Here’s Why You’re Busy All the Time, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Lately I feel like everyone I meet is constantly busy. Whenever I ask people how they’re doing, the first word seems to be “busy.” Is it the world we live in? Is it just that I spend time with particularly busy people? Am I in some twilight zone where nobody ever catches a break? Today I decided to write up an article with the most common reasons that ever Myers-Briggs personality type seems to have an overwhelming schedule.
Of course, if you don’t know your personality type and want to find out, you can always take our personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.
Estimated reading time: 20 minutes
Here’s Why You’re Busy All the Time, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Have you ever seen the movie Everything Everywhere All At Once? Well, that’s how ENFPs feel most of the time. One moment they’re working on their next groundbreaking idea, the next minute they’re planning a trip to Iceland with their friends (which may or may not ever leave the idea phase). Adventures abound around this type, and they see possibilities everywhere. In the amount of time it takes an average person to brew a cup of coffee, the ENFP has probably invented a new coffee flavor, designed a mug to go with it, and pitched the idea to three friends as a potential business venture.
Here’s why ENFPs tend to be busy on a near-constant basis:
- Always Looking for New Experiences: Whether it’s planning a surprise party for a friend or trying out that new Tibetan restaurant across town, if it promises a novel experience, they’re all in.
- Endless Creative Projects: Their minds are idea factories, churning out passion projects a mile a minute.
- Staying Socially Active: They collect friends like some people collect stamps and are usually up for a chat, a party, or a sudden road trip.
- Helping Others: They have a genuine desire to make the world a better place, which often translates into a packed schedule of volunteering, mentoring, or just being there for a friend in need.
- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): They live with the perpetual knowledge that there are groundbreaking ideas just waiting to be explored, and many times this search for new ideas keeps them up at night.
Find out more about ENFPs: How ENFPs Say “I Love You”
Like ENFPs, ENTPs are always searching for the next big idea. While some types are constantly looking for a sense of tranquility or calm, ENTPs, in contrast, are always looking for a buzz of inspiration. Something that will make them jump into action and create something new. They aren’t called “The Trailblazers” for nothing! For the ENTP, life is an endless series of possibilities to be explored, puzzles to be solved, and discussions to be had. They’re the ones who, during a peaceful breakfast, might ask, “But what if we’re all living in a simulation?”
Why ENTPs Are Always Busy:
- Debating Everything: From the existence of aliens to whether pineapple belongs on pizza, there’s no topic too trivial or too grand.
- Inventing the Future: They’re probably designing a smart doorbell that can predict the weather while you’re still figuring out how to set the clock on your microwave.
- Gathering Knowledge: Why watch one documentary when you can watch three at the same time, each on a different device?
- Networking: They consider meeting interesting people a hobby, one that requires a lot of time and energy but pays off in ideas and opportunities.
- Side Projects: For every main project they’re working on, there are at least five “side projects” that are equally compelling.
- The “What If” Rabbit Hole: A single thought can lead them down a week-long research spree, emerging with three new business ideas and a slightly questionable prototype.
Discover more about ENTPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ENTP, the Trailblazer Personality Type
INFPs are the quintessential dreamers, with dozens of creative projects sprinting through their mind every day. The problem is, just like everyone else, they have to keep up with all the obligations and duties of day-to-day life. Yet while certain personality types get joy from a predictable routine and everyday tasks, INFPs feel drained by such things. So they save up all their passions and ideas for after work, when they can finally let their imagination run wild. But the time runs out so soon, especially if they’re also juggling parenting, relationships, or other obligations (where they hold themselves to extremely high standards).
Why INFPs Are Always On the Move:
- Crafting Worlds: Be it writing, painting, or composing, INFPs are often lost in the act of bringing their inner visions to life.
- Improving Themselves: INFPs hate feeling stagnant, and so they’re always looking for ways to improve themselves, whether it’s through a new hobby or a self-help book.
- Searching for Meaning: Sometimes this search is internal, with INFPs reevaluating their own values and beliefs. Other times, it manifests in trying to make the world a better place through charity work or activism.
- Navigating the Mundane: Juggling jobs, daily responsibilities, and societal expectations, INFPs can feel like they’ve got to save up all their passion projects for tiny little breaks throughout the day.
- Seeking Out Inspiration: Every free moment is an opportunity to seek out the new and novel—be it a book, a hike in nature, or an obscure art exhibit—anything that sparks their creative spirit.
