How You’d Survive (or not) in a Horror Movie, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Welcome to the most comprehensive, utterly speculative, and laughably unscientific guide to survival in a horror movie based on your Myers-Briggs® personality type. Ready to uncover the uncanny connection between your personality and your likelihood of outsmarting a chainsaw-wielding psychopath? Let’s begin!
Not sure what your personality type is? Take our personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) here.

Table of contents
- ESTJ: The Organizer Who Became a Paranormal Project Manager
- ESFJ: The Social Butterfly Who Became The Mother Hen Of Horror
- ISTJ: The Duty Fulfiller Who Became The Horror Movie Handbook Expert
- ISFJ: The Nurturing Sentinel Who May Just Knit Their Way Out
- ENTJ: The Commander Who Became the Strategic Overlord of Terror
- ENFJ: The Heartwarming Leader Who’ll Probably Die Giving a Pep Talk
- INTJ: The Mastermind Who’ll Probably Get Killed Analyzing the Killer’s Motives
- INFJ: The Mystic Who’d Die Trying to ‘Heal’ the Monster
- ESTP: The Daredevil Who’d Try to Outrun the Monster for Sports
- ESFP: The Entertainer Who’d Host a Party to Cheer Up the Monster
- ISTP: The Practical Survivalist Who’d Move to the Forest to Avoid Useless Confrontations
- ISFP: The Artistic Assassin Who’d Slay the Zombie… with Kindness
- ENTP: The Debating Daredevil Who’d Outwit the Death Trap
- ENFP: The Charming Crusader Who’d Befriend Pennywise
- INTP: The Analytical Exorcist Who’d Question the Existential Crisis of Demons
- INFP: The Idealistic Pacifist Who’d Negotiate with Ghosts
- What Are Your Thoughts?
Estimated reading time: 27 minutes
ESTJ: The Organizer Who Became a Paranormal Project Manager
The ESTJ, also known as “The Captain,” would come forth as the self-appointed sheriff in a horror movie situation. They’d probably be the one organizing the group, giving out orders like “Susan, you barricade the windows. John, grab that chainsaw. No, not that chainsaw, the other one. It’s more ergonomically sound!”
Sure enough, the ESTJ’s take-charge attitude would inevitably lead to a clash with the ENTJ, also known as “The Director,” who is accustomed to being in charge themselves. The power play would be akin to a corporate boardroom drama, played out in the haunted mansion. The ESTJ would be arguing over the distribution of garlic cloves while the ENTJ insists on a more strategic approach. Meanwhile, the ISTP, “The Vigilante,” would be taking a break from crafting improvised weapons to remark, “If you two put as much effort into fighting off the supernatural as you do into arguing, we’d be out of this mess by now!” Cue an awkward silence, broken only by the distant howling of the undead.
Why They Might Survive:
- Organization Skills: If there’s anyone who can outline an escape plan using bullet points, subheadings, and color-coded labels, it’s an ESTJ.
- Decisiveness: When a zombie’s gnawing at your ankle, you need someone who can make quick decisions. And an ESTJ can do just that.
- Self-Discipline: Even with a horde of blood-thirsty vampires outside, an ESTJ won’t skip their 6 a.m. workout routine.
Why They Might Not:
- Stubbornness: If the group decides that hiding in the attic is the best option, but the ESTJ thinks it’s the basement, they’ll probably go to the basement alone. Not a smart move in a horror movie.
- Not Adaptable: If the escape plan changes midway, the ESTJ might struggle to keep up.
- Insensitive: Telling a scared group member to “stop sobbing, you’re attracting the zombies” might not win them any popularity points. Remember, ESTJ, there’s safety in numbers.
Find out more about ESTJs: A Look at the ESTJ Leader
ESFJ: The Social Butterfly Who Became The Mother Hen Of Horror
The ESFJ, alternatively known as “The Protector,” would view a horror movie scenario as a mission to maintain morale and keep everyone emotionally steady. They’d be the one consoling the terrified ISFJ in one room while trying to stop the ISTJ and ESTJ from arm-wrestling over the last can of beans in the next room. Their focus would not be on devising an escape plan, but rather on making sure everyone stays calm and, ideally, keeps their sanity intact. They wouldn’t necessarily be the one to figure out the monster’s weakness or to mastermind a brilliant escape plan. But they’d definitely be the one who’d remember to pack the First Aid Kit and who’d try to start a therapeutic group discussion in the middle of a vampire attack. All while reassuring the group, “We are going to get through this, guys. Who needs a hug?”
