The Powerful Imagination of INFPs and INFJs

I’ve always been thankful for my imagination. As a child I never felt the dull ache of boredom that many others did. I felt like I could always escape in my mind to imaginary worlds and futures that didn’t yet exist. I remember staring out the back window of my parent’s brown-and-white station wagon when I was 8-years-old. As always when I was blessed with a long ride in the car, I’d sink into my mind and imagine all kinds of fascinating adventures.  I had this insatiable desire to find little “wormholes” in time and space that would take me from one century or location to another. I imagined meeting my grandmother when she was a child and working on her family farm with her. I would be able to ride a horse and feed the chickens, but then at night I would go back through this wormhole or time machine and get to my own bed with my favorite teddy bear. My mind quickly drifted to another subject…”What is time anyway?” I wondered, “Who invented it? If it has always existed then who created it and where did this entity come from?”. The questions and musings looped through my mind and branched out into other questions and ponderings.

All children are blessed with an imagination. We’re all curious about “What if’s?” when we’re young. But while some children veer into a desire for the tangible and real, others seem to perpetually clasp that link to the unknown and the impossible. INFJs and INFPs seem to be two types that have an irresistible urge to imagine and explore things that many other types ignore in pursuit of more realistic experiences and pursuits.

Discover the powerful imagination of the #INFP and #INFJ #Personality types. #MBTI

I still wonder about time, where it came from, how it began and if it will end. I went through several years of my life (not healthy years, mind you) where I preferred to live in an imaginary world rather than the world right in front of me. That was probably because the world around me was too traumatic to deal with or accept so I needed an escape.

David Keirsey says of Intuitive-Feeling personality types, “Idealists talk little of what they observe – “of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings.” They talk instead of what can only be seen with the mind’s eye: love and hate, heaven and hell, comedy and tragedy, heart and soul, tales and legends, eras and epochs, beliefs, fantasies, possibilities, symbols, selves, and yes, temperament, character, and personality.”

INFJs and INFPs (as well as ENFJs and ENFPs in many cases) are drawn inward towards quiet reflection and imagination. They yearn to explore unseen territories or create new, lush worlds in their mind. They question the concrete and the tangible that so many other types take for granted. Their minds are filled with ceaseless wanderings into fairy-worlds and the fiery pits of hell, always searching for some grand meaning, purpose, or simply an escape from a sometimes mundane or bleak existence.

I’ve spoken with countless INFPs and INFJs who spend hours imagining, questioning, theorizing, and wondering about things that are often laughed off as fanciful or “unrealistic”. Especially in childhood, INFs are drawn to the fantastic realms of mythical stories and legends that loose them from the confines of the real world.

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Why Are INFJs and INFPs So Guided By Their Imaginations?

INFJs and INFPs both prefer the world of intuition to the world of sensing. This is why both types have an “N” as the second letter of their type code (INFP, INFJ). But what is intuition? The official MBTI® Manual describes intuition as the “perception of possibilities, meanings, and relationships by way of insight….Intuition permits perception beyond what is visible to the senses, including possible future events. People who prefer Intuition may develop the characteristics that can follow from that emphasis and become imaginative, theoretical, abstract, future oriented, and original or creative. Persons oriented toward Intuition may also become so intent on pursuing possibilities that they overlook actualities.”

While intuitives are certainly not better or more advanced than sensors, the world of “could be” and “may be” is more appealing to them than the world of “what is” or “what has been”. INFJs and INFPs combine their intuition with feeling, a preference which tends to give them empathy, idealism, and an understanding of people and their values. NF personality types blend imagination with a nuanced view of humanity to come up with idealistic visions and dreams for the future. Imagining, conceptualizing, “daydreaming”, all these activities give INFPs and INFJs energy and a sense of being alive and free.

“I have always had a vivid imagination. Music, literature, art all work to embellish that, but I think I could imagine an entirely complete, detailed fantasy world even if I was locked in a vacant jail cell.”
– Trisha, an INFP

“On a scale of 1-10 I think my imagination is maybe….1000”
– Emmett, an INFJ

The Different Ways INFPs and INFJs Use Intuition

INFPs are often called “Idealists” or “Dreamers”. They care deeply about causes, virtues, and values that are important to them and are compelled to stick up for the underdogs of the world. They are also naturally imaginative, exploring fictional worlds in their mind and looking for patterns and themes in the real world that help them understand humanity better. They trust their ability to see the big picture, to hypothesize, and to think creatively to find solutions, ideas, and possibilities that stretch beyond the bounds of what we know. Almost everything they imagine and aim for is deeply personal and involves improving the world we live in. INFPs use Extraverted Intuition.

INFJs are often called the “Mystics” or “Seers”. While not literally psychic, INFJs conceive symbolic or novel ways of understanding the world and the universe. They get a rush of energy from imagining the future and how things will change and transform. They are always trying to decipher what will occur and when, and they seek hidden meanings and unknown possibilities. They too are driven by empathy and a desire to make the world better for people. Their plans and ambitions often involve reaching goals that will improve life for others. INFJs use Introverted Intuition.

