The Most to Least Spontaneous Myers-Briggs®Personality Types, Ranked
Hello there, you wildcards and planners alike! Today we’ll be journeying through the labyrinth of 16 personality types to figure out who’s prone to throw the itinerary out of the window and who’s likely to have a color-coded schedule. So, whether you’re an impulsive ENFP or a meticulous ISTJ, join us as we rank the most to least spontaneous personality types in the Myers-Briggs system. Let the games begin!
Not sure what your personality type is? Take our fun, visual personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) here.
The Most to Least Spontaneous Myers-Briggs® Personality Types, Ranked
#1 – The ESFP
For the champion of spontaneity, we’ve selected the ESFP. These action-oriented types are always on the lookout for the next adventure, the next thrill, the next opportunity to dive headfirst into the sea of life. They live in the moment, fully immersed in the present, and with their heart guiding them towards fulfillment. It’s like they have an inbuilt GPS that points to ‘fun’ and ‘opportunity’, and they are always ready to follow the call.
Their actions are guided by a compass made up of their inner feelings and values, which, like a piece of iron to a magnet, are drawn towards the energy of the world around them. They can be inspired by anything and everything happening in their environment. From the contagious laughter of a friend, the vibrant colors of a sunset, to the pulsing rhythm of a street musician – these experiences ignite their inner spark and fuel their rollercoaster ride of life. So, if you ever need someone to embark on a spontaneous adventure with, look no further than your friendly neighborhood ESFP. They’ve probably already started without you!
Find out more about ESFPs: What It Means to be an ESFP Personality Type
#2 – The ESTP
Next up on our spontaneity scale, we’ve got the ESTPs. Known as the “Daredevils” of the MBTI®, these types are masters of thinking on their feet, always ready to make a quick choice and jump into the fray.
ESTPs are the ones you’ll find scaling mountains on a whim or deciding to learn a new language because, well, why not? They thrive on the adrenaline rush that comes with unpredictability and are not afraid to take risks. Their world is a playground, and they’re the kids who never want recess to end.
Highly attuned to their surroundings, ESTPs are adept at picking up on opportunities and changes in their environment. They are driven by their extroverted sensing function, which means they are all about experiencing the world in real-time, through the five senses. They’ll immediately notice if there’s a tree that needs climbing, a crisis that needs averting, or a new flavor of ice cream that needs sampling.
However, their spontaneity doesn’t come without a keen sense of practicality. They won’t just jump into anything. They’ll make sure it’s worth their time, effort, and most importantly, fun. So, if you’re looking for a partner in spontaneity, the ESTP is your go-to. They’re not just up for an adventure, they usually are the adventure.
Discover more about ESTPs: The Top 7 Gift Ideas for ESTPs
#3 – The ENFP
Taking a respectable third place on our spontaneity scale is the ENFP. Referred to as the “Visionaries” of the MBTI®, these individuals are ever-curious and endlessly enthusiastic about chasing new horizons. Driven by their dominant Extraverted Intuition, they’re constantly on the lookout for new possibilities or exciting conceptual connections. They see the world as a giant puzzle, and they’re eager to see where each piece fits, even if it means rearranging the whole picture.
But why are they in third place and not the top, you ask? Well, despite their adventurous spirit and natural curiosity, ENFPs can occasionally become stuck in a rut thanks to their inferior function, Introverted Sensing. This function can sometimes cause them to fall back on what is familiar and comfortable, especially in times of stress. It can make them a bit more cautious and less likely to dive into the unknown compared to their sensor counterparts.
Furthermore, while their Extraverted Intuition is excellent at spotting and exploring uncharted paths, it doesn’t quite have the same ‘in the moment’ spontaneity as Extraverted Sensing, which our champion ESFPs and runner-up ESTPs possess. The ENFP’s mental focus tends to dart between future possibilities and deviations from the norm, rather than immersing fully in immediate sensory experiences.
But don’t get us wrong, ENFPs are still a powerful force of spontaneity. They’re the ones suggesting a midnight road trip to see the stars, or spontaneously deciding to adopt a new hobby because it offers a fresh perspective or challenge. They might not be the first ones out the door, but they are always ready to explore new adventures, ideas, and paths, with a zest for life that is truly infectious!
