Find out what each of the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types really crave more than gifts. #MBTI #Personality
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What You Crave More Than Presents, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

‘Tis the season for giving—but while everyone enjoys those presents stacked under the tree, the meaningful gifts are often less tangible. For many of us, the perfect “gift” has less to do with material things and more to do with meaningful experiences, heartfelt connection, or a spark of inspiration. Every personality type has something they…

Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types of the Winnie the Pooh characters. #MBTI #Personality
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Winnie the Pooh Characters

As long as I can remember, I’ve always loved the Winnie the Pooh books, movies, and television shows. They were my favorite movies as a child, and I wound up collecting Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals in my teen years that I have handed down to my children today. Something about the idyllic setting of…

Discover the four personality types that INTJs tend to clash with the most, and how they can overcome the challenges.
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The Four Personality Types INTJs Clash with the Most (and How to Connect)

As an INTJ, I’d like to say we know how to get along with just about everyone. After all, as intuitives it’s fairly easy for us to switch perspectives and understand different points of view. But at the same time, there are certain types we do tend to clash with. And we’re not always as…

Find out which Myers-Briggs personality types bottle up their feelings, versus the ones who express them outright, and find ways to express your feelings constructively.
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Most Likely to Bottle Up Their Feelings

Have you ever had one of those days where someone really is getting under your skin, but instead of saying anything, you just sit there simmering like a pot of water on low heat? Yeah, same. Bottling up feelings is one of those things we all do from time to time, but some personality types…

Which of the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types struggle the most to ask for help when they need it? Find out in this in-depth post based on a survey of over 80,000 individuals.
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The Personality Types That Struggle the Most to Ask for Help

When life gets overwhelming, some people instinctively reach out for help. They pick up the phone, send a text, or look someone in the eye and say, “I need you right now.” For others, though, asking for help feels like trying to scale Mount Everest barefoot. It’s daunting, uncomfortable, and maybe even a little embarrassing….