Discover the surprising things that each Myers-Briggs personality type notices.
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The Surprising Things You Notice, Based On Your Personality Type

Have you ever wondered what catches your attention that others seem to miss? Each personality type has its own way of perceiving the world, noticing patterns, details, or dynamics that might go completely unnoticed by others. Whether it’s spotting inconsistencies in logic, hidden emotional cues, or even hypocrisy, your personality preferences give us some surprising…

Find out which of the Marvel women has your Myers-Briggs personality type
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Here’s the Marvel Lady You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered which of the Marvel women you have the most in common with? I like looking at fictional characters’ personality types and trying to figure out what they are for a few different reasons. First, I think it’s interesting to look at the variety of personalities represented in characters and see which…

Discover which Marvel villain has your Myers-Briggs personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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Here’s the Marvel Villain You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Want to find out which villain has your MBTI® type? As Marvel fans, my friends and I often love to debate who would win in a battle between two iconic characters. And while our debates are entertaining, they can also teach us a lot about ourselves. That’s because, as it turns out, our favorite Marvel…

Find out which of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types (MBTI types) is represented in anime characters.
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Here’s the Anime Character with Your Myers-Briggs (MBTI®) Personality Type

Have you ever wondered which Myers-Briggs® type each anime character has? You’re not alone! I’ve been asked this question many times and over the last few years as I’ve discovered the beauty and drama of anime, I’ve even wondered myself! As a result of my own personal interest, I decided I’d write up an article…

Find out the Myers-Briggs personality types of the characters from Netflix's 'The Perfect Couple'
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of Netflix’s ‘The Perfect Couple’ Characters

I recently binge-watched Netflix’s new series, The Perfect Couple. And since I’m an MBTI® practitioner, I can’t watch anything without trying to profile the characters. I have to say, this show was TRICKY! It was really hard to narrow down some of the personality types. After all, not every series is an in-depth character exploration….