Find out more about ENFPs: What It Means To Be an ENFP Personality Type
#4 – The ENTP
Striding confidently into the fourth position, we present the ENTPs, the “Trailblazers” of the MBTI® world. With their minds buzzing like neon signs advertising “new ideas this way,” these folks are the masters of brainstorming and what-ifs. Just as a painter sees a blank canvas as a realm of limitless potential, ENTPs view the world as a playground of intellectual exploration. They are drawn to the new, the unexplored, the unconventional – like moths to a bonfire of novelty.
Their dominant function, Extraverted Intuition, is constantly darting from one idea to another, connecting disparate dots, and reveling in the thrill of potential possibilities. They thrive in the world of the abstract and theoretical, where they can play mental chess with ideas, scenarios, and concepts. They might not be as quick to leap into action as ESFPs or ESTPs, but they are every bit as spontaneous in their thinking.
However, similar to their ENFP cousins, their spontaneity is somewhat tempered by their inferior function, Introverted Sensing. This can sometimes make them a bit more grounded in their past; a bit more cautious based on what’s worked before. Their inferior function can keep them from leaping off the rails too soon by reminding them of important facts and experiences that they could learn from.
But, when an ENTP’s curiosity is piqued, there’s no stopping them. They’re the ones who’ll question why things are the way they are and then brainstorm twenty different ways to change them. They’ll decide to write a novel, build a start-up, or invent a new language on a whim, and they’ll likely convince you to join in their scheme with their infectious enthusiasm and sharp wit. So, while they might not be the first ones to suggest bungee jumping off a cliff, they’ll definitely be the ones developing a new, more thrilling method of bungee jumping. For ENTPs, their spontaneity is as much about mental exploration as it is about physical action.
Find out more about ENTPs: 12 Amazing Fictional ENTP Characters
#5 – The ISFP
Casually sauntering into the spontaneity scene, we have the ISFPs. Known as the “Virtuosos” or “Artists” of the MBTI® world, these types are the embodiment of “living in the moment.” With their dominant function, Introverted Feeling, they are guided by their values, following wherever their heart leads them. You may not find them brainstorming hypothetical ideas like the ENTPs or rearranging the world like the ENFPs, but you can bet they’ll be the first to take up a paintbrush or a guitar string to express something deeply meaningful to them.
ISFPs believe in the art of spontaneous living, but not without a dash of their personal style. They might not be the ones suggesting a daring midnight run across the city, but they might invite you for an impromptu picnic under the stars or a sudden detour to that quaint, little-known art exhibition downtown. They are spontaneous, but also deeply sensitive and introspective, preferring quieter and more personal adventures that resonate with their inner values. Their spontaneity is more like a soft melody that flows seamlessly rather than a loud drumbeat.
Their Auxiliary Extraverted Sensing certainly adds a bit of ‘in the moment’ zest to their behavior, enabling them to readily absorb and appreciate the beauty in their immediate surroundings. They can quickly pick up on opportunities for fun and exploration in their environment; whether that means dancing in the rain or taking a last-minute road trip to a nearby town. Their spontaneity is an extension of their identity as they strive to live a life that is guided by their heart; not by a rulebook.
Discover more about ISFPs: The Childhood Struggles of ISFPs
#6 – The ISTP
Easing into the spotlight with an air of cool indifference, we give you the ISTPs, otherwise known as the “Vigilantes” in the realm of MBTI®. These types are the embodiment of spontaneity with a side of practicality. They aren’t as “leap before you look” as ESTPs are; but they still enjoy a life unbound by restrictions, rules, and timelines.
ISTPs have a unique brand of spontaneity that’s driven by their dominant function, Introverted Thinking. This function makes them logical problem solvers, but don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re all work and no play. Oh no, their version of fun may involve dissecting a motor engine or venturing into the wilderness with some survival gear just to see how it goes and what they can learn.
Their auxiliary function, Extraverted Sensing, adds an extra dash of spontaneity to their actions. It draws them into the present moment, tuning them into their immediate surroundings. They’re the ones who’ll spot that off-the-beaten-path trail during a hike and decide to explore it, or notice a new sushi place around the corner and immediately decide to taste test. They’re practical explorers, always ready to dive into new experiences, provided they can poke it, prod it, and maybe take it apart afterwards.
