Relationships are complicated. Whether you’re trying to decode your partner’s cryptic texts, wondering why your best friend suddenly needs alone time, or attempting to survive a holiday dinner with your in-laws, personality differences play a massive role in how we connect (or clash). That’s where the Myers-Briggs® and Enneagram come in—your ultimate cheat codes for understanding love, friendship, and family dynamics. Here, you’ll find deep dives into how different types communicate, what they need in relationships, and why your INFJ spouse keeps overanalyzing that one thing you said three days ago. Whether you want to strengthen your bond, navigate conflict, or just make sense of the people in your life, you’re in the right place.

Myers-Briggs® and Romantic Relationships

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) is like a roadmap to how people think, feel, and interact with the world. It breaks personalities down into 16 distinct types, each with its own way of communicating, handling emotions, and approaching relationships. Some types thrive on deep, meaningful conversations (hello, INFJs and INFPs), while others prefer action over words (looking at you, ESTPs and ISTPs). Understanding these differences can be a game-changer in relationships—helping you avoid unnecessary conflicts, build stronger connections, and finally understand why your INTJ partner gives you solutions when all you wanted was empathy. Whether you’re navigating romance, friendship, or family bonds, knowing your MBTI type (and theirs) can transform the way you connect.

Discover how personality impacts your relationships and friendships!

Discover what's really important to each Myers-Briggs personality type on a first date. #MBTI #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP

The Ideal Dating Experience of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Today we’re going to explore the ideal dating experiences of each personality type. Whether you’re asking someone out for the first time or you’re celebrating your 50th anniversary, these tips can improve the quality of your dating experiences! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire! Tips to Remember When Dating…
Read More The Ideal Dating Experience of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types that are most and least likely to have a solid support group. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ

These are the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Most and Least Likely to Have Supportive Relationships

I’m going to be real with you. It’s hard to find your ‘Village.’ For some people, finding community comes naturally. You live in one place your whole life, have a close-knit family, a friend group, religious group, institutions and traditions and social circles that you can count on no matter what. For others, life feels…
Read More These are the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Most and Least Likely to Have Supportive Relationships
Find out how each Myers-Briggs® personality type gets misunderstood in romantic relationships. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

How You’re Misunderstood in a Relationship, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Do you and your partner feel like you’re speaking different languages? Does it seem like you keep rehashing the same arguments again and again? Maybe your way of showing love isn’t the way your partner is accepting it. Maybe the way they want to receive love isn’t the way you naturally provide it. Relationships are…
Read More How You’re Misunderstood in a Relationship, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
Find out how to make a long-distance relationship work with each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Needs in a Long-Distance Relationship

When it comes to relationships, almost none are as challenging (or as beautiful) as long-distance relationships. Though they will never be the easiest, research shows that people in long-distance relationships have a strong chance at thriving. “Most studies have found equal or even higher levels of satisfaction, commitment, and trust in (long-distance dating relationships) compared…
Read More What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Needs in a Long-Distance Relationship
Explore the biggest relationship fears of each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

Your Biggest Relationship Fear, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Ever wondered what your significant other really fears in your relationship? Today we’re looking at some of the biggest underlying anxieties each type faces when they enter the dating scene. Knowing these fears can help you to be considerate of your partner’s headspace and individual needs. I’ve also included some infographics to help you be…
Read More Your Biggest Relationship Fear, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
An in-depth look at how your personality type can impact your marriage. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFJ #ENFP

Myers-Briggs® and Marriage – How Your Personality Type Makes a Difference

Does your Myers-Briggs® personality type impact your marriage? Do you ever feel like your partner just doesn’t “get” you or you don’t understand them? Today we’re going to take a look at some of the most frequent problems that occur in relationships between different types. Because this could get extremely complex we’re going to start…
Read More Myers-Briggs® and Marriage – How Your Personality Type Makes a Difference

The Enneagram and Romantic Relationships

The Enneagram isn’t just a personality system—it’s a deep dive into why we do what we do. Unlike Myers-Briggs, which focuses on how we think, the Enneagram digs into our core fears, motivations, and emotional triggers. With nine types, each shaped by a unique internal drive, it explains why Type 2s bend over backward to help (but secretly want appreciation), why Type 5s guard their energy like a dragon hoarding gold, and why Type 9s would rather keep the peace than start an argument (even when they should). In relationships, knowing your Enneagram type—and your partner’s—can reveal hidden dynamics, prevent miscommunication, and help you grow together instead of apart. Because sometimes, the real challenge isn’t what someone does, but why they do it.