Find out more about INFPs: The Childhood Struggles of INFPs
INTPs, dubbed “The Prodigies”, are famously known for living most of their lives in their heads, where they’re conducting grand thought experiments or solving the mysteries of the universe. If you’ve ever found someone staring blankly into space at a party, chances are you’ve spotted an INTP in their natural habitat. They weren’t bored—they were probably unraveling the fabric of space-time. INTPs have a voracious appetite for knowledge and an affection for deep, existential questions that don’t really have answers. They’re the ones who, instead of small talk, ask, “Have you ever considered the impossibility of true objectivity in human perception?”
Why INTPs Are Constantly Engrossed:
- Constantly Learning: For INTPs, the world is a giant puzzle where everything from a broken microwave to quantum physics is a fascinating mystery to be understood.
- Overthinking Everything: Yes, everything. From “Why did I choose this particular brand of cereal?” to contemplating the philosophical implications of artificial intelligence.
- Infinite Projects: INTPs have a graveyard of unfinished projects, not due to lack of interest, but because they stumbled upon something even more captivating.
- Digital Hermitism: The internet is INTP’s promised land, offering endless streams of information, forums for debate, and videos of cats being inexplicably hilarious.
- Complex Solutions: Why fix a leaky faucet the conventional way when you can design an overly complicated system that turns the drips into a form of morse code to remind you to drink more water?
Discover more about INTPs: 24 Signs That You’re an INTP, the Prodigy Personality Type
ENFJs, famously known as “The Mentors,” have a mysterious ability to juggle a packed schedule, overflowing with commitments to help others, while still managing to radiate enough positivity to light up a small town. They’re the superheroes who don’t wear capes (unless it’s for a costume party they’re organizing to cheer up their friend who’s feeling down). For ENFJs, life is a balancing act between lending an ear, a hand, or even a kidney if it comes down to it. They are irresistibly drawn to causes and people that need a champion, making “no” a near-impossible word to find in their vocabulary.
When ENFJs aren’t busy helping others, they’re busy trying to find inspiration, meaning, and wisdom. Mentors are obsessed with personal growth and are always on the lookout for new insights, whether they’re in the form of a book, a podcast, or a soul-searching conversation with a friend.
Why ENFJs Are Always In Over Their Heads:
- Chronic Helpers: If there’s a person in need across the globe, somehow an ENFJ has already started a crowdfunding campaign for them.
- Inspirational Seekers: They’re on a first-name basis with every barista at the coffee shops where they dream up their next big project to save the world (or at least the neighborhood).
- Struggle to Say “No”: They’ve turned overbooking into an art form, all because the word “no” feels like swallowing a cactus.
- Focus on Insight: Their downtime is spent meditating on profound insights. They’re not just preparing for tomorrow; they’re envisioning a decade from now.
- Boundless Optimists: They believe so fiercely in the potential of others that they often find themselves coaching a little league, tutoring philosophy, and rescuing puppies—sometimes all in the same day.
Want to know more about ENFJs? Read 24 Signs That You’re an ENFJ, the Mentor Personality Type
ENTJs, called “The Directors,” are powerhouse individuals who could probably conquer the world before breakfast—if only they hadn’t already planned a marathon strategy session for their next clean water initiative immediately afterwards. You see, ENTJs are in a perpetual state of proving the impossible quite possible, especially to the naysayers who couldn’t dream big enough to imagine it. When they’re not busy turning their latest brainchild into reality, they’re probably trying to work on their personal growth by seeking philosophical insights that can offer them a deeper understanding of not just the world around them but their place within it.
Why ENTJs Are Always One Step Ahead:
- Endless Ambition: They see potential not just in what is, but in what could be, often leading them to juggle multiple ventures, each more ambitious than the last.
- Unstoppable Force: Telling an ENTJ something is impossible is like issuing a direct challenge. They’ll not only do it but will reinvent the process, making you wonder why you didn’t think of that in the first place.
- Networking Ninjas: ENTJs have probably met every influential person in their field, planned a joint venture with half of them, and are on a first-name basis with the rest. Having the right connections helps them to get their ideas into the right hands.
- Not Prioritizing Relaxation: The concept of “taking it easy” is often foreign to ENTJs, as even in moments of rest, their minds are scanning their environment, pinpointing inefficiencies, envisioning enhancements, and mentally reorganizing the world around them for optimal performance.
INFJs, called “The Mystics”, often have their schedules packed with one-on-one sessions to save the world one soul at a time. If you’ve lost your INFJ friend in the crowd, you might want to check the nearest quiet corner where they’re probably counseling someone through an existential crisis or convincing a stray cat that life is indeed worth living. INFJs are often the emotional first-aid kits for their friends, co-workers, family members, trying to offer the world empathy and insight while hoping for a much-deserved break as well.
