The Hamilton Lyric That Feels Like It Was Written Just for Your Personality Type
I’ve been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack a lot lately (if the past ten years counts as “lately”). With all the chaos in the country right now everything in the musical feels especially resonant. That got me thinking, if each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types were a Hamilton lyric, which one would they be? Most people aren’t thinking of this. But the typology nerd in me can’t help but see personality connections everywhere in the world around me. Even in Broadway musical lyrics.
With that in mind, which Hamilton lyric really expresses the spirit of the 16 personality types? Even if you’ve never seen (or heard) the musical, you might enjoy this look at the ultimate drive of your personality type!
Still figuring out your personality type? Take our personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.
The Hamilton Lyric That Feels Like It Was Written Just for Your Personality Type
ENTJ – “I’m past patiently waiting, I’m passionately smashing every expectation. Every action’s an act of creation.”
Here’s that quintessential ENTJ energy: impatience meets ambition, meets get out of my way before I bulldoze you. This line embodies your relentless drive, your refusal to settle, and your ability to turn every moment into a power move. While others are still making pros and cons lists, you’ve already built an empire. You probably learned to walk by skipping the crawling phase entirely. “Smashing every expectation” is your life’s work, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
I personally think Alexander Hamilton was an ENTJ, so if you’re an ENTJ you should definitely take some time to research this founding father. You might find yourself with some new inspirations and ideas!
ENTP – “Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me.”
The scene where Hamilton debates a farmer is one any ENTP will relate to. The defiance. The sheer, unrelenting need to argue. ENTPs live for a good debate, and nothing frustrates you more than someone who backs down mid-fight or tries to distract with logical fallacies. If someone’s going to challenge you, at least commit.
INTJ – “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
The long game. The vision. The knowledge that what you’re doing now matters beyond your own lifetime. If anyone is out here scheming 20 steps ahead, it’s the INTJ. Legacy is everything.
I also believe “I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory” will be relatable to INTJs. Every INTJ I know (including myself) thinks so far forward that we’ve imagined our deaths dozens of times a month (or more). This forward focus keeps us zoned in on the big picture, the ultimate meaning of life, and our biggest goals and meaningful projects.
INTP – “With every word, I drop knowledge.”
And now let’s move on to the INTPs. The philosophers, the walking Wikipedia pages, the people who somehow know the entire history of the Byzantine Empire and the scientific principles behind quantum entanglement but still forget to eat lunch. Who needs food when your brain is already nourished with amazing data?
This lyric is basically your mission statement. Your brain is a never-ending data mine, constantly absorbing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. You don’t just consume knowledge—you refine it, dissect it, and reassemble it into something even more interesting. And when you do decide to drop some of that knowledge? It’s going to be insightful, witty, and probably a little bit sarcastic.
ENFJ – “I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight. And when our children tell our story, they’ll tell the story of tonight.”
ENFJs are all about bringing people together, working as a community, and building a legacy that lives on, creating meaning for future generations. You’re not just here to exist—you’re here to inspire, to uplift, to make sure everyone has a place at the table.
This lyric is filled with ENFJ spirit: the big picture thinking, the sacrifice for the greater good, the undying belief in a better future. You’re the person who’s always rallying people together, making sure no one feels left out, and delivering a stirring, heartfelt speech that leaves everyone motivated and ready to change the world.
You’re the human embodiment of the “we’re all in this together” mindset. And while you may not always get credit for your efforts, you don’t do it for recognition—you do it because you believe in something bigger than yourself.
INFJ – “And we’ll never be truly free until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me. You and I, do or die.”
And now we move on to the INFJ “Mystics.” The idealists with a backbone, the soft-spoken strategists, the people who look like they’re daydreaming but are actually crafting a ten-year plan to dismantle the corrupt systems of the world.
This lyric? INFJ energy to its core. You don’t just want change—you want justice. You feel deeply about the state of the world, but it’s not just some vague, feel-good empathy. No, your brain is a swirling vortex of interconnected ideas, constantly analyzing the long-term consequences of every action. You don’t just want personal freedom—you want systemic freedom. For everyone.