Personality Types and Friendships

Friendships are built on connection—but how we connect depends a lot on personality. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) explains how we process the world: some friends need deep, philosophical discussions (hello, INTJs and INFJs), while others just want to go on spontaneous adventures (looking at you, ESFPs and ESTPs). Meanwhile, the Enneagram uncovers the why behind our behavior—why Type 6 friends need reassurance, why Type 8s come off blunt but are fiercely loyal, and why Type 4s want to be understood on a soul-deep level. When you mix these two systems, you get an incredibly nuanced look at friendship—why certain people click instantly, why misunderstandings happen, and how to nurture the relationships that matter most. Whether you’re trying to understand your extroverted bestie who never stops texting or your introverted friend who vanishes for weeks at a time, personality theory can help you bridge the gap.

Discover 5 friendship traits that each Myers-Briggs personality type brings to a friendship. #MBTI #Personality #INTP

5 Strengths You Bring to a Friendship, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what unique qualities you bring to your friendships? Your Myers-Briggs® personality type may give us some insights! Thanks to an enormous survey I conducted with over 85,000 individuals (and 5,002 respondents so far), we can gain some insights into this big question. Let’s take a look! Not sure what your personality…
Read More 5 Strengths You Bring to a Friendship, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
This article explores the common female friendship struggles of each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

The Struggles Women Face in Friendships, Based On Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Types

As an INTJ woman, I have often experienced uncertainty and intimidation when it comes to the realm of female friendships. While I do know some other NT women who do not face the same struggle, I have noticed that many others do encounter similar challenges. Building and maintaining friendships can be challenging, particularly as an…
Read More The Struggles Women Face in Friendships, Based On Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Types
Get an in-depth look at the struggles each of the 16 personalities face when it comes to friendship. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

The Struggles Men Face in Friendships, Based On Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Friendship is something everyone needs in order to really be happy and content with life. Even the most reclusive introvert craves a confidante to share their thoughts and feelings with. But for some men, forming meaningful relationships can be exceptionally challenging. According to a recent 2021 survey of over 2,000 adults in the United States,…
Read More The Struggles Men Face in Friendships, Based On Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Thoughts Specifically for Introverted Personality Types

For introverts, friendship isn’t about quantity—it’s about depth. While extroverts may thrive in big social circles, introverts (think INFJs, INFPs, INTJs, ISTPs, etc.) crave fewer but more meaningful connections. The Myers-Briggs framework explains why some introverts need regular heart-to-hearts (hello, INFPs), while others prefer friendships that feel effortless, without the pressure to constantly engage (looking at you, ISTPs). The Enneagram adds another layer, revealing why some introverts (Type 5s, for example) need space to recharge, while others (Type 9s) might struggle with setting boundaries. If you’re an introvert, navigating friendships can be tricky—balancing alone time with connection, managing energy levels, and finding people who understand that silence isn’t awkward, it’s comfortable. The good news? The right friendships, ones that honor your personality, can be some of the most fulfilling and lasting relationships of your life.

INFJs and their relationships and compatibility with other personality types

Are You Compatible? INFJs and Relationships

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What do INFJs need and want in relationships? Today we’re exploring some common struggles and joys these types face when trying to find “the one.” As an MBTI® practitioner, I’ve…
Find out what INTJs really need in a relationship to be compatible and happy.

INTJs and Relationships with Other Personality Types

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Are you an INTJ wondering what kinds of relationships will really be satisfying? I don’t consider myself a relationship expert, but one topic that continually comes up with personality research…
Discover 10 things that ISFPs need in relationships

10 Things ISFPs Need in a Relationship

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As an ISFP, relationships can sometimes feel complicated, especially when you’re trying to balance your desire for connection with your need for freedom and authenticity. I’ve worked with many ISFPs…
Discover the 10 things that INFPs really need in a relationship in order to feel content, secure, and inspired.

10 Things INFPs Need in a Relationship

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Being in a relationship with an INFP is like stepping into a world of dreams, emotions, and deep values. The world becomes bigger, your feelings become deeper, and you unlock…
Discover what ISTPs value in a romantic relationship. #MBTI #ISTP #Personality

10 Things ISTPs Look for in a Relationship

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When it comes to relationships, ISTPs have some intriguing qualities that may seem paradoxical to other types. On one hand, they are extremely independent – yet on the other, they…
ISFJ Relationships

Are you compatible? ISFJs and Relationships

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ISFJs are some of the most naturally generous and caring individuals around. They are highly motivated to care for and defend their loved ones (hence their title “The Defender”). “It…
Get an in-depth look at how INTJs flirt and why it might look a bit different than typical flirting.