Why They Might Survive:
- Compassionate: Their empathy might just save the day. Who knows? The villain might just break down in tears and decide to call it quits after a heart-to-heart with an ESFJ.
- Dutiful: If they’ve taken it upon themselves to ensure everyone’s safety, you can bet they’ll follow through. Even if it means face-to-face with a scythe-wielding maniac.
- Observant: They’re the ones who’ll notice the strange shadow in the corner or the weird flicker of a candle. It’s not being paranoid if they’re actually out to get you, right?
Why They Might Not:
- Overly Altruistic: If a fellow member trips while fleeing from a swamp monster, the ESFJ will likely go back to help. Noble? Yes. The smartest move when a giant, drooling creature wants to make you dinner? Probably not.
- Reluctant to Improvise: If the group decides to fight back instead of hiding, the ESFJ might not be on board. After all, they didn’t pack a ‘combat with supernatural entities’ kit.
- Hates Criticism: If someone points out that their ‘Therapeutic Group Discussion During Apocalypse’ didn’t really help to fend off the zombies, the ESFJ might spend too much time moping about it, instead of watching out for that sneaky zombie trying to photobomb their we-survived-another-day group selfie.
Find out more about ESFJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESFJ, the Defender Personality Type
ISTJ: The Duty Fulfiller Who Became The Horror Movie Handbook Expert
The ISTJ, also known as “The Detective,” would likely respond to a horror movie situation by consulting the rulebook. Yep, you heard it right, the rulebook. Because ISTJs believe there’s a right and a wrong way to do everything, including getting chased by a horde of flesh-eating zombies. They’d be the one arguing, “According to the official zombie survival manual, page 112, paragraph 3, we should be heading for high ground, not hiding in this decrepit basement! Have none of you even read the manual?” Meanwhile, the panicked INFP, “The Mediator,” would be gasping, “Zombie survival manual? We didn’t know there was homework!” Amidst the chaos, the ISTJ would be busy formulating a survival plan based on a detailed analysis of every horror movie they’ve ever seen. They’d also point out safety violations like, “This house is a death trap. No smoke detectors, cluttered fire exits, and don’t get me started on the toxic mold in the basement. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen!”
Why They Might Survive:
- Detail-Oriented: They’d remember to salt the windows and doors (a must in any reputable Horror Movie Handbook) because, hey, you never know when a demon will try to possess you through a keyhole.
- Responsible: If they’re in charge of the flashlight batteries, you can rest assured that the thing won’t conk out when you’re investigating that mysterious rustling in the bushes.
- Practical: An ISTJ won’t waste time arguing about whether the moaning from the attic is the wind or a ghost – they’ll just start preparing the exorcism kit.
Why They Might Not:
- Stubborn: If the handbook says not to open the door after midnight, they won’t. Even if it’s the pizza delivery guy with the extra garlic topping that could deter the imminent vampire attack.
- Insensitive: They might remind a panicking group member about the statistical improbability of surviving a zombie apocalypse. This won’t win them any friends, especially when everyone’s already scared out of their wits.
- Not Flexible: If there’s a sudden need to improvise or abandon the handbook rules, the ISTJ might – and by might, we mean absolutely will – struggle. Don’t expect them to throw the survival guide out the window, even if a ghostly entity is levitating it.
Find out more about ISTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ISTJ
ISFJ: The Nurturing Sentinel Who May Just Knit Their Way Out
The ISFJ, fondly known as “The Defender,” would approach a horror movie scenario with a quiet, cautious resolve. They’d be the ones meticulously rationing out food supplies, or maybe even knitting everyone warm socks when the heating goes out, all without a word of complaint. They would remember the smallest details from survival guides they’ve read, even if they’d never expected to use them. If there’s a long-forgotten lore about the monster that’s hunting everyone, the ISFJ would probably remember it – and be too shy to mention it until asked directly. Sure, they’ll be panicking, but even that should never get in the way of a consistent routine. Bedtime stories in an abandoned asylum? Sure. Just another Tuesday night for the ISFJ.
Why They Might Survive:
- Dedicated: Once they’ve accepted the reality of the situation, ISFJs will do whatever it takes to ensure the group’s survival, even if it means staying up all night to keep watch.
- Observant: They’ll pay attention to details others may miss. That barely noticeable change in the villain’s voice? The ISFJ picked up on it.
- Reliable: If they say they’ve secured all entrances and exits, you can sleep easy. Unless, of course, there’s a poltergeist in your room.
