What Happens When An ISTP Experiences Stress? This Infographic Explains It!
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What Happens When An ISTP Experiences Stress? This Infographic Explains It!

Do you ever feel confused about how you react to stress? Do you ever “flip a switch” when you’re under extreme stress and start acting completely unusual? I wanted to give everyone a visual to explain stress and personality type, so I’ve been working on these infographics as a way to make the whole process…

ISTJ Fears
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10 Things That Terrify ISTJs – According to 300 ISTJs

Do you ever wonder if other people fear the same things that you do? Perhaps you’re one of those lucky people who doesn’t fear anything and wonders why other people fear things. For a long time I’ve wondered if fears are tied in any way to personality type. I decided to research fear months ago, and…

Type Bullying and the NT Girl – Tips for Parents of Female INTJs, INTPS, ENTJs & ENTPs
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Type Bullying and the NT Girl – Tips for Parents of Female INTJs, INTPS, ENTJs & ENTPs

Did you know that certain personality types experience bullying more frequently than others? Discrimination based on someone’s type is often insidious and confusing. We may not even be aware that we are bullying someone based on their type till we know more about type and how it plays out; particularly in childhood. One group of…

INFJ Child
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The Struggles of Being an INFJ Child

Today’s subject is going to be a little tricky because I’m talking about my own personality type. As an INFJ, I always find it difficult to write about my own type because I feel that it can sound arrogant or self-aggrandizing. I can applaud other types without feeling like I’m patting myself on the back,…