The Flirting Style of the INTJ Personality Type

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Coy. Gregarious. Vulnerable. Just kidding, that’s definitely not the INTJ’s flirting style. If your idea of being swept off your feet involves intellectual discussion deep into the early morning hours,…
Get an in-depth look at how #INTPs show you they like you! #INTP #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the INTP Personality Type

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The Flirting Style of the INTP Personality Type Do I have to address the robot in the room? Fine. If you like ‘em logical, skeptical, and willing to call you…
Get an in-depth look at the #INFP flirting style while de-bunking some of the stereotypes of this personality type! #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the INFP Personality Type

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Today we’re going to take a look at the INFP flirting style – and on the way, we’ll hopefully de-bunk some of the stereotypes about this incredible type. The internet:…
Not sure if an INFJ likes you? Get a look at their flirting style! #INFJ #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the INFJ Personality Type

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INFJs are visionary, warm, supportive individuals with strong insights into human dynamics and relationships. You’d think this would make them masters at the art of seduction, right? Unfortunately, having insight…
Get an in-depth look at how #ISTJs prefer to flirt. #ISTJ #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the ISTJ Personality Type

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ISTJs are competent individuals with a strong work ethic, a fun sense of humor, and a curious mind to boot. They are certainly interesting cookies. But how do they fare…
Get an in-depth look at how #ISFJs flirt! #ISFJ #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the ISFJ Personality Type

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Today I’m going to talk about how ISFJs flirt. Am I really going there? Yes, dears. Most of us probably think flirting entails coy touches, smooth words, and general confidence…

Thoughts Specifically for Extroverted Personality Types

For extroverts, friendship is fuel. Whether it’s a buzzing group chat, a spontaneous weekend trip, or just having someone to share every random thought with, extroverts (ENFPs, ESFJs, ESTPs, ENTJs, etc.) thrive on connection. The Myers-Briggs® framework explains why some extroverts (like ENFPs and ESFPs) love making new friends everywhere they go, while others (like ENTJs and ESTJs) prefer tight-knit circles of ambitious, like-minded people. The Enneagram adds another layer, revealing why Type 7s bounce from friend to friend, always chasing the next thrill, while Type 2s pour their hearts into nurturing and supporting their inner circle. But even the most social extroverts have to navigate challenges—like respecting an introverted friend’s need for space or figuring out which friendships are truly meaningful versus just fun. The best part? When extroverts find their people, they bring energy, excitement, and unwavering loyalty to the friendships that matter most.

Discover the 10 important things ESFJs need in a relationship

10 Things ESFJs Need in a Relationship

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If you’re in a relationship with an ESFJ or you are an ESFJ, you’ve probably realized that relationships aren’t just important—they’re everything. As an MBTI® practitioner, I’ve had the honor…
Discover how ENTJs show their love. #ENTJ #MBTI

How ENTJs Say “I Love You”

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Are you wondering if the ENTJ in your life is in love? Do you ever wonder how they really feel about you? This comes as no surprise! Relationships are confusing,…
Discover how ENFPs show they care and how they express love. #MBTI #Personality #ENFP

How ENFPs Say “I Love You”

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ENFPs, who I like to call “The Visionaries”, have a way of showing love that really stands out. Known for their imagination, enthusiasm, and idealism, ENFPs want to bring out…
Get an in-depth look at the ENFJ flirting style and find out how to tell if they really like you.

The Flirting Style of the ENFJ Personality Type

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If your idea of being wooed means having your soul excavated by the finest soul-miner around then you’re going to want an ENFJ. These types will dig through the trenches…
Discover the ESTP flirting style and find out how to tell if they like you

The Flirting Style of the ESTP Personality Type

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If your dream man or woman has the reflexes of Black Widow and the cleverness of Tony Stark you just might have a thing for ESTPs. These types are overflowing…
Want to find out if an #ENTP is flirting with you? Get all the clues in this in-depth post! #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the ENTP Personality Type

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That internet troll who can’t help but start something up with you every two seconds is probably an ENTP. And oh, my golly gumdrops. They probably dig you. ENTPs are…
Get an in-depth look at the flirting style of the #ENFP. #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the ENFP Personality Type

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If ENFPs bring to mind unicorns and rainbows, you probably don’t know them well enough. Is this a hot take? We’ll see. ENFPs are often characterized online by their lively,…
Get an in-depth look at how #ESTJs flirt when they like someone! #ESTJ #MBTI #Personality

The Flirting Style of the ESTJ Personality Type

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Everyone needs an ESTJ in their life. I would know. I married one. ESTJs are often labeled domineering and blunt, with nothing but high expectations for everyone in their immediate…