Over the last few years, I’ve gotten countless emails from people who are unsure of whether they identify with INFJ or INTJ. While to some the differences are quite apparent, others feel that the Thinking/Feeling distinction is murky and not as clearly defined
Take the INFJ or INTJ Test Now!
Many INFJs and INTJs relate to some aspects of both feeling and thinking. That’s because the auxiliary and tertiary functions of both INTJs and INFJs are either Thinking/Feeling or Feeling/Thinking respectively. It’s not as if INTJs are thinking dominant and INFJs are feeling dominant. Both are intuitive dominant types – so both have quite a lot in common. We can understand this by looking at the cognitive function stacks of each type below:
INFJ Cognitive Function Stack:
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Tertiary Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Inferior Function: Extraverted Sensation (Se)
INTJ Cognitive Function Stack:
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Inferior Function: Extraverted Sensation (Se)
As a way of helping people clarify their type, I’ve created this questionnaire. At the end of the questionnaire, you’ll get a result that will show what percentage of your answers were INFJ and the percentage that were INTJ. This will help you to feel more certain about which type suits you best. Be sure to scroll past the test after you take it so that you can read more about the differences between these two types!
What are some of the major differences between INFJs and INTJs?
INFJs have Extraverted Feeling as their auxiliary function while INTJs have Extraverted Thinking as their auxiliary function.Â
INFJs support their intuition with a desire to create harmony and shared values with others. They are deeply empathetic to the emotional wavelengths around them and work continuously to create emotional equilibrium. At the same time, they may rile up other people emotionally if it is in support of one of their deeply-held values (for example, rallying people towards a cause). INFJs think about the emotional impacts that all of their decisions will have on others. That’s the first thing they consider. Afterward, they may analyze the logic of the decision, but the ultimate priority is placed on interpersonal needs.
INTJs support their intuition with a desire to create efficiency and logical structure in their environment. They are highly strategic and enjoy breaking down long-range goals into manageable steps. They like to be productive and want to make sure their decisions are based on empirical evidence. INTJs think about the logical components of a decision before they consider the emotional impact it will have on themselves or others. The matter of right and wrong comes after the matter of true or false. After looking at the logical components they may look at the emotional components involved in a decision. However, the logical focus is given the highest priority.
INFJs have Introverted Thinking as the tertiary function while INTJs have Introverted Feeling as their tertiary function.
When INFJs are relaxed and creative, they enjoy tuning in to their Introverted Thinking side. They enjoy broadening their vocabulary, categorizing data, or internally sorting through the logic of their decisions. They may enjoy playing strategy games, gathering lots of data and reading through it, and/or diagramming it independently. Their thinking side is often internalized. While they may use very nuanced language to describe things, their analysis is typically very internalized. They can express their emotional views out loud with a certain amount of ease because they value Extraverted Feeling. However, the logic of their views is often harder for them to express verbally because their tertiary function is Introverted Thinking. When they try to discuss a plan, a strategy, or a specific logical view, they often trip up over their words, much to their own annoyance and frustration. If Introverted Thinking was dominant or auxiliary for the INFJ they’d have a much easier time explaining their views logically. However, since it’s tertiary, it can be a source of insecurity and low confidence.
When INTJs are relaxed and creative, they enjoy tuning in to their Introverted Feeling side. They enjoy deciphering their values and finding emotional solidarity with songs, poetry, or even specific movies. While INTJs can seem very distant, impersonal, and even cold at times, the truth is that they have a very sensitive side. This part of them is just rarely expressed because it is Introverted in nature, and it is in the tertiary position. It’s not an area where INTJ’s have a lot of confidence naturally. INTJs are more likely to keep their emotions tucked up inside rather than express them out loud – especially to people they don’t know very well. They may have a more difficult time picking up on the emotional nuances of the people around them and “reading” other people than someone who has Introverted Feeling in the dominant or auxiliary position (like an INFP or an ENFP).
These are the main two differences between INFJs and INTJs. There is more we could go into, but it would get quite dense and if you’re new to type, it would probably just be confusing. Here are two articles that can help you to further explore these two unique personality types:
What it Means to be an INFJ Personality Type
What it Means to be an INTJ Personality Type
What Are Your Thoughts?
Did you enjoy the questionnaire and this article? Do you have any insights or suggestions? Let us know in the comments!
Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
This distinction always puzzles me. I come out as INFJ but I don’t feel that the F and J are far apart. This test result shows F 57 and T at 43.
Enneagram 8, fits with me going to 5 very comfortably. A 7 wing, for sure.
Life goes on.
I am 88% INTJ and 12% INFJ. I am 10 years old. I just started studying physics. I know the first 20 elements and their symbols. I also know how to solve E=mc^2.I have started solving linear equations
I am borderline INTJ and INFJ. My T and F plays at the middle for every tests that I take, even this one. Maybe because I am a chemical engineering graduate and come off as dominant, and have a knack for analyzing people as well. Lol idk too. I’m very private, only shares to close friends, and likes concepts and theories in different fields (such as engineering or psychology). On the other hand, I can’t explain concepts clearly as I want to.
