The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Mandalorian Characters

The Mandalorian is one of the most popular recent additions to the Star Wars canon. If you’ve seen this show, you might have wondered what personality types the characters are. Perhaps you’ve wondered if it’s even possible to type people in a show where one main character is an adorable puppet and the other is someone whose face we rarely see.

Star Wars is one of my passions, and I have a whole website devoted to typing these characters at I’ve typed a wide variety of characters across the TV shows, films, and books and I’m slowly adding detailed articles for each one. If you’re curious about Star Wars characters that don’t appear in The Mandalorian, head over there and see if I’ve typed them yet. If not, send me a request and I’ll add them to my work-in-progress list.

Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types of the Mandalorian characters! #MBTI #Personality #Mandalorian

Spoilers: If you haven’t yet seen all the episodes of The Mandalorian, please note that this article contains spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2.

Disclaimer: These typings are based on my 10+ years’ experience studying Myers-Briggs® Personality Types, but they’re not fool-proof. Fictional personality typing always involves guesswork and is open to interpretation. What I offer here aren’t the only ways that people could type these characters—just my thoughts on a best-fit personality type for them.

The Mandalorian – INTJ

“I’m not leaving my fate up to chance.”

Like many young INxJs, who adapt to their families like chameleons, Din Djarin seems a bit like an ISTJ because he’s committed to the Mandalorian creed and a bit like an ISTP because he’s a talented bounty hunter. However, his primary way of making sense of the world is based on understanding perspectives (one nickname for Introverted Intuition, an INTJ’s favorite function). He even changes how he sees his own creed after meeting other Mandalorians who do things differently.

Like other INTJs, Djarin makes decisions based on what’s effective and logical. He’s initially blunt in his communications and we often see him needing to take a step back and change how he talks with people based on their reactions to him. He supports this Thinking side with his tertiary Introverted Feeling, which prompts him to live according to an authentic, personal commitment to what’s right. With his background and beliefs, “what’s right” typically involves doing what’s best for other people including giving up Grogu because that’s what’s best for the child.

I initially typed Djarin as an ISTP, but talked myself out of that while writing an article about him for my Star Wars Personalities blog. You can read the full-length post explaining why I type him as an INTJ by clicking here.

Read This Next: What It Means to be an INTJ Personality Type

Grogu – Unsure

Typing children is a challenge even when they’re human and you can understand their language. While I’d love to type Grogu here, I just don’t think we can come up with a reasonable typing given the information we have. We only get his perspective through Ahsoka and Luke, and we’re not sure how his age corresponds to that of a human child (I suspect he’s similar to a 5-year-old, though the characters often call him a “baby”). I talk more about why I choose not to try and type Grogu in my Monsters & Critics interview (which you can click here to read).

Cara Dune – ISTP

“You know how I feel about the Empire. But these stripes mean there are rules I need to follow.”

Dangerous and independent, Cara Dune describes herself as someone who doesn’t join causes or groups. Though a rebel shock trooper and survivor of Alderaan, she didn’t stay with the New Republic and is in hiding from it at the beginning of the series. While she does agree to become a New Republic marshal later, that seems to be because the title makes it easier to do her job on Nevarro rather than because she believes in the cause or needs to belong to a group. She’s also willing to bend the rules to help Djarin get his kid back. She’s practical and has little sympathy or softness to her, but she’s willing to fight for people who need protection or train them to fight for themselves.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional ISTPs

Greef Karga – ESTP

“They should leave the Outer Rim alone. If the Empire couldn’t settle it, what makes them think they can?”

An independent personality with a talent for leadership and moral code that changes whenever he needs it to, Greef Karga likes a bit of chaos and plays the bounty hunters working for him against each other (such as when he gives all the hunters he’s in contact with info to hunt Grogu). Outwardly interested in fairness, he insists on clients paying guild rates and on tracking down hunters who break the guild code, but he’s also willing to bend the rules or threaten people to get what he wants. Karga is a much more laid-back, live in the moment sort of person than someone like Din Djarin. For example, Karga’s advice for dealing with moral qualms about bringing in a child for money is to relax, spend your bounty money, take some spice, or go to a spa.

Read This Next: 10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends

Kuiil – ISTJ

“I will help you. I have spoken.”