Why INFJs Are Always Busy:
- Empathy Burnout: INFJs have an innate ability to absorb emotions around them like a sponge. They feel compelled to heal every form of anguish, even those that aren’t theirs to heal.
- Perfectionism Overload: If there’s a way to do something better, rest assured, an INFJ is quietly obsessing over how to achieve it. Their work is never done because perfection is a moving target.
- Cannot Say “No”: Many INFJs struggle to say “No”, and take on more for others than is fair to themselves. This often leads to an overbooked schedule and no time to recharge.
- Time for Reflection: They require regular doses of solitude for deep, meditative introspection. This is when they conjure their next big idea to save the world or at least make a small part of it a better place.
- Outward Energy Drain: After INFJs have been everyone’s resident counselor, they tend to feel completely drained. Sometimes they’re even too drained for their own projects and passions.
Find out more about INFJs: 24 Signs You’re an INFJ, the Mystic Personality Type
INTJs, or “The Strategists,” are the masterminds plotting the course of human evolution from the comfort of their swivel chairs. Their competence and their need for mastery often make them the go-to person when there’s a complicated problem to be solved. Because of this, their work schedules are often packed, leaving little time for the kind of reflection and quiet they need to recharge and form their best ideas. So when INTJs are done with work they need a lot of quiet time to feel human again, but at home they tend to take on just as much responsibliity at work, trying to improve things on a constant basis.
Why INTJs Are Always Busy:
- Ambitious Agendas: INTJs are always trying to do things better than they’ve ever been done. And they’re trying to make breakthroughs that have never been made. This requires detailed plans, several contingency plans, and a plan to relax that somehow never gets used.
- Perpetual Improvement Mode: If something can be done, an INTJ believes it can be done more efficiently. Consequently, their to-do list often includes re-engineering everything from their morning routine to the global economic system.
- The “Just One More Thing” Syndrome: An INTJ’s work is never done. There’s always one more thing to tweak, one more problem to solve, one more idea that just popped up at 2 AM.
- The Quest for Knowledge: Their thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. Between reading, online courses, and random research, there’s simply not enough time in the day to learn all they want to know.
Find out more about the INTJ: 12 Awkward Moments INTJs Absolutely Hate
ESFPs, sometimes known as “The Champions”, like to stay busy and active as much as possible. From impromptu karaoke nights to last-minute road trips, an ESFP’s schedule is as unpredictable as a weather forecast in the UK. They bring excitement wherever they go, looking for opportunities to amp up the experience and feel life more intensely. If you ask an ESFP, they may not have a packed schedule all the time, but just because their plans are open doesn’t mean they’re not busy. They like to have their time unstructured so that they can follow their whims and create opportunities on the fly.
Why ESFPs Are Always Busy:
- Spontaneously Swamped: Their love for spontaneous adventures means they’re often caught in a whirlwind of activities, leaving them wondering where the time went.
- Always Helping Out: Whether it’s volunteering for every conceivable task or being everyone’s go-to person for fun and advice, ESFPs are there, often stretching themselves thin in the process.
- Last-Minute Sprinters: Projects and deadlines are like marathons, and ESFPs are the sprinters who wait until they can see the finish line to start running. They thrive under pressure and somehow manage to pull off miracles at the eleventh hour.
- Finding Joy Everywhere: Life for an ESFP is a treasure hunt for joy and experiences. This quest does not leave much room for idle time, as they’re constantly on the move, seeking the next great adventure.
Discover more about ESFPs: All About the ESFP Personality Type
ESTPs, called “The Daredevils,” live their lives in the fast lane, seeking thrill and adventure in every corner. These people of action seem to make things happen wherever they go. My husband is a great example of this. Between leading a boy scout troop, filming whatever exciting nature event is happening, attempting physical challenges, or pulling over to help people on the side of the road, he’s never really sitting still. For an ESTP, a day without an exciting challenge is a day wasted. They often find themselves juggling multiple interests and hobbies at once.
Why ESTPs Are Always Busy:
- Thrill Seekers at Heart: For ESTPs, the thrill of the chase is just as important as the catch. They are always on the lookout for the next adventure, whether it’s skydiving or launching a startup.
- Socially Motivated: ESTPs are inherently social creatures who thrive in the company of others.
- Pragmatic Problem-Solvers: They possess a keen eye for practical solutions, making them the go-to troubleshooter among their friends and colleagues. This means they’re often busy lending a hand or fixing something.
- FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): With an acute case of FOMO, ESTPs make it their mission to be at the heart of the action, always. This leads to a packed schedule that barely leaves room for rest.
- Versatile Interests: A curious nature and a hunger for knowledge mean ESTPs are constantly picking up new hobbies and skills. Their pursuits range from athletic endeavors to creative projects, all of which keep their schedules overflowing.