But remember the cautious side of ISTPs. Their introverted nature and their tertiary function, Introverted Intuition, can sometimes make them suspicious of anything that doesn’t pass their gut-check. They’re not going to be the first to jump off the cliff into the roaring waves below, but give them a parachute, a few minutes to think, and maybe the promise of a cold beer afterwards, and they’ll be geared up and ready to take the plunge.
Want to know more about ISTPs? 24 Signs That You’re an ISTP, the Vigilante Personality Type
#7 – The ENFJ
Swaggering onto our MBTI® stage with a charisma that would put any A-list celebrity to shame, we present the ENFJs or the “Mentors”. These types enter a room and instantly tune into the emotional radio frequencies buzzing around. They know who’s had a bad day, who’s hiding a secret joy, and who’s nursing an existential crisis, all before anyone’s uttered a word. They’re like emotional CSI agents, equipped with their dominant function, Extraverted Feeling, that enables them to navigate the choppy waters of group dynamics like seasoned sailors.
But don’t mistake that “J” at the end of their type code for rigidity. Underneath that fairly organized exterior, ENFJs have a spontaneous, adventurous side. They can spot opportunities for fun with the precision of a hawk thanks to their tertiary Extraverted Sensing. They might be comforting a friend one minute, and the next, they’re realizing that the perfect way to cheer them up would be to drive out to a mountaintop and watch the sun rise while eating donuts!
Add to that mix their auxiliary Introverted Intuition and you’ve got an individual who can sniff out a road towards enlightenment faster than you can say “personal growth”. They’re the ones who’ll turn a casual conversation about breakfast cereals into a profound dialogue on the importance of face-to-face connection during the digital age. Their Introverted Intuition can help them sniff out opportunities that would bring people closer together, evoke stimulating conversations, and provide more depth.
ENFJs are the ultimate example of why you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. They might have the Judging preference, but they’re exceptionally nimble when it comes to shifting plans. They balance their desire for order with an adventurous spirit, making them more like agile lions ready to pounce on the next exciting opportunity, rather than the rigid, schedule-loving robots that ‘Judging’ types are often whittled down to.
#8 – The ENTJ
Driven by their dominant function, Extraverted Thinking, ENTJs are all about efficiency, logic, and getting things done. They can be found plotting world domination over their morning coffee, or at least, planning the next high-stakes business venture. Their idea of spontaneity? Trying out a new strategy that would optimize productivity by 4.56%. For an ENTJ, a fun Saturday night might involve a rousing debate on economic theory or devising a new leadership matrix.
Yet despite their ‘Judging’ preference, ENTJs are far from being the stick-in-the-mud types. With their tertiary Extraverted Sensing, they can be surprisingly spontaneous, keen on seizing the moment when the opportunity arises. They might not be the first to start an impromptu dance-off at the office party, but they could certainly be the one to turn it into a competitive league with a well-structured points system!
For ENTJs, life can change at the drop of the hat and they know that. They are masters of pivoting, making quick decisions and adapting to new situations. So while they’re not the most spontaneous types, they pride themselves on being open to new experiences and always ready to take on a challenge. After all, it’s just another opportunity for personal growth and advancement in their minds.
#9 – The INFP
Entering our MBTI® arena with a dreamy, far-off look in their eyes, we present the INFPs, also known as the “Dreamers”. These types are the authors of their own story, a story that involves exploring the wistful lanes of possibility and following their heart’s deepest convictions. The INFPs are driven by their dominant function, Introverted Feeling, constantly seeking to understand themselves and the world around them through their own unique lens.
Their auxiliary function, Extraverted Intuition, serves as their personal compass guiding them through the myriad maze of ideas and concepts. It invites them to open the doors of their minds to new concepts and experiences, taking them down roads less traveled, and often leading them to captivatingly innovative territories. Their extraverted intuition is akin to a playground for their minds where they can swing from one idea to the next, slide into a new perspective, and climb the ladder of thought to heights unimaginable to some.