Maybe I just have critical defense mechanisms that is why i come off as cold (INTJ) person to some people and warm (INFJ) to whom I am comfortable to. It’s also hard for me to analyze myself emotionally than analyzing others (INFJ), but I have solid beliefs and values I stand to and likes autonomy (INTJ). I concluded that I just have defense mechanisms that shifts me to and from INFJ and INTJ mode.
Could that happen? I hope i’m not the only one lol
I have some issuses with differentiating T and F in INFT and INTJ in praxis. (not native English speaker , male, 25)
As it seem to be, I mostly use a well built logical exlplonation and over 90% scientific approach to everything around me and in me. Very often dont let feelings interfere with the logical truth. As a kid earlier and still today, one of my favourite hobby is thinking about possible strategies., future outcomes and sometimes different invetnions as well.
I was always “brutally” analytical, even when in some cases was considered to be too “unhuman” and cold hearted (even compared to other logical thinkers (not to mention Feeler types)). On the other, side reading people for me was alway a super easy game, and I even was some kind of a psychologitian very seriously for freinds or family members etc. who needed it (obviosly interested in that too :DD). Frankly speaking, I think I am also a bit more sensible than most man. I voulenteer in group activities also to bring things to a better path and can communicate my views very effectively, professionally and it seem to be always somehow quite moving. For me was very hard to decidefor my grad school if more law or medicine would fit better.(after all I tried both 😀 ) My world view is more logical and free from “stuff”
(I have read alerady 3 books and maybe a hundred of blogs already about Myers-Briggs 16 personality)
so my question is:
Who am I?
I’ve struggled choosing between med and law school too! I’ve ended up doing sociology/political science, which I’ll never knew if it was the right choice. Currently I’m working with anthropology/archaeology and it feels better. What did you choose after all?
I’m at 50/50, so that isn’t telling me anything. Sometimes, I get INFJ, while the other half the time it’s INTJ. On the Myers Briggs test, it is always 53/47, no matter what result I get. I know INTJ women are very rare, so that might play into it…
I’m at 50/50, so that isn’t telling me anything. Sometimes, I get INFJ, while the other half the time it’s INTJ. On the Myers Briggs test, it is always 53/47, no matter what result I get. I know INTJ women are very rare, so that might play into it…
I feel most ppl that get to this test is borderline INTJ and INFJ. As someone else said, I don’t think T and F ar never far apart when it come to ppl like us. My tests always give a 50/40 sth share each time. Even thought most of them show INTJ, I’m highly emotional (inside), very sensitive to criticism (sometimes I get caught in the people-pleasing circle) and fairly empathetic (sth I’ve had to learn, I recognize it). As a scientist, I’m highly analytical, but I’m in humanities. On the other hand, these are stereotypes, and not INTJ will be robots.
Also, and this is very important, I need to feel I’m part of sth greater than me. I can be very idealistic and eager to changes things around me, and ultimately, to change the world (very INFJ). Other hand, I absolutely don’t avoid conflict to pursue what I think it’s logical and right, and I don’t respect incompetent authority (very INTJ). Confusing.
INTJ or INFJ, reading people’s emotions right away is one of the best skills ever 😀
i tend to vibe with both personalities when it comes to figuring myself out. it’s been a long journey finding my type and i heard researching mbti for months is the INTJ style. i test very high on logic as well as Fi and Ti but not Fe or Te, and i can’t figure out if i’m actually absorbing other people’s emotions (i think i’m too selfish to care about those) or if i’m evaluating my own feelings. with tests i tend to see Te and Ti as one and the same. except in the new one that came around..recently. there i could easily identify the functions i use. so that and all other tests and the research i’ve done tells me i’m INTJ (i scored 56% INTJ here) but am i really? i mean i sometimes revise the info i’ve gathered in my head but only sporadically, and not in the way INFJ’s Ti is described as gathering info, i think. otherwise i’m consciously evaluating my feelings and values the way Fi would. so, am i right? am i lying to myself? my only problem is that i don’t externalise my thoughts all the time which leads me to believe my Te is underused. when i am actively engaging in the world (and sorry for still going on with this comment) which feels like i’m doing constantly when i’m not alone, i feel like it is Te that i use. it organises facts and creates structure, which i tend to think i am only doing for myself because nobody notices me lol. might comment again to further describe and question
I can’t believe this…I got a perfect 50/50 …
I tried different tests and my results came out 50/50 on F and T.
I,N,J all over 85.
I possess characteristics of both INFJ and INTJ. I consider myself an idealist and highly independent. I tend to follow my head. Efficiency is very important to me. I don’t follow popular opinion.
I am conflict adverse and Highly sensitive to criticism. I tend to overwhelmed easily with a large group of people. I can definitely relate to the door slam when I cut toxic people off.
Thank you for your test, but I am even more confused than before. I may be over thinking this but I do that alot, I still don’t know who I am 58% INFJ and 52% INTJ. I wished that all your tests had a both answer. Every test that I take I get both depending on the day and how I I think like INTJ but feel like INFJ. Example when I was a child I built a min working jet engine from my mind without actually seeing one in person INTJ. My reasoning for this however was to one day fly humanity to the moon because I felt people and the world was too amazing to die if an asteroid hit it. INFJ.