Find out why #ISTPs make the best action heroes!
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Why ISTPs Make the Best Action Heroes

Jason Bourne. Wolverine. Han Solo. Black Widow. Do you notice any similarities between these characters? They’re all unstoppable, devil-may-care action heroes. They’re also all ISTPs. ISTPs make the ideal template for an action hero. These cool, collected types have the sharpest tactical abilities of any of the 16 types. They’re called “the crafters” but really…

Extraverted and Introverted Thinking
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Ti vs Te: The Difference Between Extraverted and Introverted Thinking

Being able to use logic and reasoning is essential to living a fulfilled life as a person. Every single Myers-Briggs® type uses thinking, even if they got a feeling result on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®.  If we didn’t use thinking we wouldn’t be able to have any logical basis for our decisions, and we’d all…

What is Personality Typing? An Intro for Beginners

Have you ever wanted to know yourself better? What about your spouse, or your children? Do you find yourself confused by the way people communicate with you, or find it hard to relate to certain people? Knowing about personality type can take you leaps and bounds in your understanding of yourself and others. I’ve spent…