How You Use Extraverted Thinking – Based On Its Location in Your Function Stack
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How You Use Extraverted Thinking – Based On Its Location in Your Function Stack

“We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.” – Carl Sagan, an ENTJ Extraverted Thinking (Te) is the function that has been used by some of the most thought-provoking inventors, scientists, politicians, and businessmen…

Type Bullying and the NT Girl – Tips for Parents of Female INTJs, INTPS, ENTJs & ENTPs
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Type Bullying and the NT Girl – Tips for Parents of Female INTJs, INTPS, ENTJs & ENTPs

Did you know that certain personality types experience bullying more frequently than others? Discrimination based on someone’s type is often insidious and confusing. We may not even be aware that we are bullying someone based on their type till we know more about type and how it plays out; particularly in childhood. One group of…

5 Ways to Annoy an INTJ
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5 Ways To Annoy An INTJ

Today I want to talk about INTJs. These independent thinkers are often intriguing and challenging with their original ideas, insights, and strategic ways of making decisions. I have an INTJ sister-in-law who I LOVE talking to on the phone. I can always count on her to be straightforward, honest, but also open-minded and full of…