Why They Might Not:
- Reluctant to Speculate: If survival depends on outsmarting the antagonist by predicting their next move, the ISFJ might struggle. They’re more comfortable dealing with facts and present realities, not potential future scenarios.
- Slow to React: They might take a bit longer to react when things go sideways, especially if the situation calls for a radical, speedy change of plan.
- Reserved: They might not voice their concerns or ideas, which could be crucial to the group’s survival, unless someone specifically asks for their opinion.
Find out more about ISFJs: ISFJs and Their Romantic Compatibility with Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
ENTJ: The Commander Who Became the Strategic Overlord of Terror
ENTJs, intimidatingly labeled as “The Commanders,” would instantly assume the mantle of strategic mastermind in any horror movie situation. As soon as the doors of the haunted mansion close with an ominous creak, they’d whip out a marker, start drawing a detailed blueprint on the wall and say, “Alright, people, we’ve got a psycho killer on the loose. Here’s the plan. I’ve predicted his moves based on a pattern analysis of all horror movies since 1974…” They’d assign roles like ‘Lookout’ and ‘Machete Holder’ and hold hourly strategy debriefings next to the eerie flicker of a candle.
However, the ENTJ’s strategic reign would not go unchallenged. The ESTJ, also known as “The Director,” would insist on following every horror survival rule to the letter. “We cannot run upstairs when there’s a clear exit path,” they would reason stubbornly, ruffling the feathers of the ENTJ’s grand plan. The resulting power struggle would be a spectacle as the two leaders lock horns, each arguing that their way is the surest route to survival. Meanwhile, the ESFJ, or “The Caregiver,” would be on a dedicated mission to manage everyone’s feelings amidst the terror – a task that the ENTJ finds most distracting. “This is not the time for a group therapy session, ESFJ!” they might snap as the caregiver attempts to soothe mounting panic with a round of trust-building exercises.
Why They Might Survive:
- Strategic Thinkers: Their knack for predicting the next move of the psycho killer might just earn them the ‘Survivor of the Year’ award. They offer comprehensive, PowerPoint-style briefings on the killer’s patterns, right down to his preference for attacking during the creepy music cue.
- Decisive: When it comes to deciding between running for the creepy forest or the abandoned warehouse, they’ll make a choice before you can say, “Wait, is that a clown hiding in the sewer?”
- Strong-willed: Give up? Not in their vocabulary. They’ll face down the psycho killer with a stern lecture about goal-setting and time management.
Why They Might Not:
- Stubborn: If the group disagrees with their master plan, they’re likely to storm off in a huff. This, unfortunately, usually results in a solo encounter with the psycho killer.
- Intolerant: They might not handle the whimpering and constant questions from the more terrified group members with much patience. Words like, “Suck it up, buttercup!” might not be the best for group morale during a supernatural crisis.
- Overly Competitive: When another group member starts suggesting their own strategies, the ENTJ might engage in a power struggle instead of focusing on survival. No time for that, Commander; there’s a killer on the loose!
Discover more about ENTJs: Are ENTJs Smart? A Look at the Strategic Visionary
ENFJ: The Heartwarming Leader Who’ll Probably Die Giving a Pep Talk
ENFJs, affectionately known as “The Mentor,” would leave no stone unturned in their efforts to maintain team morale in the direst of horror movie scenarios. They’d be the first ones to organize a group huddle after the first jump scare, offering soothing words and motivational speeches. If anyone’s going to give a “we can all get through this together” speech while a zombie horde claws at the door, it’s the ENFJ. They possess an uncanny ability to sense what people need emotionally and can inspire even the most terrified group member to hold their ground and fight.
In the midst of the horror, the ENFJ and the ISTP find themselves engaged in a peculiar, slow-burn flirtation that’s as subtle as it is unexpected. The ENFJ, ever the empath, senses the ISTP’s reserved nature and sees it as a challenge, peppering them with insightful questions and motivational pep talks that somehow always contain a hint of personal interest. Meanwhile, the ISTP, ever the practical problem-solver, continually finds reasons to collaborate with the ENFJ. “Hey, I need your help to barricade this door,” or “Can you hold this flashlight while I rig this makeshift weapon?” are common phrases, even when there are clearly more pressing matters at hand (like, you know, the serial killer).
Why They Might Survive:
- Charismatic: ENFJs can motivate a despondent group like no other. Their heartfelt speeches and encouraging pats on the back might be the only thing keeping the group from succumbing to despair.