A Few Ways You Might Experience Intuition and Imagination as an INFP or INFJ:

  • You are Driven by Possibility and Potential. You see the world around you and imagine limitless possibilities related to the things you see and experience. A beautiful rock might make you think of castles and islands and gemstones in another world.
  • You Avoid the Conventional Approach to Life. You like to think outside-the-box and imagine new, innovative ways of doing things.
  • You are Drawn to the Abstract More than the Tangible. Concepts, theories, stories, and possibilities entice you more than real-world objects and experiences.
  • You Relax By Envisioning and Imagining. For an INFP this might mean creating an inner world that is so detailed and lush that the real world seems dull in comparison. For an INFJ it might mean imagining all the ways a scenario could play out then slowly discarding all the scenarios that don’t seem likely until you have one “most likely” possibility.

Some Ways to Enhance Intuition for INFJs and INFPs:

  • Create a fairy tale, ghost story, or fantasy story. Take away limits and external boundaries. What would happen?
  • Imagine how everyone you know things about one topic. Get yourself into their shoes. Why do they think the way they do? What is their perspective?
  • Spend some time in a quiet place each day and let your mind wander. Don’t control your thoughts. Afterwards, write down anything unusual or interesting that came to mind.
  • As someone is telling you an anecdote or story, ask yourself “Why are they telling me this story? Is there something they’re looking for but not explicitly stating?”
  • Read stories, look at art, write poetry. Reflect on what things symbolize to you.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

This article contains affiliate links. I only recommend products I truly believe in.

INFJ Understanding the Mystic

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Why INFPs and INFJs Are Drawn to Sad Things

The Childhood Struggles of INFJs

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Discover the powerful imagination of the #INFP and #INFJ #personality types. #MBTI #typology


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  1. This is so true what I read about INFPs:

    “looking for patterns and themes in the real world that help them understand humanity better… Almost everything they imagine and aim for is deeply personal and involves improving the world we live in. INFPs use Extraverted Intuition.”

    After doing lots of research, and after taking tests that typed me as INFJ and then ISFJ, I’ve discovered INFP very closely matches my true personality. What you wrote just about perfectly sums up how I was relaxing this morning on my day off. I sat thinking & typing about a what I see happening with a coworker who has a terribly troubled & more than likely traumatic past, thinking about all the possibilities & definitely the patterns surrounding her situation. Of couse I have been considering these things on & off for months now. Eventually I realized some ways she could have a healthier more balanced life. I am so passionate in my desire to understand people & situations & discover ways to help prevent or fix sadness / hurt the lives of people I know. The problem is, I do not have the desire much to brainstorm or write without it being something that is impacting people or a cause actually know or care deeply about. Something very personal to me. That is so very true. But I suppose that is the way God made me to be. And I can always pray as a way to turn what I know into something helpful for another person. Although everyone’s religion is not the same, that seems to help for me since I am a Christian. Really interesting article! Introverted intuition fascinates me that INFJs use. What a blessing to have such a gift. I can hardly wrap my mind around it though since I am an INFP… Thanks again for the article!! ?

  2. I love receiving your posts, Susan. Having just recently found out that I am an INFJ , your words have helped me to understand more about myself. Thank you.

  3. Another really good article, Susan! One more arrow in the quiver of knowledge approving me as INFJ. Yes, I dearly love to take a problem and mentally search all the knowledge about it drawing out bits and pieces until I have constructed a novel, elegant solution to it no one has thought of yet. It’s so much fun. I just love non fiction research!!!!

  4. Very interesting read. After taking 2 tests I’m either INFJ or INFP. No matter which I am, I can absolutely attest to the fact that I have a wild imagination. And that can go for anything, any topic……..if I’m being told a story & the person says “imagine the worse/craziest thing that could’ve happened” to prepare me for what’s next, my imagination will always go too far!!!

    After, I may even share with them what came to my mind & they’re typically shocked that I took it so far. But to me, that really is the worse/craziest/most bizarre event that could happen.

    To think of it I DO NOT like to embellish my own stories, I like to keep it real. So when there is something out of the ordinary happening in my life, nobody questions it or thinks that I’m bragging just for the sake of bragging.

  5. “That was probably because the world around me was too traumatic to deal with or accept so I needed an escape.”

    I can so relate to this :’)

  6. I’m an INFJ.. And sometimes I feel so exhausted due it because my mind is never at rest or at one place, my head is constantly buzzing with thoughts and ideas, which might sound good but it actually bothers me a lot, I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing completely, because the fantasies seem more intriguing to me and I involuntarily dwell into the second space of my head which is much more intriguing than this world in front of my eyes, and that’s what makes my Mom usually upset when she realizes that I’m only physically present. How do I deal with it Susan? ????

  7. Back and forth between INFP and ENFP. My imagination is my number 1 tool. I always loved playing alone as a child because my mind and I together could come up with uninterrupted fantasy that other children had trouble grasping. I believe i have a natural talent in imagining and creating images within my mind whether my eyes are opened or closed.

  8. I am an INFJ but I believe I am a spirit, soul and body. Thus being a spiritual being, I sometimes do experience “seer” moments. So yes, some INFJs do have spiritual gifts.

  9. Hello Susan!
    I am 14 years old. My enneagram type is 4. Could you please tell what kind of daydreams infjs and infps daydream of. I’m confused weather I’m an Infj or not. When I was 7/8 to till this date I also create fictional world in my head which includes romance and me being a superhero and saving the world. Can infjs with enneagram 4 also do this or only infps?, because enneagram 4 also daydream a lot.
    Please help 🥺

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