Kuiil is a strong personality with a ton of knowledge and a commitment to using his skills to help others. He is proud of paying off his family’s debt through hard work. Now, he uses the freedom he earned to help others while fiercely maintaining his independence. He makes sure to honor his commitments, even when that means dying while trying to protect Grogu.

Read This Next: 12 Amazing Fictional ISTJ Characters

Moff Gideon – ENTJ

“A friendly piece of advice, assume that I know everything.”

Moff Gideon is crystal clear about who he is and what he wants. He’s so confident in his abilities to control a situation that he has no qualms about warning his opponents, “I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand.” Cool and calculating, he can walk right up to a Mandalorian during a firefight or order his own men’s deaths if it means advancing toward his goal. He’s a big-picture thinker, far less concerned with the Empire’s legacy than he is with his own plans (that’s one hint that he’s an NTJ rather than an STJ type).

Read This Next: 10 Things You’ll Relate to if You’re an ENTJ

Doctor Pershing – INTP

“I recommend that we suspend all experimentation. I fear that the volunteer will meet the same regrettable fate is we proceed with the transfusion. Unfortunately, we have exhausted our initial supply of blood. The child is small, and I was only able to harvest a limited amount without killing him.”

A scientist who specializes in clone engineering, Dr. Pershing is far more interested in his research than in working for one side or the other in a war. Though he doesn’t want to fail a client like Moff Gideon, Dr. Pershing insists on pausing harmful experiments and on keeping Grogu alive. Pershing is a researcher, not a soldier or an imperialist. Getting things right and continuing his research is more important to him than other people’s agendas. He cares so little about Moff Gideon’s goals that he even corrects the inaccurate data Din Djarin and his team have about the security they’ll have to get past to rescue Grogu.

Read This Next: 12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INTP

The Armorer – ESTJ

“This is the Way.”

Practical, skilled, and absolutely devoted to her beliefs, The Armorer is a pillar of traditionalism who repeats key phrases of her creed like mantras. To her, there are no viable alternatives to living according to the strictest definitions of her culture’s rules and she’s very matter-of-fact about the consequences which may result. I was tempted to type her as an ISTJ but based on how the other members of the Mandalorian covert respond to her I assume she takes an active leadership role in the community and that she’s comfortable managing outer-world matters.

Migs Mayfeld – ESFP

“If you were born on Mandalore, you believe one thing, if you’re born on Alderaan, you believe something else. But guess what? Neither one of them exist anymore. Hey, I’m just a realist. I’m a survivor, just like you.”

The most visible part of Mig’s personality is that he jokes and needles people, pointing out inconsistencies in their beliefs and their stated views on the universe. He describes himself as a realist and survivor just doing what needs to be done in a world where people’s morals often shift relative to their current circumstances. As for many real-life ESFPs, though, Migs’s banter masks a keen insight into others and a commitment to doing what personally feels right when it really matters.

Boba Fett – ISTP

“I don’t want your armor. I want my armor.”

Boba Fett doesn’t spend much time on-screen in The Mandalorian, but we can also type him based on appearances in film and animation. In the original Star Wars trilogy, he acts as an interesting foil for Han Solo (also an ISTP). Now in The Mandalorian, we see him as a more mature anti-hero type who’s scrupulously honorable and puts his considerable skills to work keeping up his end of the bargain to keep Grogu safe in return for Djarin returning his father’s armor.

Fennec Shand – ISTP

“Take some advice, kid. You wanna be a bounty hunter? Make the best deal for yourself and survive.”

Fennec Shand is cynical, highly skilled woman with a straight-forward approach to life. She accepts how things are without trying to change them and acts according to what makes sense. She gests a kick out of mocking other people for not noticing things she thinks are obvious and calling them on their attempts to obfuscate the truth. There’s not much to go on for typing her in The Mandalorian or even in the first couple episodes of The Book of Boba Fett, but I think ISTP seems like the best-fit type.

Bo-Katan Kryze – ESTJ

“Mandalorians are stronger together.”

Bo-Katan is just as devoted to her vision of what it means to be Mandalorian as The Armorer is, though their approach to that idea is different. Convinced she must win back Mandalor, Bo-Katan is concerned with her people and her legacy. She has a bit of an ends-justify-the-means approach to things and is okay with partly deceiving Din Djarin, but she sticks to her core principles strongly. She’ll sacrifice and risk herself to help other Mandalorians. She’ll lash-out at those she considers a disgrace to the Mandalorian way (like Boba Fett) and she stays consistent with those beliefs. She doesn’t give herself any room to wiggle out of the Mandalorian traditions either (such as not accepting the Dark Saber when Djarin offers it without a fight).