- Productive: They’re the ones who will keep the group’s spirits up while also ensuring that everyone’s contributing to the team’s survival efforts, be it fortifying the cabin or finding food supplies.
- Empathetic: Their ability to understand and cater to the emotional needs of the group can keep morale high, which is crucial when you’re trying to survive a night in a haunted forest.
Why They Might Not:
- Overly Idealistic: ENFJs typically see the best in people, which isn’t exactly an asset in a horror movie scenario. They might try offering a heart-to-heart with the monstrous beast, pleading, “I know you’re a good person deep down, Samara! Anyone would be angry after being thrown in a well.”
- Too Selfless: Their first instinct is always to protect others, which could put them in danger. If a bloodthirsty vampire is on the loose, they wouldn’t hesitate to say, “Run, everyone! I’ll hold him off with this garlic bread and this very pointy stick!”
- Struggle with Tough Decisions: ENFJs can have a hard time making tough decisions that might put others at risk. This hesitation could cost them precious time in a critical situation.
Discover more about ENFJs: 12 Amazing Fictional ENFJs
INTJ: The Mastermind Who’ll Probably Get Killed Analyzing the Killer’s Motives
INTJs, tagged as “The Strategists,” would approach a horror scenario with a unique blend of insight, logic, and strategic thinking. No one else would be as quick to discern patterns in the maniac’s modus operandi, or as adept at predicting the next death trap. Their analytical brains would be working overtime to calculate escape probabilities, draw survival maps, and formulate contingency plans.
If you hear someone muttering, “if we consider the killer’s previous murders, there seems to be a pattern in his choice of location and victim type,” that’s your INTJ, trying to build a psychological profile of the monstrous predator. Their constant analysis might come off as cold to the more emotionally sensitive types, but they recognize that understanding the enemy is the key to survival.
In terms of group dynamics, the INTJ might find navigating the emotional landscape more challenging than dodging chainsaw-wielding maniacs. They might get annoyed by the constant panic and emotional outbursts of their companions, voicing out sarcastic remarks like, “Yes, please continue screaming. I’m sure the bloodthirsty beast would appreciate the guidance to our hiding place.”
Why They Might Survive:
- Insightful: Their ability to see connections and patterns that others may miss might prove to be the key in predicting the psycho killer’s next attack.
- Strategic: They’ll have a well-thought-out plan of action for every possible scenario. If there’s a door that requires a four-digit code, they’ll crack it while everyone else is still trying to remember their own phone numbers.
- Rational: They won’t let fear cloud their judgment. Even if their heart is pounding and their palms are sweaty, they’ll calmly evaluate the situation and determine the most logical course of action.
Why They Might Not:
- Lack of Tact: They might rub the group the wrong way with their blunt criticism and lack of empathy. When someone’s freaking out, saying, “Your histrionics are not helping, and statistically, you’re more likely to die if you keep that up” is not exactly comforting.
- Struggle to Improvise: INTJs are excellent planners, but they struggle when things don’t go according to plan. If the killer suddenly pops up during their bathroom break, they might freeze, trying to compute an event that their plan hadn’t accounted for.
- Overthinking: They might get so caught up in analyzing the hidden meanings behind the killer’s choice of weapon that they fail to notice the glaringly obvious trapdoor they’re standing on.
Discover more about INTJs: Are INTJs Manipulative?
INFJ: The Mystic Who’d Die Trying to ‘Heal’ the Monster
INFJs, bearing the moniker “The Mystic” would spend most of their time trying to figure out the tragic backstory of the slasher, believing that they can counsel the monster into therapy and a discussion of their true potential for good. When the ESTP boldly barges into the room, armed with a baseball bat and a plan to lunge at the monster head-on, the INFJ would be quick to hold them back, chiding, “Hold on, we don’t even know why he’s upset. Maybe he just needs someone to listen to him?”
The INFJ would then get lost in an internal monologue, mouthing out phrases like, “Maybe he was a misunderstood child,” and “Perhaps his violent tendencies are a cry for help.” Meanwhile, the ESTP would be twitching with anticipation and frustration, muttering, “Okay, Shakespeare, but can we deal with the psychoanalysis after we survive?
Why They Might Survive:
- Intuitive: They’ll suddenly exclaim, “Wait, let’s not open that door!” right when a hulking beast is about to burst through. When asked why, they’ll shrug and say, “Just a feeling.”
- Crisis Counselor: They’re experts at calming people down during emotional breakdowns, which will be handy when everyone else is a hair’s breadth away from a total panic attack.
