INFP vs INFJ – Your Super-Simple Guide

Are you sick of reading INFJ or INFP articles and feeling just as lost as ever? I’ve written articles comparing the two types, gone onto long discourses about the cognitive functions, and so on. But I think the answer lies in simplicity.

Today let me break down the differences as quickly and simplistically as possible.

Not sure if you're an INFP or INFJ? Here is an extremely easy guide to telling the difference between the two. #INFP #INFJ #MBTI #Personality

Keep in mind, you will at times relate to both INFJ and INFP statements. The question is which is most natural to you? Which is your most intrinsic urge?

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

INFP vs. INFJ – Your Super-Simple Guide


You externalize your feelings in order to organize them. You want a harmonious outer world where everyone is cooperating to create group harmony.

What this can look like: Venting your feelings in order to get advice that will help you refine your feelings and understand them objectively. You often look past your individual feelings if you see group disharmony that needs to be dealt with.


You internalize your feelings in order to organize them. You want a harmonious inner world where you know that youโ€™re living in alignment with your individual values.

What this can look like: Needing to get away when you have intense feelings rather than externalize them. Needing to shut the door on others and analyze your feelings in private. Wanting validation for your feelings rather than advice or feedback. Marching to the beat of your own drum instead of adhering to group values (unless they coincide with your individual values).


You internalize your perceptions, discarding possibilities and theories that seem implausible. Youโ€™re looking for the long-term ripple-effects of current experiences. Your intuition is like an arrow zooming through the clutter trying to land on one future outcome as the thing that WILL happen.

What this can look like: Putting all your eggs in one basket. Tailoring the bulk of your life around one strategy. Waiting for the perfect timing to begin an individual ambition โ€“ only beginning when you have a crystallized image in your mind of how it will unfold.


You externalize your perceptions. You extrapolate possibilities, imagine multiple scenarios, and never want to be tied down to one plan. Youโ€™re strict in adhering to your personal code of ethics, but youโ€™re more open-minded about your views on what could happen in the future.

What this can look like: Experimenting with many different projects and seeing potential everywhere. Having a more random, scattered approach to accomplishing things. Having an emerging vision as you work on something and being willing to switch gears quickly if necessary.


You believe that the early bird gets the worm. When you have a job, task, or project to accomplish, you aim to begin right away and work at a methodical pace until itโ€™s finished. The idea of โ€œsprintingโ€ to finish a task at the last minute fills you with dread because you want to have plenty of time to examine a finished project and check for errors.


You believe that being flexible and waiting for inspiration is essential when given a project or task. You like gathering information, taking in more and more until you decide whatโ€™s right for you. Having open-ended, flexible plans is a comfort to you. Rushing to get a project done feels overwhelming because you never know what inspiration might cause you to switch gears or add a different flourish to something youโ€™ve begun.


You eliminate uncertainty through making decisions. If you go on a vacation youโ€™re likely to plan it all out ahead of time and know and envision exactly how you want things to unfold.


You enjoy surprises. If you go on a vacation you might plan a few basics, but leave the rest up to the desires of the moment. Creating a detailed plan would be silly because you might feel like youโ€™re in the mood for something else when the time arises.


You seek relatedness with others. You share experiences to find people with similar experiences. Solidarity is crucial. You often crowdsource opinions, checking your feelings against external sources. You want to know that your feelings โ€œmake sense.โ€


You seek harmony and connection with yourself. You have inner ideals and values that you wish the world would also embrace. You observe and analyze your feelings over your lifetime, categorizing them, and working to understand them. This gives you a keen awareness of what feelings mean, inside yourself, and in others.

To sum it up:

INFJs live for those sudden โ€œahaโ€ epiphanies that reveal a future vision to them. They live to predict and anticipate. They want to comprehend the background processes at work in situations such as hidden meanings or ulterior motives. Think of a philosopher who tailors his life around a vision of the future and what it means for humanity.

INFPs live to see their inner ideals validated in the outer world. Sometimes this happens through artistic expression or writing, at other times this may happen through travel or friendship. Think of a poet who brings their inner heart out through prose and passionate wording.

Still not sure?

Many people think they are either an INFJ or an INFP and they are, in fact, an ISFP or an ISFJ. You can take our questionnaire to find out which of these four types feels the most accurate to you! Remember, even a test can’t tell you who you are. It takes time with yourself for you to uncover the best-fit type that characterizes you.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you have any thoughts, experiences, or insights to share? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ โ€“ Understanding the Mystic,  The INFP โ€“ Understanding the Dreamer, and The INTJ โ€“ Understanding the Strategist. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

Not sure if you're an INFP or INFJ? Here is an extremely easy guide to telling the difference between the two. #INFP #INFJ #MBTI #Personality

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  1. This is very succinct.
    INFPs tend to know themselves so well and know who they are. I listen to my INFP counsellor with awe. She knows she is not “supposed to” talk about herself, but she does sometimes briefly to help relate, always prefacing it with “I know we’re not supposed to reveal personal information…” I think (well, know) she got too involved emotionally to a client in the past and it affected her (know no details).

    She thinks I know myself well, but I don’t have the acceptance of human emotion the way she does that is needed to fully embrace Introverted Feeling.

    I have seen her feel empathy for fictional people with bad experiences almost like she would another human being.

    She was checking in somewhere, I think, anyway, this happened:
    -Is it Miss or Mrs?
    -Oh, It’s DOCTOR actually.

    Also, if they go off at tangents quite a lot, usually a sign of an Ne user.

    Fi: All your feelings are valid
    Ti: [definition of “valid”? context? 010101]
    Fi: [must help to accept. engage Te firm encouragement]

  2. I am confused because most infp describes me but when it comes to how they feel people infp doesnโ€™t resonate at all, for me everyone one and everything exudes itโ€™s own feeling and is hard to tell them from my own, when a person enters the room I start to feel a certain way the other person feels this happens always even If I donโ€™t want to, is unconscious but the rest of the infj descriptions donโ€™t seem as fitting I am starting to have serious doubts about mbti as a whole!

  3. I realized I wanted to be an infp cause they just seemed too cute

    But Iโ€™m actually Ni Fe

    Thank you for your help! ๐Ÿค—

  4. Thank you for this information! I usually test as an INFJ but with your test I had come out as INFP. After reading all this I am definitely a INFP! I’m totally cool with that, I just wanted to know what I was!

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