The INFJ Enneagram Type 4

Are you an INFJ and an Enneagram Four? If so, chances are you feel like your Myers-Briggsยฎ personality type only describes a shallow part of you. You crave something deeper, a description that really gets to the core of who you are as an individual. No two INFJs are the same, and this is especially true when the INFJs have different enneagram types. An INFJ enneagram Nine will show up very different than an INFJ enneagram Four! You are more individualistic than the typical INFJ โ€“ deeply aware of your feelings about things, highly in tune with creative experimentation and discovery.

Before we get into a lot of detail about the INFJ Four, itโ€™s important to note their core fears and desires.

Get an in-depth look at what it's like to be an INFJ as well as a Four in the Enneagram system. #INFJ #Personality #Enneagram #MBTI

The core desire of the Four is to find themselves and their significance. You want to create a unique identity out of your inner experiences.

The core fear of the Four is to have no identity or personal significance.

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTIยฎ here.

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Get an in-depth look at what it's like to be an INFJ as well as a Four in the Enneagram system. #INFJ #Enneagram #Personality

The Life of the INFJ Enneatype Four

Your childhood was marked by a feeling of being different or unusual. You often felt like a misfit and like your family or friends didnโ€™t completely see you for who you really were. You may have wondered if you were adopted because you felt so unlike everyone else. On top of being a Four, you are also an INFJ. As a rare personality type in the Myers-Briggsยฎ system, you often struggled to find like-minded individuals who understood your perceptions. Your theoretical ideas and mystical senses of just knowing how things would happen seemed odd to people. Your existential questions seemed out of place among your peers. You might have felt like your insights werenโ€™t appreciated or your ideas were ridiculed rather than taken seriously. Unfortunately, this is a common experience for young INFJs.

Because your identity wasnโ€™t mirrored in any of your family members, you felt an incessant, restless need to find yourself. You chased after music, books, and artwork that would reveal little glimmers of your true soul. You often withdrew from the world around you to explore the nuanced facets of human emotion and experience.

You were drawn towards misfits, oddballs, and mystics or seers. You knew you were a square peg, but you didnโ€™t want to fit into a round hole. You fought conformity and strove for further knowledge and insight into your true purpose. At the same time, you deeply hoped that you would find someone who would truly understand you โ€“ quirks and all.

Your Enneagram Triad

As a Four, you are in the Shame/Heart triad of the Enneagram (along with Twos and Threes). However, while Twos try to hide their shame and Threes try to erase it, you actually look it square in the face. You are drawn to the dark side (not in the Star Wars sense, donโ€™t worry).

As a Four, you want to face your darkness and your shame. You find it nearly impossible to ignore those feelings or distract yourself from them. After all, they might have something to teach you! You are aware that everyone has a dark and a light side, and you donโ€™t see the point in beating around the bush and avoiding it. A life only focused on the light is a shallow one to you.

Because you are more in touch with your shame than other types, you can create a safe space for other people to talk about their weaknesses, failures, and struggles. You are slow to judge othersโ€™ frailties because you know how it feels to be frail. You are slow to judge others’ vulnerabilities because you know how it feels to be vulnerable.

The downside to this awareness of shame is that sometimes you can feel it too deeply. Sometimes you truly feel that you are worse than other people, more deficient or more flawed. You use these intense feelings of shame to inspire some of your creative works. Itโ€™s not uncommon for Four artists to create profound, melancholy works of art. In fact, you may purposefully stir up intense feelings so that you can be more creative. Emotional intensity isnโ€™t something you shy away from.

Your Imagination

As an INFJ, you are constantly looking forward. You want to envision what will happen and conceptualize new and wondrous things. With the Four type accentuating that, you can enjoy many hours creating lush, imaginary worlds in your mind. You have a strong need to find your own, individual vision, and direction in life. Youโ€™re not afraid to defy the norm in order to achieve something original. Once you have your vision and direction, almost nothing can stop you from achieving it except yourself. But before you go after that vision you feel that you truly need to know who you are. Self-knowledge is the source of all your endeavors. In order to do anything well, you need to know the mechanics of who you are and how you tick. Without that, you feel that your projects are all doomed to failure.

Unhealthy Fours Can Be: Self-destructive, depressed, self-loathing, self-sabotaging, wasteful, apathetic, fatigued, selfish, listless, and/or lost in fantasies.