- Strategic: Their knack for envisioning the future could be quite a lifesaver. They’ll be the ones saying, “If we follow this path, we’ll likely encounter a trap. Let’s take the detour instead.”
Why They Might Not:
- Empath Overload: Being the emotional sponge of the group could be their downfall. If everyone else is panicking, the INFJ might absorb all that fear and become paralyzed.
- Overly Altruistic: Like the ENFJ, they might place themselves in danger to save others. “Go on, I’ll distract the demon with my interpretive dance!”
- Healer Syndrome: The INFJ’s biggest horror movie pitfall? Trying to ‘heal’ the monster. “I sense a lot of unresolved anger in you, Mr. Slasher. Was it because your mom didn’t hug you enough?”
Discover more about INFJs: The Dark Side of the INFJ Personality Type
ESTP: The Daredevil Who’d Try to Outrun the Monster for Sports
ESTPs, known as “The Daredevils,” would tackle a horror scenario with the same zest they apply to extreme sports. Their motto: “why walk away from danger when you could somersault away instead?” They would be the ones to rush headlong into the haunted mansion, armed with nothing but a GoPro and an adrenaline-fueled grin, leaving others in the dust (or cobwebs). As they dart from one room to another, dodging flying axes and creepy dolls, they would be simultaneously evaluating their escape routes and the best angles for their action shots.
“Got to make this look epic for my followers,” they might say, adjusting their camera while leaping over a pit of snakes. The group’s constant deliberation and hesitation would baffle them. “Why are we still debating this?” they’d roll their eyes, “The monster is that way, so we go this way. Simple.” For an ESTP, survival is a high-octane game, and they’re in it to win.
Why They Might Survive:
- Action-Oriented: While others are still forming committees and sub-committees, the ESTP would have already sprinted halfway across the cemetery. Their quick reaction times and physical agility could save their skin more than once.
- Logical Thinkers: They have a clear and pragmatic understanding of the world, which could help them make fast, effective decisions. Their logic is simple: “If it tries to kill me, I kill it first, or run faster.”
- Adventurous: Their love for thrill and risks could actually work in their favor. Where others see a bloodthirsty monster, they see a challenge to be conquered.
Why They Might Not:
- Impulsive: Their tendency to leap before they look could land them (quite literally) in a pit of trouble. “Ooh, what does this lever do?” Activates trapdoor.
- Impatient: They might rush into action without fully understanding the situation. They could end up freeing the vampire because they didn’t have the patience to listen to the full instructions: “Whatever you do, DO NOT open the…”
- Overly Competitive: Their need to be the first and fastest could lead them astray. A typical blunder might be, “Bet I can outrun that chainsaw,” followed by regretful limping.
Discover more about ESTPs: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ESTP
ESFP: The Entertainer Who’d Host a Party to Cheer Up the Monster
With their natural charisma and zest for life, ESFPs, or “The Champions,” would confront the horror movie scenario with one simple statement: “A party would solve all of this.” Convinced that the creature is just socially awkward and in dire need of a good time, they would get to work setting up the ultimate monster mixer – complete with spooky snacks, ghoul-ade, and a killer playlist.
The ENTJ might caution, “This is completely irrational,” to which the ESFP would retort, “Lighten up, they’re just misunderstood! Plus, who can resist these mozzarella eyeball bites?” Before you know it, they’re trying to coax the zombie into a cha cha slide or a competition to see who can do the floss the fastest.
Why They Might Survive:
- Charming: The ESFP’s infectious enthusiasm might just warm the heart of even the frostiest phantom. They could be the first to ever survive a horror flick by distracting the monster with a good time.
- Adaptable: If the party plan fails, they’re quick to change tactics. “Okay, plan B: karaoke competition!”
- Observant: They’re good at reading situations and might notice small details that others overlook. “Wait a minute, this monster’s fangs match the ones from the portrait in the hall!”
Why They Might Not:
- Overly Optimistic: Their belief that everything will turn out fine might blind them to real danger. “Sure, that werewolf looks angry, but maybe he’s just hangry!”
- Distracted: They could get so caught up in planning the party that they forget about the imminent threat. “We need more streamers! Oh, and watch out for that swinging axe.”
- Impulsive: They might do something risky on a whim, like inviting the monster to play ‘Pin the Tail on the Human.’ “It’ll be fun!”
