The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of Netflix’s ‘The Perfect Couple’ Characters

I recently binge-watched Netflix’s new series, The Perfect Couple. And since I’m an MBTI® practitioner, I can’t watch anything without trying to profile the characters. I have to say, this show was TRICKY! It was really hard to narrow down some of the personality types. After all, not every series is an in-depth character exploration. This is a plot-driven series, and so many of the characters have limited information. But the big players in the show? I’ll try to profile them as best as I can. If you’ve also recently watched this show I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions so be sure to drop me a comment! Let’s get started!

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Find out the Myers-Briggs personality types of the characters from Netflix's 'The Perfect Couple'

The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of ‘The Perfect Couple’ Characters

Greer Winbury – ENTJ

Greer Winbury from the Perfect Couple is an ENTJ

When I first started watching The Perfect Couple, I was sure Greer was an ESFJ. She was detail-oriented, charming, and knew how to “put on” an amazing social facade. But as the series continued, her personality drastically changed. It became clear that she had a rehearsed persona that she put on to make the impression she needed, but it was far from her reality. In fact, she ultimately despised this persona. She’s obsessed and burdened with the idea of control. She feels she must manage everything related to her family’s image, and she senses that everyone around her is too incompetent to manage on their own (and she’s probably right there, to some degree). “The more we try to control the narrative, the less control we actually have,” Greer muses, but we all know she tries as much as possible to keep that control anyway. Greer’s fierce ambition and determination to maintain her family’s perfect image make her both admirable and intimidating. However, this relentless need for control comes at a cost, as seen when she reveals her darker side: “Even the best of liars get very tired. All gets too overwhelming, and they… snap.” For Greer, life is a chessboard, and everyone is a potential piece in her game. In the end, her strategic edge, calculated focus, and directive, in-control personality led me to believe she’s an ENTJ.

Find out more about ENTJs: 10 Signs of an Unhealthy ENTJ

Amelia Sacks – ISFP or INFP

Amelia Sacks from The Perfect Couple is an ISFP or an INFP

Amelia’s character leans toward the ISFP or INFP spectrum. Sensitive and authentic, Amelia struggles with her place in the Winbury family. She is acutely aware of her emotional distance from Benji and the tension this creates. She has an idealized concept of what love should be; she shouldn’t be able to stop yearning for her significant other, no matter how many minutes it’s been since they’ve been parted. More than making an impression on others, Amelia wants to live according to her own set of values. This ultimately puts her into choppy waters with the Winbury family, where everything is so controlled and everyone seems to have a fairly shallow sense of self-awareness. The weight of expectations begins to clash with her deep need for authenticity, especially as she grapples with secrets and her own desires.

The most difficult thing for me to decide with Amelia was whether she was an INFP or an ISFP. She’s clearly an Introverted Feeling type, but it’s not as evident whether she uses Extraverted Sensing (an awareness of the moment, physical details, realism) or Extraverted Intuition (abstract focus, imagination, possibilities). I would need to see more of her before I could pin down either one of these types, but it’s certainly one of these two.

Abby Winbury – ESFJ

Abby Winbury from The Perfect Couple is an ESFJ

Abby Winbury follows the rules and does everything she can to fit in and blend. “The key to this family is to just stay on the periphery, where it’s safe,” Abby advises, quickly picking up on social expectations and cues. She’s someone with an eye for details; she notices things that others don’t and has a heightened awareness of the Winbury’s family patterns. She can make herself seem warm and comforting or cold and matter-of-fact, adjusting to whatever social mask will best suit her aims. ESFJs have a talent for knowing how to present themselves in the right light, how to make an impression (or not, if that’s better conducive to their goals). Some might say because Abby is ultimately self-serving she can’t be an ESFJ, because after all, ESFJs are “nice.” And this is where I remind everyone that there are no “mean” or “nice” personality types, there are only mean or nice people who use their personality types to fit their particular goals. Abby’s goal is financial security, stability, and luxury. As an ESFJ she’s keenly aware of social expectations and norms, and can immediately adopt these to get her way. She also has a heightened awareness of details. She takes pristine care of her skin, wants luxury hair treatments, and observes everything in her surroundings with a laser-focus. Her attention seems to be drawn to the concrete and physical more than the abstract, securing her as an S type over an N type.