Average Fours Can Be: Imaginative, self-conscious, melancholy, envious, introspective, aesthetically-motivated, self-absorbed, sensitive, empathic, visionary.

Healthy Fours Can Be: Creative, eloquent, insightful, imaginative, authentic, honest, forgiving, revealing, empathic, accepting, and grateful. They donโ€™t feel a need to be different โ€“ they know that there is only one of them and that they are good enough as they are.

A Few Tips for Thriving as an INFJ Four:

  • Remember that the ordinary moments of life can be just as beautiful as the intense ones. Practice finding beauty in the normal. If you get constantly focused on stirring up intensity, you can wind up burned out and depressed. Take a walk in nature and jot down all the insights and beautiful things that flood your mind. As you wash the dishes think about how happiness can produce creativity and how each human being since the dawn of time has had to do mundane things. Think of how to make the mundane meaningful.
  • Realize the connections you have with others. Sometimes itโ€™s easier to see all the ways you are different from others or all the ways you feel โ€œless than.โ€ You are not less than. You are a beautiful soul with amazing insights and creativity to offer the world. Start to notice the things that connect you to others. Notice the things you have in common. Look for shared values and goals. You may never find someone who totally understands you (people are too intricate and complex to be fully understood). But you might find someone who cares about you and wants to know the true you better.
  • Remember that your identity is not based on how you feel. Emotions are temporary. Think of yourself as a strong, immovable fortress. The feelings and emotions you have are the clouds and mist โ€“ not the walls and stones that make up the fortress. You might be caught in a storm right now โ€“ but you are can survive this. You are not the lightning and the thunder. You can withstand them.
  • Take care of yourself. Itโ€™s easy for you to succumb to unhealthy habits when youโ€™re stressed or lonely. Try to eat properly, get enough sleep, exercise, and even seek counseling if needed. The healthier you are physically, the more inspired youโ€™ll be.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Did you enjoy this article? Do you have any suggestions or insights to share? Let us know in the comments! Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, ย The INFJ โ€“ Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP โ€“ Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

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Get an in-depth look at what it's like to be an INFJ as well as a Four in the Enneagram system. #INFJ #Personality #Enneagram

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  1. I love reading your articles, they are always so insightful. I wanted to ask you if you could write one about the Enneagramm type five in combination with the INFJ. It would make me really happy. ^-^

    1. I absolutely will do this! It might take me a while to get it done, because I’ll be working through all of the enneagram types, but I will get there ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for reaching out! I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the articles ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I love your articles so much… The titles and content always come to me at perfect timing. Thank you so much Susan!

      2. I would also love to read an article by you about INFJs who are also type 5. I am a 5 with a 4 wing, so this post resonated with me, but Iโ€™d love to know more. Thanks for such an insightful read!!

  2. I love this! Many Enneagram 4 explanations can be discouraging but this is helpful and encouraging! Thank you for posting this! <3

  3. oh my god! i love this
    I have been self-aware for many years and I have read many articles and books, but this article was very different for me. I understood myself very well in this article.
    thank u.

  4. I am an INFJ 100 percent ( i received this type by professional testing. I did not receive a professional enneagram and my results are most often 4w5 but sometimes I get a two or sometimes I get 4w3. i honestly donโ€™t know what my real enneagram type is

  5. Try being an INFJ Enneogram 4 who has high-functioning autism. It adds an entire new layer of feeling different
    and out of sync with the world!

    1. Me too! Iโ€™m an INFJ 4w5 with autism. Iโ€™ve actually read that the INFJ type is pretty common with autistic people. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Insightful!! I’m INFJ type 4. My 3 and 5 wings were equal on my test results.
    This is the most encouraging piece concerning type 4s I’ve ever read.

  7. This was gorgeously dissected, written with love and elegance and truth that scorched me. I have never felt known, forever marked by a sense of less than, searched for the dazzling in books and truths beyond, but never seen or believed in. I spend much of my childhood hiding myself, blotted in anxiety, and veiling myself to fit in. It’s a miracle that I’m hear now, tear-soaked and touched, reading this article that so astonishingly mirrors my encounter with the human heart. Thank you for giving your exquisite insight to this world. I feel so graced.

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