Discover more about ESFPs: 24 Signs that You’re an ESFP, the Champion Personality Type
ISTP: The Practical Survivalist Who’d Move to the Forest to Avoid Useless Confrontations
ISTPs, known as “The Virtuosos,” would view a horror movie scenario with practicality and a dash of opportunism. To the ISTP, the videotape from “The Ring” wouldn’t be a death sentence; it would be a one-way ticket to the great outdoors. When Samara starts her creepy crawl out of the TV, the ISTP would be casually packing their survival gear and a stack of wilderness survival manuals. “Finally, a valid reason to live in the forest,” they’d muse, adjusting their camping knife and tossing a can of bear spray into their bag.
You might find them later, happily whittling a spear by their forest cabin, not at all perturbed by the thought of phantoms. For them, the monster would simply be a challenging new addition to the local wildlife, a unique specimen to observe from a safe distance. “Wonder if she scares off the mosquitoes,” they’d ponder, while expertly setting up a booby trap by their front door.
Why They Might Survive:
- Practical: They are well-grounded individuals who make decisions based on the facts before them, which would be a great advantage in a horror movie scenario. “Supernatural entity out to get me? Time to relocate.”
- Adaptable: They can adjust to new circumstances quickly, making them efficient survivors. Their forest-dwelling dream quickly becomes a strategic reality.
- Analytical: Their ability to assess and respond to problems means they’d quickly get the hang of living in a horror-movie-turned-wildlife-documentary.
Why They Might Not:
- Impulsive: Sometimes, their ‘act first, think later’ approach could lead the ISTP straight into the arms of the waiting monster. Who knew that the creepy cabin in the forests was not a good place to investigate alone?
- Solitary Nature: While they’re good at fixing things, ISTPs are less adept at dealing with people. Their tendency to go solo might just leave them isolated…and easy prey for whatever’s lurking in the dark.
- Lack of Respect for Rules: If the group establishes a rule like “Don’t open the door for the ghostly child pleading outside,” the ISTP, with their lack of concern for rules, might just call it a ‘silly superstition’ and open the door anyway.
Discover more about ISTPs: Why You’d Need an ISTP in a Zombie Apocalypse
ISFP: The Artistic Assassin Who’d Slay the Zombie… with Kindness
The ISFPs, or “The Artists,” would find themselves in a horror movie scenario with a flower crown adorning their heads, a paintbrush in one hand, and a double-edged sword in the other. Think John Wick, but if Wick spent his free time painting watercolor landscapes and practicing mindfulness. Their motto? “Peace, love, and decapitation.”
They’d battle the monstrous horde with a Zen-like calm, each slash of their blade a stroke on the canvas of combat. “Your hostility is a cry for help,” they’d whisper to the snarling beast, before swiftly and mercifully sending it to the hereafter.
Why They Might Survive:
- Compassionate: Their ability to empathize with all creatures might help them sense hostility before it’s too late. “Your growl says rage, but your eyes say you just need a hug… and by hug, I mean swift and merciful end.”
- Creative: Their knack for thinking outside the box could lead to innovative survival strategies. “Who says you can’t use a guitar as a weapon?”
- Adventurous: Their curiosity could help them discover hidden escape routes or secret weaknesses of the monster. “So you’re saying if I play this melody, the demon starts dancing?”
Why They Might Not:
- Sensitive: They might take a monster’s rejection of their peace offering personally. “I made you this friendship bracelet and you still want to eat me?!”
- Lone Wolf: Their preference for solitude could leave them isolated and vulnerable. “Everyone else went left, but this dark and creepy hallway seems more my style.”
- Unpredictable: Their actions can be guided by their feelings, which might lead to risky decisions. “Sure, befriending the giant spider seems dangerous, but my gut says it’s lonely.”
Discover more about ISFPs: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ISFP
ENTP: The Debating Daredevil Who’d Outwit the Death Trap
ENTPs, known as “The Visionaries,” would enter a horror movie scenario with a smirk on their face, a witty retort on their lips, and an arsenal of ingenious escape plans. Imagine being in a Saw type scenario, with some puppet-voiced maniac challenging you to a deadly game. While others might freeze in terror, an ENTP would be the one to retort, “Game? Buddy, I’ve been playing mind games since before you had mechanical legs.”
When the puppet-voiced maniac raises the stakes and commands, “Your next task – eliminate the ISFP,” the ENTP’s smirk would only widen. “‘Is it okay if I just emotionally scar them for life by debating their core values? Trust me, it’s equally devastating.'”
Why They Might Survive:
- Inventive: Their love for brainstorming could lead to unconventional survival strategies. “I’ve rigged up a trap using duct tape, a rubber band, and the ISFP’s rejected friendship bracelet. Those zombies won’t know what hit them.”