Ahsoka Tano – ENFP

“I like firsts. Good or bad, they’re always memorable.”

Since Ahsoka only appears in one episode, this typing is mostly based on her appearances in The Clone Wars and Rebels. Ahsoka is an independent soul who won’t let herself be intimidated or manipulated. She’s also quick to pivot and reassess situations, such as when she attacks The Mandalorian then immediately shifts her attention to Grogu once Djarin says Bo-Katan sent him. Like many other ENFPs, she also has some things she firmly believes in and won’t budge on. One of those is refusing to train Grogu since she is afraid he’ll go down the same past as her former Master, Anakin Skywalker. She does, however, point them toward finding another Jedi. Ahsoka thinks training Grogu is too big a risk, but she won’t take the option to try training him away from another Jedi who may think differently.

Luke Skywalker – INFP

“He is strong with the Force. But talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect the child, but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.”

We don’t see enough of Luke in The Mandalorian to type him, but other Star Wars films give us a good idea of his character. In addition to being a powerful Jedi, Luke is a sensitive, intuitive soul with a unique perspective on the universe that’s solidly grounded in his personal beliefs. We glimpse those beliefs and his commitment to individual responsibility in his conversation with The Mandalorian where Luke argues that Grogu needs training to become the master of his own abilities. If you’d like to read more, click here for my full article breaking down Luke’s personality type.

What Are Your Thoughts?

What did you think of these typings? Are there any you disagree with or any characters you think should be added? Share your thoughts and chat with other readers in the comments!

About the Author:

Marissa Baker #MBTI Blogger

Marissa Baker is the author of The INFJ Handbook (available in the Amazon Kindle Store). You can find her online at where she blogs about personal growth and development from a Christian perspective.

Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types of the Mandalorian characters! #MBTI #Personality #Mandalorian

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  1. ENFP here. Ahsoka being typed as an ENFP made me smile especially as I very much relate to her quote that was included.

  2. ENFJ here.

    Mixed feelings here.
    The selfish part of me is a little disappointed that ENFJ was not on the list but on the other hand, your placements make a lot of sense.
    Keep up the great work. 🙂

  3. Luke is an ISFJ, do compare him to C-3PO, the actual INFP, and you’ll see the difference in their demeanor and body language.

  4. Mando is an ISTJ. A masculine warrior who follows a code of honor.

    An INTJ would be a stoic sage/philosopher type, rather than an action-oriented type (such as Mr.Spock in the original Star Trek tv series.)

  5. I agree that the Mandalorian is ISTJ. He doesn’t initially go along with “big picture” thinking from characters like Greef Karga, until they start breaking it down into specific actions or outcomes. He asks “how” not “why”, which is very sensory step by step over intuitive connections. He also is very bound to tradition regardless of his personal ethos, which isn’t something INTJs are particularly known for but ISTJs are.

  6. The Armorer is not an ESTJ at all. She focuses on traditions but she puts a great deal of emphasis on meanings and symbols, which shows that she is highly intuitive. Also, what she’s doing is novel due to not only teaching them an ancient religion but is also teaching them what they need to know to stay out of war. She was the only leader actually building a future. I’ve known ESTJ’s and notice they are very conventional, which this woman is not at all. She does not conform with her covert so she has to lead them. An ESTJ or an ISTJ would blend in.

    As for determining whether or not she has the thought or feeling trait, you have to look at the covert because she makes wise decisions, which include both thought and feeling. The covert is very relaxed, on the same page, and aside from Paz Vizsla, has no infighting. This highlights the theme of social harmony and cooperation in a cultural way, which is a hallmark result from someone with the Extraverted Feeling dominant trait. Putting multiple ideas into one supporting the Extraverted Feeling trait makes her auxiliary trait Introverted Intuition. ENFJs have that combination.

    As for Bo-Katan, she’s an ENTJ. Her missions and the ease of getting people to follow her on them present it. She has a vision for what needs to be done and sticks to carry it out stubbornly. That makes her intuitive and judging.

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