And let’s be real: you’d absolutely be the one standing at the edge of the revolution, hood up, eyes burning with quiet determination, ready to burn everything down and build something better in its place. Not for personal glory, but because it’s the right thing to do.
(But also, you will definitely overthink whether you could’ve worded your rallying speech better after the fact.)
ENFP – “There’s a million things I haven’t done. Just you wait.”
If ENFPs had a personal motto, it would be this. Right now, there are at least seven open tabs in your brain, each representing a wildly exciting idea that you swear you’ll get to eventually. Maybe it’s a novel, maybe it’s a business idea, maybe it’s learning how to play the sitar. The point is, there’s a million things you haven’t done, and honestly, the thrill of possibility is half the fun.
You live for potential. For what could be. You don’t just walk through life—you run, dance, and occasionally trip over your own enthusiasm (or the random objects scattered over your living room floor). People might underestimate you, but that’s their mistake. Because while you may seem like a whirlwind of chaotic energy, when you do commit to something, you bring it to life with more passion and inspiration than anyone thought possible.
(That said, please drink some water and remember where you left your keys.)
INFP – “Love doesn’t discriminate / Between the sinners and the saints / It takes and it takes and it takes / And we keep loving anyway.”
As an INFP you feel everything, often more than you’d like, and you know that life isn’t about easy answers or black-and-white morality. You see people—not just their actions, but their intentions, their pain, their hidden depths. And even when the world disappoints you (which it does, often), you keep loving anyway.
You’re the person who builds dreams out of movie soundtracks, writes deeply personal journal entries no one will ever read, and has at least one playlist titled something like “melancholy but hopeful.” You care so much, and while that can be exhausting, it’s also your greatest strength. Because when you love something—a person, a cause, a dream—you love it with everything you’ve got.
ESTJ – “I’d rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties.”
And now, let’s take a look at the leader of competence and efficiency. If there’s one thing you cannot stand, it’s wishy-washy nonsense. You have things to do, people to manage, and zero time for sugarcoating. If a decision needs to be made, you’ll make it. If a system is broken, you’ll fix it. If someone isn’t pulling their weight, you’ll let them know, directly, with bullet points if necessary.
Does this make you intimidating? Sure. But you know that getting things done sometimes means being firm, direct, and straightforward. At the end of the day, you’re not here to make people like you—you’re here to make things work.
(And if you have to steamroll a little incompetence along the way, well… that’s just collateral damage.)
ISTJ – “I wanna talk about what I have learned / The hard-won wisdom I have earned.”
ISTJs aren’t chatterboxes. When they speak, it’s because they’ve got something to say. They gather data, verify it, and build an arsenal of practical knowledge over time. You’ve been through things. You’ve figured stuff out. And if you’re going to talk about something, it’s going to be because you actually know what you’re saying through experience.
This lyric is all about the ISTJ’s commitment to truth, wisdom, and hard-earned experience. After all, George Washington, the speaker of this lyric, was an ISTJ.
You don’t trust assumptions. You verify. You don’t make hasty conclusions. You wait for the full picture. And you enjoy sharing the wisdom you’ve gleaned through life, to make future generations wiser and stronger.
ESTP – “Ask anybody why we livin’ fast and we laugh, reach for a flask / We have to make this moment last, that’s plenty.”
ESTPs don’t just exist—they charge headfirst into life like it’s a high-speed chase. While everyone else is debating the pros and cons, you’ve already jumped in, tested the waters, and are currently flipping off the diving board.
You’re quick, bold, and absolutely allergic to boredom. Rules? Suggestions at best. Consequences? Future You’s problem. Right now, you’re here to experience everything, and you’ll be damned if anyone slows you down.
People might say you’re reckless. You prefer the term “decisively spontaneous”. Sure, your life is a bit chaotic, but that’s part of the thrill. Why hesitate when you could just do the thing?
I also think you’d relate to the lyric, “We will fight up close, seize the moment and stay in it/It’s either that or meet the business end of a bayonet.” If anyone has a skill for staying in the moment, making swift, tactical decisions, it’s you.
