Discover the favorite movie genres and movies of each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. #MBTI #Personality #INTJ
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The Favorite Movies of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

As an MBTI® practitioner, I get a lot of entertainment-style blog post requests. In fact, most of the questions I get have to do with movie or television characters, which is unfortunate because I rarely have time to watch movies or television (unless you’re really interested in Bluey characters, because that I see a lot…

Discover what to watch this weekend, based on your Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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What to Watch this Weekend, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

If you’ve ever wondered what movie or TV show would fit your personality type, look no further! We’ve got the scoop on the best entertainment for each of the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) types. Whether you’re an INTJ looking for some deep philosophy to ponder or an ENFP who loves to laugh, there’s something out there…

Discover the 2022 movie that you're most likely to love with this in-depth post. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ
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The 2022 Movie You’ll Love, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

I don’t know about you, but I love exploring diverse genres of film and finding movies that each personality type will enjoy.  Over the last month, I’ve been scouring all the information I could find on the movie releases of 2022 and trying to find a perfect movie pick for each of the Myers-Briggs® personality…

Discover the classic movie character with your Myers-Briggs personality type
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Here’s the Classic Movie Character You’d Be Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered which iconic movie character is the most like you? Classic movies can be an entertaining way to see different personality types in their element. So next time you’ve got an unplanned evening, some good snacks, and Netflix (or Amazon), try to check out these unforgettable characters! Have any alternate suggestions? Let me…