Find out more about ESTPs: 10 Signs of an Unhealthy ESTP
Now let’s look at the ISFPs, or as I like to call them, “The Virtuosos.” These individuals are the human equivalent of that impromptu splash of paint on a canvas that somehow turns the whole piece from “meh” to “wow”. Somehow always caught in a creative surge, they’re the ones you find rearranging their living room at 2 AM because the energy was “just off” or suddenly deciding to learn the guitar because they felt inspired by a street performer they passed by yesterday.
Why ISFPs Are Always Busy:
- Impulsively Artistic: ISFPs live in the moment, and their pursuits follow their whims. One day they’re into pottery, the next they’re curating playlists that perfectly capture the essence of autumn.
- The Unconditional Helpers: While ISFPs aren’t “yes” people, they also tend to have specific causes they would devote anythign to. This often shows up in volunteer pursuits and weekend activities that align with their deeply-held values.
- The Practice Makes Perfect Mindset: ISFPs are always working on perfecting their skills, whether that’s learning how to make the perfect homemade pesto or hitting the perfect chord progression. They understand that artistry is a practice, and they’re more than willing to put in the hours, often getting lost in their work till the early hours of the morning.
Discover more about ISFPs: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ISFP
Now let’s meet the ISTP “Vigilantes.” These are the individuals you find deep in the engine bay of a car, only to emerge hours later, grease-stained but triumphant. ISTPs embody the phrase “jack of all trades, master of also, surprisingly, all trades.” With a penchant for dismantling things only to put them back together (mostly because they can), ISTPs are the curious explorers of the practical world.
Why ISTPs Are Always Busy:
- The Unintentional Troubleshooter: ISTPs have this magnetic pull that draws broken things and people with tech issues towards them. It’s as if the universe has deemed them the official fixers of everything from leaky faucets to crashed computers.
- Recreational Challenge Enthusiasts: While some seek relaxation, ISTPs relax by taking on challenges that would make the rest of us sweat. Rock climbing, programming, or learning how to build a drone from scratch? That’s just a typical weekend for them.
- Knowledge Hoarders: There’s no rest for the wickedly curious. ISTPs have an insatiable appetite for learning new skills, which keeps their free time permanently packed. Not to mention, their definition of fun involves reading manuals and dissecting gadgets just to see the guts.
Find out more about ISTPs: The ISTP Cognitive Function Stack
Introducing the ESFJ, also known as “The Defenders” of the personality world. If there’s a bustling kitchen filled with the aromas of a feast-to-be, or a living room transformed into the ultimate hangout spot, you can bet an ESFJ is behind it. To an outsider, their calendar might look like the schedule of a small-town mayor – packed with community events, bake sales, and enough social engagements to make your head spin.
Why ESFJs Are Always Busy:
- The Born Socialites: ESFJs thrive on social interactions. They’re the glue of their social circles, constantly checking in on friends and remembering everyone’s birthdays.
- A Helping Hand: Whether it’s volunteering for every committee or being the first to offer help when a friend is moving, ESFJs can’t resist the call to assist. Their motto might as well be “Why do later what you can do now…and for everyone else?”
- Masters of Ceremonies: Hosting is their game, and ESFJs are the undefeated champions. From casual get-togethers to lavish parties, they handle every detail with precision, ensuring their guests have an unforgettable time.
- Perfection in the Detail: An ESFJ’s home is akin to a meticulously curated museum exhibit. Every cushion, photo frame, and spoon has its assigned place, often reevaluated and rearranged in a never-ending quest for the perfect setup. Maintaining this level of detailed perfection takes a lot of work!
- Can’t Say No: With their desire to be helpful and involved, ESFJs often find themselves overcommitted. The thought of letting someone down is their kryptonite, leading them to juggle more projects and events than there are hours in the day.
Next in our lineup is the ESTJ, also known as “The Captain” Picture someone with a superhero cape made of spreadsheets and a planner instead of a shield, and you’ve got an ESTJ. They’re the unsung heroes who keep the trains running on time, metaphorically speaking, and sometimes literally. Every ESTJ I know has a constantly packed schedule. Between community events, work responsibilities, and keeping up with family (something nearly all of them prioritize), ESTJs rarely have an empty moment.
Why ESTJs Are Always Busy:
- Inefficiency Hunters: To an ESTJ, inefficiency is like that one puzzle piece that just won’t fit. It keeps them up at night. Spotting a process that could be streamlined is like sensing a distress signal; they simply must answer the call.
