What is Personality Typing? An Intro for Beginners

Have you ever wanted to know yourself better? What about your spouse, or your children? Do you find yourself confused by the way people communicate with you, or find it hard to relate to certain people? Knowing about personality type can take you leaps and bounds in your understanding of yourself and others. I’ve spent…

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Debunking the Arguments Against Myers-Briggs

When I discovered the Myers and Briggs’ theory of personality typing, I was filled with so much excitement over what it meant to me and my friends and family. I couldn’t wait to study those around me and figure out their ‘types’, and understand and interact with them better. However, because I’m still a skeptic…

MBTI Cognitive Functions
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Personality Testing – Fact or Farce? Part Two – Understanding the Cognitive Functions

With personality quizzes and BuzzFeed questionnaires becoming so popular on Facebook, it’s easy for people to lump the Myers’ and Briggs theory into the same category, another stupid personality test with no basis in reality. What Harry Potter character am I? What breed of dog are you? The list goes on and on. A lot of the…

MBTI Farce
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Is the MBTI® Accurate?

Is the MBTI accurate? As someone who has dedicated the last 10 years of my life to working with this psychometric instrument, this question comes up a lot. People want to know how much weight to give their type results. “Is this as accurate as a Buzzfeed questionnaire?” “Is there any scientific evidence for the…