Yet, every rose has its thorns and INFPs are no exception. Some INFPs may find themselves trapped in a Fi-Si loop, where they become excessively engrossed in their feelings and past experiences. In these instances, their introverted sensing function can have them replaying past events, scrutinizing their feelings associated with those experiences, and potentially trapping them in an exhausting emotional rut. They may become overwhelmed by the external world, feeling like a ship lost at sea during a tempest.
However, the key to escape this loop lies in their Extraverted Intuition. By stepping out of their comfort zones, exploring new areas of interest, and indulging in spontaneous adventures, they can reignite their creativity and imagination. This sparks life into their dreams and allows them a sense of freedom and joy. By not just living in their dreams, but actively exploring the world of possibilities, INFPs can harness their true potential, creating a world that’s as vivid, rich, and inspiring as they envision it to be.
Find out more about INFPs: 25 Quotes That INFPs Will Instantly Identify With
#10 – The INTP
Gracefully tripping onto our MBTI® stage (because theory is easier than practice, you know?), we introduce the INTPs, the “Prodigies”. While they might seem a bit overly-analytical, they can also have an adventurous side as well. When their auxiliary function, Extraverted Intuition, gets the invite to come out and play, an unexpected twist in the plot happens. Suddenly, they appear less like the methodical, calculator-crunching nerds they are often labelled as, and more like adventurous explorers, ready to hop into the wormholes of the universe. These INTPs are all about trying out new things, adapting to uncharted situations, and exploring innovative paths that might just have the potential to uncover groundbreaking insights and unlock limitless possibilities.
But, let’s hit the pause button for a moment. Some INTPs get caught in an endless loop of their Introverted Thinking and Introverted Sensing functions, turning them into creatures of comfort and routine that could give your average housecat a run for its money. When stuck in this Ti-Si loop, INTPs tend to become less spontaneous and more like grumpy old men — albeit grumpy old men with a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics, a knack for coding, and a secret obsession with Sudoku. But remain hopeful, dear reader, for healthy INTPs are typically quite receptive to spontaneity, sprinkled with a heavy dose of their signature analytical logic. They’re the ones who’ll say, “Sure, let’s go skydiving! But first, let me calculate the wind speed and trajectory of our fall.”
Want to know more about INTPs? 10 Things That Excite the INTP Personality Type
#11 – The ESFJ
Now, taking a confident stride onto our MBTI® stage, we introduce the ESFJs, the “Defenders”. Known for their warmth, friendliness, and unwavering loyalty, ESFJs are the glue that keeps the social fabric intact. They are the steadfast friends who remember your birthday without a Facebook reminder, the ones who will lend a listening ear when you need to vent, and the ones who are there to cheer you on at every milestone.
In their desire for harmony and order, ESFJs tend to appreciate stability and predictability in their day-to-day lives – they like knowing what’s going to happen. It’s comforting, it’s safe. But while they may love a good routine, don’t be fooled into thinking that these individuals are unable to see the joy in surprise. ESFJs are social butterflies, thriving in the company of others, and they are often game for a bit of spontaneous fun. They are the ones who will call you for a midnight ice cream run or propose an early morning jog, just for the heck of it.
However, ESFJ’s spontaneity has a unique flavor – it often involves creating meaningful connections with people and having heart-to-heart conversations. You won’t see them backpacking across the globe on a whim, but you can bet they’ll be up for a surprise birthday party for a friend or a last-minute weekend road trip with their closest pals.
Their adventures, as spontaneous as they may seem, always have an underlying layer of security. They have a safe haven to return to, a routine to fall back on. So, while ESFJs might occasionally flutter around in the realm of spontaneity, their feet are still firmly planted on the ground of predictability. It’s like they’ve mastered the art of having their cake and eating it too, or in this case, enjoying spontaneous adventures whilst having a structured life to return to.
#12 – The ESTJ
With a purposeful march onto our MBTI® stage, we introduce the ESTJs, the “Captains”. These individuals are the living embodiment of order, stability, and logistical management. Armed with their dominant Extraverted Thinking function, they are the commanders of their lives, orchestrating every minor detail, ensuring everything runs like a well-oiled machine.
But plot twist! Deep within all the scheduling, planning, and order is a spark of spontaneity, courtesy of their tertiary function, Extraverted Intuition. Like a well-hidden secret door in a library, it opens up a world of possibilities and novel experiences. When ESTJs tap into this, they’re not just executors of plans but explorers of the new and untried. They might swap their business suit for a wetsuit to try out surfing or trade their spreadsheets for a cookbook to try their hand at an exotic new recipe. They might even venture off the beaten path to explore the unexplored.
