Find out why #INFPs, #ENFPs, #ISFPs, and #ESFPs can struggle with letting go of bad experiences. #MBTI #Personality #personalitytype #INFP #ISFP #ENFP #ESFP
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Here’s Why It’s So Hard for INFPs, ENFPs, ISFPs and ESFPs to Let Go of Bad Things

If you’re an ESFP, ISFP, ENFP, or INFP type, then you probably know how hard it can be to let go and move on when bad things happen to you. This is especially true when the “things” involve other people and how they respond to you. All the FP types in the Myers-Briggs® system make…

Discover what ESFPs value in a romantic relationship. #MBTI #Personality #ESFP
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10 Things ESFPs Look For In a Relationship

ESFPs are known for being fun-loving and affectionate partners. They have a zest for life and a practical, no-nonsense nature that is refreshing and uplifting. Many people are drawn to their charisma, optimism, and sense of humor. But what does the ESFP want in a relationship? What factors are the most important to them when…

MBTI and Mental Illness
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Myers Briggs and Mental Illness Part 3 – The Artisans

Is there a link between certain Myers Briggs types and mental illness? This question gets asked a lot, and I wanted to find some answers. For months I’ve been researching any information I could find to see if there’s a correlation between type and mental distress. I used to have a long post detailing all…