- Born Leaders: ESTJs naturally take charge – often because they’re pretty convinced (usually rightly so) that they have the best solution. Their leadership style involves a lot of doing and a bit of “trust me, follow my lead, and we’ll win this thing.”
- Responsibility Squared: Their word is their bond, making them the go-to for organizing events, leading projects, and why they’re perpetually busy. Dropping the ball is not in their vocabulary, unless it’s strategically to delegate tasks.
- Socially Energized: Despite their all-business demeanour, ESTJs truly enjoy spending time with people. They enjoy having a few social events during the week where they can relax and catch up with friends, not just manage a bunch of work projects.
- Helping… With a Plan: Their idea of helping isn’t just pitching in; it’s doing so with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. An ESTJ’s offer to assist with your garage sale might end up with a fully-fledged marketing strategy and color-coded product placement for optimal sales flow.
Find out more about ESTJs: What It Means to Be an ESTJ Personality Type
Meet the ISFJ, affectionately known as “The Protectors” or, in less formal circles, “The Parents of the Friend Group Who Didn’t Realize They Signed Up for This Job.” ISFJs are resposible and considerate, tirelessly working in the background to ensure everything and everyone is taken care of, often before anyone else realizes there was a need.
Why ISFJs Are Always Busy:
- Attending to Details: For ISFJs, the devil is in the details. And so is the angel, and everything in between. Whether it’s reorganizing their bookshelves by color and height or ensuring the napkins match the theme of the tea party, no detail is too small to be overlooked or perfected.
- Stealth Mode Activated: Ever noticed something magically fixed or tidied but didn’t see who did it? Chances are, an ISFJ was there. They excel in operating behind the scenes, often leaving people wondering, “How did this all come together so smoothly?”
- Empathy Overload: ISFJs have a built-in radar for emotions. They can sense a mood shift from miles away and will drop everything to offer a shoulder or an ear. This attention to emotions can leave them little room to care for their own feelings and needs.
- The Yes Syndrome: ISFJs have a hard time saying no, especially when it comes to helping out. This often leads to their schedule resembling a Tetris game at its highest level.
- Undercover Perfectionists: Want to drive an ISFJ up the wall? Tell them, “It doesn’t have to be perfect.” To them, everything from a simple email to a casual dinner carries a standard of excellence that they strive to meet, every single time.
Find out more about ISFJs: The ISFJ Personality and the Enneagram
Welcome to the world of the ISTJ, also known as “The Detective.” Why the detective? Because ISTJs pay attention to all the details and easily notice inconsistencies or things that “don’t add up”. These types have a penchant for lists that rival the length of classic novels, and a dedication to duty that would make a knight say, “Wow, take it easy.” ISTJs take the saying “A place for everything, and everything in its place” not just as advice but as a personal life mission.
Why ISTJs Are Always Busy:
- List Makers Unite: Before most of us have had our morning coffee, ISTJs have already created and categorized lists for the day, the week, and possibly the next quarter. Their love for organization means they’re often the go-to person when someone needs to make sense of chaos.
- Risk Management Experts: Where others see a shortcut, ISTJs see a series of uncalculated risks. Their cautious approach might mean they take the longer, tried-and-tested road, but they’ll also probably be the ones not getting lost along the way.
- Reliability Personified: An ISTJ’s calendar is meticulously scheduled to accommodate all their responsibilities and duties, plus some time alone to tinker with their own projects. If they’re late, check the space-time continuum; it’s probably out of alignment.
- Stealth Mode, Sort Of: While ISFJs operate in stealth mode behind the scenes, ISTJs are more the ‘stealthy tank’ type, moving with purpose and determination, making sure everything is running as it should. You always know when they’ve been around because everything suddenly works better.
- Walking Encyclopedias: Need to know the capital of a remote country? The best way to organize your bookshelf by genre? Or perhaps, the history of the humble paperclip? Ask an ISTJ. They’re not just detail-oriented; they’re detail-obsessed, and their memory for facts can be both a party trick and a lifesaving tool.
Find out more about ISTJs: What ISTJs Do When They’re Really Stressed Out
Hi Susan I’m a ISFP I love what you said about me e being that splash of paint and what it turns into .I call myself the friendly introvert . Always tell you how awesome and amazing you are. How you do all you do and share it with us .Thank you for all you do 👍❤️
Can I take the Myers Briggs online?
Yes! You can take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator here:
Just based on people I know with these types:
ENTP: too busy playing video games
male ISTJ: too busy reading contact reports with aliens
Female ISTJ: too busy watching TV
ISTP: too busy reading books
ISFP: too busy helping parents
Myself (either INTJ or INFJ): too busy talking to strangers online, reading articles like this, and doing my hobbies (mainly writing & reading)