Type Bullying and the NT Girl – Tips for Parents of Female INTJs, INTPS, ENTJs & ENTPs
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Type Bullying and the NT Girl – Tips for Parents of Female INTJs, INTPS, ENTJs & ENTPs

Did you know that certain personality types experience bullying more frequently than others? Discrimination based on someone’s type is often insidious and confusing. We may not even be aware that we are bullying someone based on their type till we know more about type and how it plays out; particularly in childhood. One group of…

5 Ways to annoy an INTP
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5 Ways To Annoy An INTP

Today I’m excited to talk about the clever and inventive INTP personality types. Referred to as “the Architects” by personality expert David Kiersey, INTPs are known for their creativity, ingenuity, and strategic way of solving problems. INTPs make up only 1-3% of the population, so if you have one in your life be thankful! They…

How Do YOU Use Extraverted Feeling?
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How Do YOU Use Extraverted Feeling?

Extraverted feeling is often called the “harmonizing” function. That’s because it helps us to understand and empathize with the moods and emotions of others. People with strong extraverted feeling can often absorb others emotions and feel them as if they are their own. This makes strong Fe users very good listeners who often know how to…

Myers-Briggs® and Mental Illness – The NT Types
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Myers-Briggs® and Mental Illness – The NT Types

Do you think there’s a link between MBTI® types and certain mental illnesses? I’ve seen this question come up often in various personality type communities. For months I’ve been researching any information I could find to see if there’s a correlation between type and mental distress. I used to have a long post detailing all…

MBTI Pet Peeves
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How to Annoy Any Myers Briggs® Type

We all have those little things that irritate us to no end, no matter how minor they may seem. Does type have any part to play in this? With a little research and some lurking through forums, I was able to come up with this list. Technically, I think a lot of these things would…