Tag Winbury – ESTP

Tag Winbury from The Perfect Couple is an ESTP

Tag’s ESTP personality is on full display as the charismatic and laissez-faire patriarch of the Winbury family. That said, he is an unhealthy ESTP who is ultimately self-serving, lazy, and uses people without much concern for their well-being. But boy does he know how to put on an act! He’s charming, appealing, and manipulative. His ability to gauge what people want and use that to get what he wants is uncanny. This is something that ESTPs can be highly proficient at, thanks to their awareness of physical cues (Se), ability to spot leverage points (Ti), and attunement to others’ feelings (Fe).

Find out more about ESTPs: 10 Signs of an Unhealthy ESTP

Merritt Monaco – ESFP

Merritt Monaco is an ESFP

Merritt is bold, outgoing, and living life in the moment. She naturally goes with the flow, adjusting to whatever is happening in the moment, bringing warmth, charisma, and a bit of flirtation to every encounter. ESFPs are natural performers, and Merritt uses her charm to captivate those around her, including Tag. But there’s more to her than meets the eye. Beneath her spontaneous, charismatic exterior is someone with firmer inner values. Amelia knows this, as she often has to correct people’s perceptions of her. Merritt’s true values are more internal and hidden, but they guide her choices. However, her impulsive nature and tendency to act without considering the consequences lead her into dangerous territory.

Discover more about ESFPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESFP, the Champion Personality Type

Benji Winbury – INFP

Benji Winbury from The Perfect Couple is an INFP

Benji embodies the thoughtful and introspective INFP. INFPs are known for their deep inner worlds and their search for meaning, often grappling with their emotions as they navigate complex relationships. Benji’s love for Amelia is genuine, but his uncertainty and struggles with his own family’s secrets weigh on him. Like many INFPs, Benji is often caught between his ideals and the messy reality of his life, unable to fully reconcile the two.

Find out more about INFPs: The Unhealthy INFP

Thomas Winbury – ESTP

Thomas Winbury from The Perfect Couple is an ESTP

I really hate that both of the most obnoxious characters in this show are ESTPs, because I genuinely love ESTPs, but here we are. Thomas’s ESTP personality drives much of the drama in the show. ESTPs are thrill-seekers, always looking for the next opportunity, often without regard for consequences. Thomas thrives on stirring the pot and getting what he wants, as seen in his casual admission, “Yes, I take pills from everyone. Is that a crime?” His opportunistic nature and lack of moral boundaries make him a perfect representation of an unhealthy ESTP, constantly pushing limits with little concern for who gets hurt.

Dan Carter – ISTJ

Dan Carter from The Perfect Couple is an ISTJ

Dan Carter, the chief of police investigating Merritt’s death, fits the ISTJ profile. At first I considered ISFJ for Dan, because he was so focused on pleasing the Winbury’s and even flattering them. But as the show progressed, I realized that was not his true personality. Dan is focused, methodical, pragmatic, and tough-minded. But he also knows what works and he knows that the Winbury’s money helps ti support the police force he’s a part of. This means he will go out of his way to be congenial with them, to a point. But eventually his lines are crossed, and he reveals that he’s far more blunt, logical, and no-nonsense than he first appeared.

Discover more about ISTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ISTJ “Detective” Personality Type

Nikki Henry – ISTP or ISTJ

Nikki Henry from The Perfect Couple is an ISTP or ISTJ

Nikki was difficult for me to type. I wished there were more of her in the show, but based on the little we’re given I’m going to lean towards ISTP or ISTJ. She’s practical, logical, and has little patience for sucking up and sweet-talking the Winbury’s. Instead, she focuses on facts and logic, even if it means she rubs some people the wrong way. She has strong observational skills and a skeptical nature. While this gives her a few enemies, it ultimately helps her and Dan Carter to find the truth.

What Do You Think?

Do you agree with these choices or do you have a different perspective? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Tap into even more discoveries of your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

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