Find insights into each of the #MBTI personality types! #Myersbriggs #Personality #personalitytype #Myersbriggs #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFP #ENTP #ENFJ #ENTJ #ISTJ #ISFJ #ISTP #ISFP
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A Look at Each of the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types

This article is meant to give you a brief overview of what each personality type is like based on their two most-used functions. If you want more in-depth information then be sure to click on the links at the end of each section. Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire…

Discover the unique way each #personality type sees the world! #MBTI #Myersbriggs #personalitytype #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFJ #ENFP #ENTJ #ENTP #ISTJ #ISFJ
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Here’s How You See the World, Based On Your Personality Type

Each of us takes in data and information differently and in a way that is unique to our personality type. Some people are really in tune with their inner-body sensations, others are more in tune with where they are in space! How do you see the world? How do you collect information? We’ll find out…

Find out how to communicate effectively with #sensors and #intuitives! #MBTI #Myersbriggs #personalitytype #personality #INFJ #INTJ #INFP #INTP #ENFJ #ENTJ #ENFP #ENTP #ISTJ #ISFJ #ISTP #ISFP
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The Secrets to Communicating with Sensors and Intuitives

A knowledge of personality type can help you navigate the sometimes murky waters of conversation. Each type has a different way they like to communicate, and each type is convinced or intrigued by different things. Here are some quick tips for recognizing intuitives and sensors in conversation, and how you can appeal to both preferences….

Discover what #INFJs #INTJs #ISTPs and #ISTJs all have in common! #MBTI #Personalitytype #Personality #myersbriggs #MBTI
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Here’s What INFJs, INTJs, ISTJs, and ISTPs All Have in Common

At first glance you’d think that INFJs, INTJs, ISTJs and ISTPs would have very little in common. I mean, they’re all introverts, but aside from that you have one feeler thrown in with a bunch of thinkers and one perceiver mixed up with a bunch of judging types. What’s the rhyme or reason to this…

Is your #MBTI result incorrect? Find out why it could be! #INFJ #INTJ #Myersbriggs #personalitytype #INTP #INFP
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Here’s Why Your Personality Test Results Might Be Wrong

As an MBTI® practitioner I work with a lot of people who aren’t sure of their type, or who ARE sure of their type but probably shouldn’t be. Over the course of the last 10 years I’ve realized that there are certain types who nearly always mistype as other personality types, and that the online…