- Debaters: Their negotiation skills could pacify a conflict before it escalates. “So Mr. Werewolf, have you considered a plant-based diet? Lots of health benefits, really.”
- Adaptable: Their flexibility can help them adjust to rapidly changing, unpredictable scenarios. “Okay, we’ve got a psychopath, a vampire, and a demon… and it’s only Tuesday.”
Why They Might Not:
- Argumentative: Their desire to debate every point could delay crucial decisions. “Yes, I know the zombies are breaking down the door, but we haven’t settled on whether Twilight is a cultural masterpiece or an assault on literature.”
- Insensitive: They might prioritize their intellectual pursuits over others’ emotions, leading to conflicts. “I don’t care if you’re scared, this is the perfect time for a philosophical discussion on fear.”
- Risk-Taking: Their love for new challenges could lead them straight into danger. “An ancient artifact that could potentially summon an army of the undead? Sounds fun, let’s touch it!”
Discover more about ENTPs: The ENTP Dark Side
ENFP: The Charming Crusader Who’d Befriend Pennywise
The ENFPs, aka “The Visionary,” would step into a horror movie scenario armed with a balloon, a big friendly smile, and an inexplicably deep understanding of inter-dimensional cosmic horror entities. Picture this: Pennywise, the Dancing Clown, leers menacingly at them from the shadows of a sewer. The ENFP, instead of running away, pulls out a notepad and says, “So, you’re a being from a macroverse who feeds on fear? Tell me more – you must get so misunderstood!”
By the time Pennywise has finished explaining his complex backstory, the ENFP has managed to turn the psycho clown into a sobbing mess. “You’re right!” Pennywise cries, “I’m not evil, I’m just… misunderstood! And very, very hungry.”
Why They Might Survive:
- Empathetic: Their ability to connect with others, even inter-dimensional cosmic horror entities, could save their skin. “Oh, you only eat children because you’re lonely? Let’s find a better solution.”
- Optimistic: They might see the silver lining even in the most dire situations and inspire others with their positivity. “Yes, we’re trapped in an abandoned cabin surrounded by zombies, but hey, at least we’re spending time with friends!
- Imaginative: They’re not afraid to think outside the box, especially when it comes to problem-solving. “Let’s solve the problem at its core by starting a therapy group for misunderstood monsters?”
Why They Might Not:
- Overthinkers: They might get so wrapped up in trying to understand the monster that they forget it’s trying to eat them. “I just feel like, if we really unpack your childhood trauma, we’ll get to the root of your murderous tendencies.”
- Spontaneous: Their impulsivity could lead them to jump headfirst into danger. “A dark cavern that the ancient prophecy warns us about? Let’s go explore!”
- Tardy: Their concept of time is more of a suggestion than a rule. “Oh, the chainsaw-wielding psycho gave us till midnight to solve his riddles? I thought he said ‘whenever, no rush’. My bad!”
Discover more about ENFPs: The Dark Side of the ENFP Personality Type
INTP: The Analytical Exorcist Who’d Question the Existential Crisis of Demons
The INTP, or “The Prodigy”, would face a horror movie with a furrowed brow, a mountain of research, and a barrage of existential questions that would send any demon spiraling into a crisis. Imagine a scene straight out of “The Exorcist” where a terrified family begs the INTP to save their possessed child. The INTP, instead of sprinkling holy water, would lean in, look the demon in the eye and ask, “Have you ever considered the implications of demonic possession on the host’s free will?”
Before long, the demon, overwhelmed by the INTP’s philosophical mind-benders, would be questioning not only its existence but its purpose as well. “Am I evil just because I’m a demon?” it would wail, “Or is it my actions that define me?”
Why They Might Survive:
- Analytical: Their logical and analytical mind would help them understand the demon’s modus operandi and devise effective countermeasures. “After correlating the frequency of demonic manifestations with the lunar cycle, I have concluded that this demon is lactose intolerant.”
- Independent: Preferring to work alone, they won’t have to worry about the demon manipulating group dynamics. “Good luck turning me against my friends when I’m my only friend.”
- Inventive: They’ll always come up with out-of-the-box solutions to problems. “Who says you need an ancient relic to banish a demon? I’ve created an app for that.”
Why They Might Not:
- Overly Theoretical: Their tendency to overanalyze can lead them to overthink rather than act. “So, if the demon only manifests in darkness, does this suggest a correlation with the absence of light, or is it more a metaphorical commentary on the human condition?”
