Find the Greek God or Goddess with your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type. #MBTI #Personality
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Here’s the Greek God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Personality Type

I love using Myers-Briggs® to talk about fictional characters, but I’ve never used it to type mythological figures before and I was excited when Susan suggested this topic to me. Greek mythology is a fairly recent interest of mine sparked in part by Lore Olympus, part by my obsession with the Hadestown musical, and part…

Discover 21 hobbies that inspire and uplift INFJs
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21 Hobbies That INFJs Love

Our Myers-Briggs® personality types describe the ways our minds work, so it makes sense that people with the same type might have similar interests. Everyone is a unique individual with their own preferences for how to spend their down-time, but you’ll often see people with the same type enjoy similar hobbies. Here are 21 hobbies…

Discover the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types of each of the characters in The Office series. #MBTI #Personality
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of The Office Characters

Have you ever wondered if you’re more of a Michael Scott or a Jim Halpert? In today’s article we’re going to dive into the unique personality types of the lovable (and sometimes hateable) characters in The Office. I’ve always had a soft spot for this series. As a mother of five, The Office is what…

Discover the Disney Princess with your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type! From Elsa to Snow White, we've got them all here.
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The Disney Princess with Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered which Disney princess has your Myers-Briggs® personality type? In today’s article we’re taking a look at some of the most popular princesses and describing their personality types in a way that will be easy to understand, even for newbies to type. I hope you enjoy this! What Are the Myers-Briggs® Personality…

10 reasons why INFJs feel misunderstood by other people.
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10 Reasons Why INFJs Feel Misunderstood

As an MBTI® practitioner, one of the most common struggles I hear from INFJs is the struggle of being misunderstood. The world outside often focuses on appearances, materialism, or experiences, rather than the abstract concepts that INFJs love. Many INFJs I’ve spoken to say that people don’t understand their insights, don’t trust their hunches, or…