


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