However, these side quests are just that – exciting diversions from their primary mission. In the end, ESTJs are creatures of habit who find solace in their tried-and-true lifestyle. After all their adventures, they’ll happily return to their plan, schedule, and to-do list. Their escapades provide them with stories to share and experiences to cherish, but their love for structure and routine is what truly defines them. ESTJs prove that one can have an adventurous spirit and still enjoy the comfort of their meticulously planned life. Thus, they not only have their cake and eat it too, they probably baked it according to a tried and tested recipe, and enjoyed it at the precisely scheduled time.
#13 – The INFJ
With a thoughtful and introspective stride onto our MBTI® stage, we introduce the INFJs, the “Mystics”. These individuals have a knack for “charting the course”, foreseeing how things will unfold, and mapping out a plan. Their dominant Introverted Intuition function is a powerful force, spotting ripple effects and potential that others may not see.
But wait! Before you file them away under ‘predictable’, let’s reveal their hidden adventurous streak. Yes, you heard right. INFJs, once they’ve envisaged the path ahead and aligned it with their heartfelt convictions, are fairly open to a good adventure. They’re akin to explorers who have meticulously studied the map, assessed the potential pitfalls, and are now ready to set sail into the unknown with a sense of excitement, preparedness, and a dash of caution.
However, springing surprises on them might not be the best idea. They aren’t fans of being shoved into a new, unexpected situation without warning. This isn’t because they lack an adventurous spirit, but rather because they need time to reflect, to divine how things will go, and to check whether the new situation sings in harmony with their internal orchestra.
So, while INFJs might not match the spontaneity of an ESTP, they do have their own brand of adventure–one that’s carefully considered, deeply personal, and profoundly meaningful. They might not impulsively jump off a cliff into the sea, but give them time to assess the height, the water depth, and the safety measures, and they might just surprise you. So here’s to INFJs, who remind us that there can be a dash of adventure in contemplation, and that it’s perfectly okay to look before you leap!
Find out more about INFJs: How INFJs Process Emotions
#14 – The INTJ
With an analytical gaze and a cool, calm demeanor, we welcome the INTJs, the “Strategists” to our MBTI® stage. Known for their intellect, strategic thinking, and thirst for knowledge, these individuals, powered by their dominant Introverted Intuition function, are the masterminds behind meticulously crafted strategies and elaborate plans.
But hang on, don’t let the word ‘strategist’ fool you into thinking that they are all work and no play. INTJs, in their unique way, know how to roll up their sleeves and engage in a bit of fun. However, their fun often comes cloaked in a layer of logic, a veil of strategic thinking. They are like chess players in a world of dodgem cars; they enjoy the thrill, but they also love to foresee the moves, calculate the risks, and plan their course of action.
While they may not be the first to jump into something spontaneously, they do have a robust appreciation for challenges and adventures. But, as classic INTJs, they prefer to plan these escapades intricately, visualizing the outcomes, identifying potential hurdles, and strategizing their moves well in advance.
Don’t be mistaken, they can be just as adventurous as their counterparts; it’s just that their adventures often come with a roadmap, a contingency plan, and a fair share of calculated risks. They may not impulsively join you on a random skydiving session, but give them time to investigate the logistics, the safety measures, and the physics behind the parachute, they might just be game.
Discover more about INTJs: 12 Stress-Busting Techniques for INTJs
#15 – The ISFJ
Treading softly onto our MBTI® stage, we welcome the ISFJs, the “Protectors”. Known for their quiet warmth, empathy, and meticulous nature, ISFJs are the thread that weaves together the intricate tapestry of routine and predictability. They are the ones who find comfort in the familiar, who revel in consistency, and who, when life feels like a tumultuous sea, anchor themselves to the shores of routine.
