Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types of the Wicked characters. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Wicked Characters

Wicked dives into the complexities of good, evil, and everything in between, offering a rich world of characters with complex personalities. As a die-hard Broadway fan, I have been looking forward to seeing Wicked for years. I absolutely loved the movie and would definitely recommend seeing it! And after you do, come back and see…

Find out the Myers-Briggs personality types most likely to process their emotions alone versus with others. #MBTI #INFJ #Personality
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The Personality Types Most Likely to Keep Their Feelings to Themselves

You know that feeling when life just throws you a curveball? Maybe you’ve had a terrible day—your boss micromanaged you into oblivion, the cat knocked your coffee onto your favorite book, and someone sent you yet another vague “we need to talk” text. By the end of it, your emotions are bubbling up and you…

Find out which of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types has the easiest and hardest time relating to other people. #MBTI #Personality
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Which Personality Types Find It Hardest to Relate to People?

Why is it that some people seem to click with others as easily as Velcro, while others feel like they’re stuck trying to plug a USB in the wrong way—over and over again? I wanted to find out, so I asked my email list, clients, and followers to take a survey about their personality types…

Find the Greek God or Goddess with your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type. #MBTI #Personality
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Here’s the Greek God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Personality Type

I love using Myers-Briggs® to talk about fictional characters, but I’ve never used it to type mythological figures before and I was excited when Susan suggested this topic to me. Greek mythology is a fairly recent interest of mine sparked in part by Lore Olympus, part by my obsession with the Hadestown musical, and part…