- Insensitive: They might forget that a demon-possessed person might not appreciate a philosophical debate. “You say you’re in agony, but what is pain, really, from a psychological perspective?”
- Introverted: Their tendency towards introversion can be both a plus and a minus. They tend to wander off from groups, believing they can handle the situation better alone. This could pose a problem, because as we all know, wandering off alone in a horror movie is statistically equivalent to waving a giant flag that says, “Hey, monsters! Free snack over here!”
Discover more about INTPs: 12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INTP
INFP: The Idealistic Pacifist Who’d Negotiate with Ghosts
INFPs, called “The Dreamers”, would approach a haunting scenario with a comforting cup of ethereal tea and a willingness to listen to the sob stories of the spirits. Picture this: As an abandoned hotel’s eerie apparitions appear, the INFP, instead of fleeing in terror, calmly sets a couple more places at the dinner table. “Ghost twins from the 1920s! How fascinating. Do sit down, tell us about the Great Depression.”
By the end of the evening, the ghoulish twins are holding hands, dabbing at their spectral eyes with ghostly handkerchiefs while the INFP empathetically nods. “It must have been so hard, being bound to this hotel for eternity. Have you considered seeking closure?”
Why They Might Survive:
- Sensitive: Their sensitivity helps them understand and empathize with others’ pain. “Oh, you just wanted to play with the guests, not scare them to death? That’s a common misunderstanding.”
- Idealistic: They always look for the good in others, even if the other person is a bloodthirsty phantom. “Remember, just because you’re a ghost doesn’t mean you can’t make a positive impact on the world!”
- Adaptable: They’re not opposed to change, especially if it means cohabiting with a bunch of spirits. “So we have a few ethereal roommates now – think of the stories we’ll have!”
Why They Might Not:
- Takes Things Personally: A snide remark from a ghost might just send an INFP into a spiral of self-reflection, making them an easy target while they’re caught up contemplating if they’re really that predictable.
- Lose Track of Details: INFPs might be the ones to accidentally leave the sacred text that banishes demons back at the haunted cabin after everyone’s packed into the van and halfway down the road.
- Overly Idealistic: Their belief in the inherent good in all could lead to misjudgment. “Sure, the ghost has attempted to murder us thrice, but maybe it’s just misunderstood. Let’s give it a fourth chance!”
Discover more about INFPs: The INFP Cognitive Functions In-Depth
What Are Your Thoughts?
We want to hear from you! Which type do you think would survive longest in a horror movie scenario? Would you approach the situation differently from your type’s description? Share your thoughts, survival strategies, and funny anecdotes in the comments below!
Explore more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
“Free snack over here” 🤣
This is satire. Stereotyping really. I am an INTP and my daughter is an INFP. While the stereotyping fits nornal circumstances it would hardly be the case in a crisis. We switch gears during such a time.
Yes, we are all aware and of that, it’s just a little fun.. Though as a INFP, the relationship with ghosts is early spot on for me.. Lol
I will survivee!!
I love the fun titles.
I thought that this was hilarious and pretty spot on from a horror movie plotline perspective! Thank you
Omg, just yesterday, my son asked me what I would do if there was a robber breaking into our house.
I answered: “I’d say, ‘Hey, what’s up? Oh no, you must be so desperate to break into other people’s houses. I am so sorry. Do you want to talk about it? You must have a reason that goes deeper than what you see on the surface.'”
My son was like: “You know that he would probably not be mentally sound and might try to harm you?!”
Me: “This is when YOU come into play. You’re going to tell him about financial planning and how he could start a business with very little money. He’ll be so interested that he won’t notice that I’m going to hit him with a frying pan (which btw I will always have on hand from now on).”
My son just stared at me like I had lost my mind.
Why must I be called out like this lol this is exactly what a friend of mine and I would do. I use my Ouija board to talk to them every so often to ask them questions about themselves. You may not believe in spirits, but I do, and because I’m considerate, I’ve never contracted anything more than a wandering specter!
One of the favorite things for me to research randomly online on a regular basis is horror related things. Who cares if it’s real or not? It’s all in good fun either way. Things like famous haunted houses, details of the occult, ghost stories, local paranormal folktales, cryptids, alien conspiracy theories, true crime documentaries, how to articles such as how to know if someone is following you and how to survive a kidnapping, websites on survival such as zombiepedia or a list of mythological creatures. I mean, it’s probably useless information like most of the things I google about, but maybe one day, I might use it in a horror movie scenario, and I’d be completely prepared.