September Bucket List Ideas for INFJs

September is a month of transformation and reflection, a time to harvest the fruits of our labor and prepare for the quieter, more introspective months ahead. For INFJs, it’s a time to look inward, and spiritually clean out any clutter that’s been getting in the way. This could mean getting rid of limiting beliefs or unplugging and being more present in the moment.

September has long been one of my personal favorite months. I love the quieter nature of it; the cooling, crisp air, the cozy feel, the scents, the invitation to rest and settle in for a good book. This month offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature, practice gratitude, and celebrate the cycles of life. How can you make it more rewarding for you as an INFJ? Let’s find some ways!

INFJ bucket list of ideas for September

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The Beauty and Importance of September

Honoring September as an INFJ personality type

September is a month of balance and transition. The fall equinox arrives September 22nd and marks the moment when day and night are nearly equal in length. This balance between light and dark is a powerful reminder of the cycles of growth and rest that we, too, experience in our lives.

Carl Jung, the father of typology, once said, “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.”

For INFJs, September can be a time to become more conscious of these contrasts within ourselves. A time to accept the sadness and the darkness, seeing the beauty and meaning in it and finding the little lessons they teach us along the way. But it’s also a time to throw open the windows, let in the fresh air, and breathe in the light and joy of a September sunrise; to appreciate what’s good in our lives and discard darker thoughts that are no longer serving us.

Just as the earth prepares to rest, we can use this time to acknowledge our growth, celebrate our accomplishments, and prepare for the quieter months ahead.

In many cultures, September represents the harvest season—a time to gather and celebrate the abundance brought forth by hard work and perseverance. In Old England, it was called “Haervest-monath,” or Harvest Month. We can use this time to honor all that we have, shift our focus from lack to gratitude, and nurture ourselves so we can continue to care for others.

  • This can look like slowing down and savoring your morning coffee, rather than drinking it in a rush while thinking of other things.
  • This can look like writing down five things you’re grateful for in your journal before you go to bed every night.

Just as trees shed their leaves to prepare for winter, September invites us to release what no longer serves us. It’s a time to let go of old habits, negative emotions, and anything that gets in the way of our growth, meaning, and gratitude. Spending time outdoors, taking nature walks, creating new rituals, meditations, and other spiritual practices can strengthen our bond with nature and our inner selves.

September Bucket List Ideas for the INFJ

Fall bucket list for INFJs (drink a chai latte, go hiking, practice gratitude, write a letter, read a book, celebrate the autumn equinox)

1. Go Hiking

Connect with the natural world by going on a hike in a beautiful place. Whether this means the beach, the forest, or the majestic mountain peaks, use this as a time to reflect and enjoy every detail of the earth around you.

2. Fall Cleaning to Classical Music or an Audiobook

Clear out the old to make way for the new. Cleaning your space can help you to feel a sense of joy, control, and peace in your life. In fact, study published in the journal, Mindfulness, found that people who were mindful when washing dishes—meaning they took the time to smell the soap and to take in the experience—reported a 27% reduction in nervousness, along with a 25% improvement in “mental inspiration.” [1]

If you’re someone who feels stressed or bored during cleaning, play an audiobook or listen to some soft instrumental music to make the experience more satisfying!

3. Bake Something with Cinnamon

Cinnamon is by far my absolute favorite scent. When I smell it, I can’t help but think cozy thoughts and imagine brisk autumn air, knitted blankets, and simmering apple cider. And memories aren’t the only thing that cinnamon evokes! According to, cinnamon can boost creativity and innovation! [2]

4. Light a Fall Candle

Light a fall-scented candle to create a cozy atmosphere. This simple act can help you to get more in touch with your senses and feel more at peace and relaxed.

5. Celebrate the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd

Honor this day by lighting a candle, calming your body, and breathing in gratitude. Reflect on your growth and accomplishments, and set intentions for the coming months. Commemorating this day with some calm, peaceful rituals can help you get in touch with your intuition, introspect, and become more grounded as well.