ISTP – “I’m not throwing away my shot.”
ISTPs are cool under pressure, masters of analysis, and the people you want around in a crisis. You don’t waste time on unnecessary emotions or overthinking—you assess, adapt, and execute. Efficiently. Quietly. With the competence of someone who actually knows what they’re doing.
You’re not loud. You’re not flashy. But when an opportunity presents itself? You’re ready. Unlike the people who sit around talking about taking action, you actually do it. Whether it’s fixing something, learning a new skill, or pulling off a plan with zero hesitation, you take your shot exactly when the moment is right.
You don’t brag about it. You don’t need to. Your results speak for themselves.
(And if someone underestimates you? That’s cute. Let them. You’ll prove them wrong when it actually matters.)
ESFJ – “And when my time is up, have I done enough?”
If there’s one thing that keeps an ESFJ awake at night, it’s this question. You’re wired to care, to give, to make a difference in the lives of the people around you. You don’t just want to be remembered—you want to be remembered for the good you did, for the way you showed up, for how you made people’s lives better, warmer, safer.
You may not be founding orphanages or preserving the legacy of a founding father (or maybe you are—who knows), but you are constantly working to make sure the people you love are cared for. You collect stories. You carry traditions. You do the work that holds families, friendships, and entire communities together.
And when your time is up? You want to be able to look back and know that you mattered, that your presence made a lasting impact, and that the people you loved felt it every single day.
ESFP – “For once in your life, take a stand with pride! I don’t understand how you stand to the side!”
ESFPs are fiery and passionate in defense of the people and causes that matter to them. Even though they are “Feeling” types, they can be formidable and bold in a crisis; speaking their mind from the heart. You are larger than life, unapologetically bold, and absolutely not about to fade into the background. You don’t understand people who hesitate. You don’t understand people who don’t care passionately about anything. You don’t understand why people don’t just seize the moment and make things happen.
You were built for big moments, big feelings, and unforgettable experiences. Sitting back? Watching from the sidelines? Absolutely not. If something exciting is going down, you’re right in the middle of it, pulling people in, making memories, and fighting for what matters to you.
ISFJ – “I swear that I’ll be around for you. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll make a million mistakes. I’ll make the world safe and sound for you.”
If love languages were lyrics, this one would be peak ISFJ. You don’t just care about people—you protect them. You’re the friend who remembers birthdays, the rock that people turn to when life gets overwhelming, the one quietly listening and empathizing while asking for literally nothing in return.
This lyric is all about devotion, sacrifice, and an almost stubborn level of loyalty. You don’t need grand gestures. You don’t need the spotlight. You just need the people you love to be safe, happy, and okay. And if that means quietly taking on extra burdens or making a million tiny sacrifices they never even notice? So be it.
(Just remember: it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes, too.)
ISFP – “Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away.”
ISFPs are the quiet rebels, the artistic souls, the people who value their freedom more than oxygen. This lyric is you to your core. You will not be boxed in. You will not be told who to be. You will not follow someone else’s plan for your life.
You don’t care about being in-charge or winning the most prestige. You care about authenticity. You care about living life on your own terms, about expressing yourself in a way that feels right, about being fully, unapologetically YOU—no matter what society says.
You’re not necessarily loud about it. You’re not here to start fights. But you will defend your independence with quiet, unshakable certainty. If the world tries to take that from you? Good luck to them.
What Do You Think?
Do you resonate with your Hamilton quote? Do you have another quote that inspires you? Share it in the comments! We’d love to know what it is!
Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube!
“You don’t just want change—you want justice. You feel deeply about the state of the world, but it’s not just some vague, feel-good empathy…you want systemic freedom. For everyone.”
This right here is the just of it! Especially now with all that is going on politically. I am not so worried about myself. But when I see humans hurting, because individuals are causing unnecessary heartache and disparity, I want to reach out and touch them! And not in a good way.🤬 It is simple, do what is right!
Yes! 100%, absolutely me!
Not only is my infp quote accurate, ive been listening to this soundtrack constantly. Its the only way i feel patriotic at all. You read my personality and my Playlist. Thank you.