Spontaneity to ISFJs is akin to an uninvited guest who shows up at their door, and they, being the gracious hosts, can feel somewhat cornered. They may welcome the visitor, but inside, they’re rewriting their meticulously planned day, and that can be a source of stress. ISFJs, with their dominant Introverted Sensing function, value order and predictability. They prefer knowing what’s coming so they can prepare and perform at their best. An unexpected change of plans can feel like a wrench tossed into the gears of a well-oiled machine, causing it to creak and groan under the pressure.
However, let’s not paint a picture of ISFJs as complete spontaneity-phobes. They can appreciate a dash of fun and surprise, as long as it doesn’t push them too far beyond their comfort zone. Picture a surprise birthday cake at the end of a well-planned dinner party, or a spontaneous weekend movie night, announced a day in advance. These are the kinds of surprises ISFJs can get behind – ones that have a touch of premeditation, a splash of familiarity, but still allow room for a little unexpected joy.
So, while it’s true that ISFJs prefer their world to be predictable and orderly, they’re not averse to the occasional detour, as long as they have some time to reroute. It’s a delicate dance between structure and spontaneity, and ISFJs have mastered the steps, keeping their lives in harmonious balance. Rather than having their cake and eating it too, they prefer knowing the recipe, baking it carefully, and then enjoying a surprise frosting on top.
Find out more about ISFJs: A Look at the ISFJ Leader
#16 – The ISTJ
Next, we have the ISTJs, the “Detectives”. If a well-structured, meticulously planned day had a human form, it would be an ISTJ. These individuals are the embodiment of stability, with their love for routines and predictability. They are the ones who relish the comfort of knowing what’s around the corner and can handle life’s curveballs much better when they see them coming from a mile away.
Truth be told, spontaneity to ISTJs can feel like an unexpected gust of wind, upsetting their carefully arranged stack of plans. They may not be the biggest fans of surprises, which can often be a source of stress and lead to feelings of being overwhelmed.
But don’t be fooled into thinking ISTJs are complete stick-in-the-muds. They do appreciate fun and leisure – they just prefer it to come in a neatly wrapped package, announced and planned ahead of time. They might not be the first to join a spontaneous street dance, but give them time to learn the steps, rehearse, and mentally prepare, you might… Sorry, just no. They might watch the street dance and throw out a few moves on the sidelines, but they’ll probably be wondering if they’re going to miss their scheduled brunch.
But hey, they might dance with you in the living room to their favorite Frank Sinatra song and sweep you off your feet with their unexpected charm. They just need to be in their comfort zone to let out their spontaneous side. For ISTJs, spontaneity within the safety of their routine and their home base is much more welcome than spontaneity hurled at them in an unfamiliar setting.
What Are Your Thoughts?
What about you? Do you see yourself in these descriptions, or do you feel we missed the mark? Whether you agree or disagree, we want to hear from you! Drop a comment below, and let’s get the conversation started.
Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
Yes, as an INTP I might welcome a break from the routine, but only if it doesn’t mean wasting time and effort I’ve invested up to that point. If I’ve spent a month planning and preparing a 5-course meal for a houseful of guests, don’t suddenly suggest on the evening of the big event, “Let’s just order pizza!” Alternately, I might be up for a surprise vacation but don’t expect me to skip town for 2 weeks with just a carry-on bag. However even the unexpected (the kind that comes from life in general, not lack of consideration) can be worthwhile in the long run, as when everything is expected and predictable one has no adventures, and with no adventures there are no stories to tell.
Ms. Storm, as always you have such great food for thought when it comes to personality type. It took a minute to see the obvious pattern of Ne/Se being the arbiter of whose considered more spontaneous. I was thrown by INP types being placed lower that ENJ types? Are we to infer that Se is more spontaneous than Ne?
I’m Intj and i can see where I’m going to be, so I’m start from bottom 😂
Well i know I’m not at 16th so I’m guessing 13-14 based my thoughts process.
it’s kinda bored eventually if you could see the outcome all the times , sometimes i just want to be like a dumb people and anxious to know what happen next.
I actually kinda enjoyed if my prediction is missed ,then i can enjoy a new perspective that i didn’t considered before and learned from it.
Do you know how hard it is to enjoy movie when you already expected what the plot is?
Nialed it!
ISTP profile written here is so so much accurate. The new sushi kiosk example is so accurate 😂
An ISTJ, I admit I absolutely hate surprise plans. It was a huge problem between myself and my now ex-husband.