Some people create celebrations for the autumn equinox! This could be a chance to connect with friend and family you love. You could tap into your feeling side and host a small get-together with your favorite people. Simmer some apple cider, put some chili or soup in the crock pot, and take turns asking thought-provoking questions. But don’t overdo it! Remember, as an INFJ the quiet moments alone are crucial for your energy and well-being.

6. Acknowledge Your Growth and Expansion

Take time to recognize how far you’ve come this year. Jot down your achievements in a journal, think about meaningful relationships you’ve cultivated, or write down positive memories you’ve gathered.

7. Honor All That You Have

Focus on the abundance in your life. Create a gratitude list, and spend a few moments each day reflecting on the things that have made each day better.

8. Shift from Lack to Gratitude

Whenever you feel scarcity or lack, consciously shift your focus to gratitude. As an example, instead of thinking “I never have enough time,” look at each day as a new surprise opportunity. I do this sometimes by imagining myself on my death bed. I know it sounds morbid, but this simple thought-process helps me. I imagine myself at the very end of my life, with only moments left. Then I imagine I’m given this amazing blessing of jumping back in time to the moment I am “now” in. Suddenly I feel the abundance of the time I have left, and the meaningful tasks stand out from the useless ones. I’m able to be so much more grateful as well as see where I might need to shift my priorities.

9. Read a Book

Dive into a new book and get lost in a different world. INFJs are the second-most likely type to read the most books overall, and many have written to me saying that it’s their favorite stress-reduction technique. National Read a Book Day is on September 6th, making it the perfect excuse to head out to your local library and pick up a novel.

10. Decorate for Fall

Transform your living space with fall decorations. Bring in elements like pumpkins, autumn leaves, candles, and cozy blankets to create a warm, inviting environment. Play instrumental music, open the windows, and create an overall feeling of homy-ness, coziness, and nature.

11. Drink a Chai Latte

Or if apple cider is more your thing, do that instead. Either way, take a moment to relax, wrap up in a warm blanket, and sip your favorite hot drink, savoring each nuance of flavor. This simple mindfulness practice can help you to feel calmer, more grateful, and more open to inspiration and joy.

12. Write a Letter to Someone You Love on World Letter-Writing Day (September 1st)

How would you feel if you got a hand-written, heartfelt letter from someone you love? Pretty good, right? Hand-written letters make a big impact, yet so many of us only communicate via digital text messages. Begin your fall month by writing a letter to someone and acknowledging the experiences and joys they’ve added to your life. As an INFJ this is a great way to communicate and tap into your empathetic feeling side without getting overwhelmed by big social obligations.

13. Celebrate Fun Holidays

Mark your calendar with these fun September holidays:

  • National Live Fearless Day (September 2nd)
  • Eat an Extra Dessert Day (September 4th)
  • National Buy a Book Day (September 7th)
  • Wonderful Weirdos Day (September 9th)
  • National Day of Encouragement (September 12th)
  • National Wife Appreciation Day (September 15th)
  • World Gratitude Day (September 21st)
  • Hobbit Day (September 22nd)
  • National Family Day (September 23rd)
  • National Pancake Day (September 26th)
  • National Ghost Hunting Day (September 28th)
  • National Coffee Day (September 29th)
  • National Hot Mulled Cider Day (September 30th)

I don’t know about you, but ALL of these days sound amazing to me (especially “Eat an Extra Dessert Day”).

What Do You Think?

What are your favorite September activities? Have you tried any of the ones we’ve mentioned here? Let us and other readers know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

INFJ Understanding the Mystic


  1. Hanley AW, Warner AR, Dehili VM, Canto AI, Garland EL. Washing dishes to wash the dishes: brief instruction in an informal mindfulness practiceMindfulness. 2015;6(5):1095-1103. doi:10.1007/s12671-014-0360-9
  2. Science Says Smelling Cinnamon Can Make You Much More Creative and Innovative (but Not for the Reason You Might Think)
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